jquery Programming Glossary: event.targettouches
Sortable list not working on ipad [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11631258/sortable-list-not-working-on-ipad function touchMove event event.preventDefault curX event.targetTouches 0 .pageX startX curY event.targetTouches 0 .pageY startY event.targetTouches.. curX event.targetTouches 0 .pageX startX curY event.targetTouches 0 .pageY startY event.targetTouches 0 .target.style.webkitTransform.. 0 .pageX startX curY event.targetTouches 0 .pageY startY event.targetTouches 0 .target.style.webkitTransform 'translate ' curX 'px ' curY..
Standalone jQuery “touch” method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2701139/standalone-jquery-touch-method console.log 'Starting swipe gesture...' originalCoord.x event.targetTouches 0 .pageX originalCoord.y event.targetTouches 0 .pageY Store.. event.targetTouches 0 .pageX originalCoord.y event.targetTouches 0 .pageY Store coordinates as finger is swiping function touchMove.. event.preventDefault finalCoord.x event.targetTouches 0 .pageX Updated X Y coordinates finalCoord.y event.targetTouches..
Sortable list not working on ipad [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11631258/sortable-list-not-working-on-ipad you'll have to prevent the default behavior of dragging. function touchMove event event.preventDefault curX event.targetTouches 0 .pageX startX curY event.targetTouches 0 .pageY startY event.targetTouches 0 .target.style.webkitTransform 'translate.. behavior of dragging. function touchMove event event.preventDefault curX event.targetTouches 0 .pageX startX curY event.targetTouches 0 .pageY startY event.targetTouches 0 .target.style.webkitTransform 'translate ' curX 'px ' curY 'px ' share improve this..
Standalone jQuery “touch” method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2701139/standalone-jquery-touch-method store the original coordinate function touchStart event console.log 'Starting swipe gesture...' originalCoord.x event.targetTouches 0 .pageX originalCoord.y event.targetTouches 0 .pageY Store coordinates as finger is swiping function touchMove event .. touchStart event console.log 'Starting swipe gesture...' originalCoord.x event.targetTouches 0 .pageX originalCoord.y event.targetTouches 0 .pageY Store coordinates as finger is swiping function touchMove event if defaults.preventDefaultEvents event.preventDefault.. as finger is swiping function touchMove event if defaults.preventDefaultEvents event.preventDefault finalCoord.x event.targetTouches 0 .pageX Updated X Y coordinates finalCoord.y event.targetTouches 0 .pageY Done Swiping Swipe should only be on X axis..