jquery Programming Glossary: event.originalevent
jQuery slider ?œchange??event: How do I determine who called it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10255041/jquery-slider-change-event-how-do-i-determine-who-called-it change event arose manually or programmatically by testing event.originalEvent in the change handler. '#slider' .slider change function event.. handler. '#slider' .slider change function event ui if event.originalEvent manual change play ui.value else programmatic change See..
Treating each div as a “page” when scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12849439/treating-each-div-as-a-page-when-scrolling if canScroll if mousewheelevt mousewheel if event.originalEvent.wheelDelta 0 prevPage else nextPage else if mousewheelevt.. else nextPage else if mousewheelevt DOMMouseScroll if event.originalEvent.detail 0 nextPage else prevPage javascript jquery events.. reasons. Need the original event to get 'touches' var e event.originalEvent scrollStartPos e.touches 0 .pageY Bind mouseWheel ' ' .bind..
event.originalEvent jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16674963/event-originalevent-jquery jQuery I am currently immersed in the jQuery learning center... instances you'll need to access the original event via event.originalEvent for instance. This is especially useful for touch events on.. of good resources for a more intensive study practice for event.originalEvent specifically in relation to touch events mobile devices jquery..
Does jQuery preserve touch events properties? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3183872/does-jquery-preserve-touch-events-properties function #someNodeId .bind touchmove function event var e event.originalEvent console.log e.targetTouches 0 .pageX share improve this answer..
Is there a [universal] way to invoke a default action after calling event.preventDefault()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7732854/is-there-a-universal-way-to-invoke-a-default-action-after-calling-event-preven do nothing let the event go your handling code goes here event.originalEvent.mySecretVariableName i handled it if document.createEvent this.dispatchEvent.. i handled it if document.createEvent this.dispatchEvent event.originalEvent else this.fireEvent event.originalEvent.eventType event.originalEvent.. this.dispatchEvent event.originalEvent else this.fireEvent event.originalEvent.eventType event.originalEvent Using this answer How to trigger..
jQuery slider ?œchange??event: How do I determine who called it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10255041/jquery-slider-change-event-how-do-i-determine-who-called-it share improve this question You can determine whether a change event arose manually or programmatically by testing event.originalEvent in the change handler. '#slider' .slider change function event ui if event.originalEvent manual change play ui.value else..
Treating each div as a “page” when scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12849439/treating-each-div-as-a-page-when-scrolling mouseWheel window .on mousewheelevt function event event.preventDefault if canScroll if mousewheelevt mousewheel if event.originalEvent.wheelDelta 0 prevPage else nextPage else if mousewheelevt DOMMouseScroll if event.originalEvent.detail 0 nextPage.. mousewheel if event.originalEvent.wheelDelta 0 prevPage else nextPage else if mousewheelevt DOMMouseScroll if event.originalEvent.detail 0 nextPage else prevPage javascript jquery events scrolling share improve this question Ok... The relevant.. events but only with a limited number of properties for perf reasons. Need the original event to get 'touches' var e event.originalEvent scrollStartPos e.touches 0 .pageY Bind mouseWheel ' ' .bind 'mousewheel' function event delta event.preventDefault trace..
event.originalEvent jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16674963/event-originalevent-jquery jQuery I am currently immersed in the jQuery learning center. Im going from start to end... I just read this paragraph.. object with some useful methods and properties but in some instances you'll need to access the original event via event.originalEvent for instance. This is especially useful for touch events on mobile devices and tablets. The last sentence 'This is especially.. center goes into originalEvent thus far. Does anyone know of good resources for a more intensive study practice for event.originalEvent specifically in relation to touch events mobile devices jquery events touch share improve this question event.originalEvent..
Does jQuery preserve touch events properties? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3183872/does-jquery-preserve-touch-events-properties
Is there a [universal] way to invoke a default action after calling event.preventDefault()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7732854/is-there-a-universal-way-to-invoke-a-default-action-after-calling-event-preven event.mySecretVariableName event.preventDefault else return do nothing let the event go your handling code goes here event.originalEvent.mySecretVariableName i handled it if document.createEvent this.dispatchEvent event.originalEvent else this.fireEvent event.originalEvent.eventType.. code goes here event.originalEvent.mySecretVariableName i handled it if document.createEvent this.dispatchEvent event.originalEvent else this.fireEvent event.originalEvent.eventType event.originalEvent Using this answer How to trigger event in javascript.. i handled it if document.createEvent this.dispatchEvent event.originalEvent else this.fireEvent event.originalEvent.eventType event.originalEvent Using this answer How to trigger event in javascript and the jQuery event reference http api.jquery.com..