jquery Programming Glossary: ev.preventdefault
execute a function only once http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11135932/execute-a-function-only-once canvas .removeClass 'selected' canvas .addClass 'selected' ev.preventDefault What I want to achieve is stop the plotting each time I click..
How to reenable event.preventDefault? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1164132/how-to-reenable-event-preventdefault false As requested 'form' .submit function ev ev.preventDefault later you decide you want to submit this .unbind 'submit' .submit..
How to make only specific text clickable on accordion header - jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1708238/how-to-make-only-specific-text-clickable-on-accordion-header-jquery false clearStyle true .find '.tools a' .click function ev ev.preventDefault ev.stopPropagation var obj this var sectionid obj.closest 'h3'.. else if obj.hasClass 'delete' delete sectionid script ev.preventDefault prevents the normal things that happen when you click an a tag..
Select box with 'Other' option to display input text field. How to get value back for form submission using jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3718760/select-box-with-other-option-to-display-input-text-field-how-to-get-value-bac .find 'option selected' if othersOption.val Other ev.preventDefault change the selected drop down text othersOption .html #other_reason..
jQuery prevent change for select http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5426387/jquery-prevent-change-for-select '#my_select' .bind 'change' function ev if my_condition ev.preventDefault return false I'm guessing this is because by this point the..
What is the opposite of evt.preventDefault(); http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5651933/what-is-the-opposite-of-evt-preventdefault this isn't closed as duplicate 'form' .submit function ev ev.preventDefault later you decide you want to submit this .unbind 'submit' .submit..
execute a function only once http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11135932/execute-a-function-only-once canvas latitude longitude canvas .hasClass 'selected' canvas .removeClass 'selected' canvas .addClass 'selected' ev.preventDefault What I want to achieve is stop the plotting each time I click the button because it's only needed once since I'm only..
How to reenable event.preventDefault? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1164132/how-to-reenable-event-preventdefault
How to make only specific text clickable on accordion header - jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1708238/how-to-make-only-specific-text-clickable-on-accordion-header-jquery .accordion alwaysOpen false active false autoheight false clearStyle true .find '.tools a' .click function ev ev.preventDefault ev.stopPropagation var obj this var sectionid obj.closest 'h3' .attr 'data sectionid' if obj.hasClass 'newactivity' toggel_new_activity.. sectionid else if obj.hasClass 'edit' edit sectionid else if obj.hasClass 'delete' delete sectionid script ev.preventDefault prevents the normal things that happen when you click an a tag from happening. ev.stopPropaggation prevents the click event..
Select box with 'Other' option to display input text field. How to get value back for form submission using jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3718760/select-box-with-other-option-to-display-input-text-field-how-to-get-value-bac .keyup function ev var othersOption '#i_n_r_reason' .find 'option selected' if othersOption.val Other ev.preventDefault change the selected drop down text othersOption .html #other_reason .val '#form_id' .submit function var othersOption..
jQuery prevent change for select http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5426387/jquery-prevent-change-for-select a certain condition applies. Doing this doesn't seem to work '#my_select' .bind 'change' function ev if my_condition ev.preventDefault return false I'm guessing this is because by this point the selected option has already changed. What are other ways of..
What is the opposite of evt.preventDefault(); http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5651933/what-is-the-opposite-of-evt-preventdefault