jquery Programming Glossary: eventtype
Hash URL navigation with a Flexslider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11384472/hash-url-navigation-with-a-flexslider equals the index of the slide slider.controlNav.live eventType function event event.preventDefault var this this target slider.controlNav.index..
jQuery 1.9 .live() is not a function [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14354040/jquery-1-9-live-is-not-a-function are different. .live events function should map to .on eventType selector function The selector is very important If you do not..
What is .divClicked here? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14868881/what-is-divclicked-here share improve this question It is namespace. If the eventType string contains a period . character then the event is namespaced...
Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15048223/choosing-and-activating-the-right-controls-on-an-ajax-driven-site checkout page should load. function triggerMouseEvent node eventType var clickEvent document.createEvent 'MouseEvents' clickEvent.initEvent.. document.createEvent 'MouseEvents' clickEvent.initEvent eventType true true node.dispatchEvent clickEvent share improve this..
jQuery.validate.js onkeyup = true error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15103289/jquery-validate-js-onkeyup-true-error I get the following error TypeError validator.settings eventType .call is not a function validator.settings eventType .call validator.. eventType .call is not a function validator.settings eventType .call validator this 0 event jquery.validate.js line 391 jquery..
Browser-friendly way to simulate anchor click with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1722593/browser-friendly-way-to-simulate-anchor-click-with-jquery found this document .ready function .fn.fireEvent function eventType return this.each function if document.createEvent var event.. var event document.createEvent HTMLEvents event.initEvent eventType true true return this.dispatchEvent event else var event document.createEventObject.. event document.createEventObject return this.fireEvent on eventType event 'a' .fireEvent 'click' This will fire a click event..
Looking for a full list of jQuery event types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2924173/looking-for-a-full-list-of-jquery-event-types types such as focus mouseover and resize are allowed for eventType. As of jQuery 1.7 you should use .on in place of .live and .bind..
jQuery DOMWindow script doesn't release memory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4935901/jquery-domwindow-script-doesnt-release-memory settings.functionCallAfterClose if settings.eventType if used with . return this.each function index this .bind settings.eventType.. . return this.each function index this .bind settings.eventType function run this return false else else called as .function.. '' borderColor '#ccc' borderSize '4' draggable 0 eventType null click blur change dblclick error focus load mousedown mouseout..
jquery DomWindow for all links on webpage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5329637/jquery-domwindow-for-all-links-on-webpage 400 width 700 positionType 'absolute' positionTop 50 eventType 'click' positionLeft 50 windowSource 'iframe' windowPadding..
Hash URL navigation with a Flexslider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11384472/hash-url-navigation-with-a-flexslider for the manual navigation where the index of the clicked element equals the index of the slide slider.controlNav.live eventType function event event.preventDefault var this this target slider.controlNav.index this if this.hasClass namespace 'active'..
jQuery 1.9 .live() is not a function [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14354040/jquery-1-9-live-is-not-a-function do not just replace the keyword live with on as the parameters are different. .live events function should map to .on eventType selector function The selector is very important If you do not need to use this for any reason set it to null . Migration..
What is .divClicked here? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14868881/what-is-divclicked-here have no answer for that. is it event type or namespace jquery share improve this question It is namespace. If the eventType string contains a period . character then the event is namespaced. The period character separates the event from its namespace...
Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15048223/choosing-and-activating-the-right-controls-on-an-ajax-driven-site jNode triggerMouseEvent jNode 0 click All done. The checkout page should load. function triggerMouseEvent node eventType var clickEvent document.createEvent 'MouseEvents' clickEvent.initEvent eventType true true node.dispatchEvent clickEvent..
jQuery.validate.js onkeyup = true error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15103289/jquery-validate-js-onkeyup-true-error .validate onkeyup true onclick false rules omitted for brevity I get the following error TypeError validator.settings eventType .call is not a function validator.settings eventType .call validator this 0 event jquery.validate.js line 391 jquery jquery.. brevity I get the following error TypeError validator.settings eventType .call is not a function validator.settings eventType .call validator this 0 event jquery.validate.js line 391 jquery jquery validate share improve this question You actually..
Browser-friendly way to simulate anchor click with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1722593/browser-friendly-way-to-simulate-anchor-click-with-jquery that works on all of the browsers I'm testing. So far I've found this document .ready function .fn.fireEvent function eventType return this.each function if document.createEvent var event document.createEvent HTMLEvents event.initEvent eventType.. return this.each function if document.createEvent var event document.createEvent HTMLEvents event.initEvent eventType true true return this.dispatchEvent event else var event document.createEventObject return this.fireEvent on eventType.. true true return this.dispatchEvent event else var event document.createEventObject return this.fireEvent on eventType event 'a' .fireEvent 'click' This will fire a click event in Safari but not FireFox or the version of IE I tested. So..
Looking for a full list of jQuery event types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2924173/looking-for-a-full-list-of-jquery-event-types
jQuery DOMWindow script doesn't release memory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4935901/jquery-domwindow-script-doesnt-release-memory '#DOMWindowIE6FixIframe' .remove if settings.functionCallOnClose settings.functionCallAfterClose if settings.eventType if used with . return this.each function index this .bind settings.eventType function run this return false else else.. if settings.eventType if used with . return this.each function index this .bind settings.eventType function run this return false else else called as .function run allow for public call pass settings .closeDOMWindow.. shortcut.defaultsSettings anchoredClassName '' anchoredSelector '' borderColor '#ccc' borderSize '4' draggable 0 eventType null click blur change dblclick error focus load mousedown mouseout mouseup etc... fixedWindowY 100 functionCallOnOpen null..
jquery DomWindow for all links on webpage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5329637/jquery-domwindow-for-all-links-on-webpage this question Yes possible function 'a' .openDOMWindow height 400 width 700 positionType 'absolute' positionTop 50 eventType 'click' positionLeft 50 windowSource 'iframe' windowPadding 0 loader 1 loaderImagePath 'animationProcessing.gif' loaderHeight..