

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:59

jquery Programming Glossary: illusion

Reveal image underneath a mask css/javascript


I could have a cup image as one layer and behind it have the image of liquid and reveal the liquid slowly to give the illusion that it's being filled it up. This will work in conjunction with a preloader that I have already built . What I have tried.. do what I wanted. I know that this would work in an animation capacity to move the mask layer slowly to give it that illusion of a cup being filled up. My question How would I reveal parts of an image slowly to give it the illusion that it's slowly.. give it that illusion of a cup being filled up. My question How would I reveal parts of an image slowly to give it the illusion that it's slowly filling up a cup by using an image of a cup as a top layer and the liquid as the layer behind with a mask..

Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements


Objective C knowledge even C# if you want a Windows mobile app. Yes you can learn it yourself but don't live under the illusion you will do so in a short time. If you have never done any development choose Objective C iOS is still a better platform..

Can't submit the same form twice within one page load (via jQuery and AJAX)


The success handler basically just removes the old form and inserts the results in plaintext essentially giving the illusion that it's all interactive. Here's the PHP backend php current_dir _POST 'current_dir' get current directory command _POST..

jQuery Resizable: doubling the resize width


Resizable doubling the resize width Synopsis If you center a resizable element and expand it left right it has the illusion that it is only expanding half of the mouse movement. Reason This happens because the object is centered. Question How would..