jquery Programming Glossary: eot
How to associate each option button with their own individual marks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11199379/how-to-associate-each-option-button-with-their-own-individual-marks it using a heredoc foreach _Questions AS question echo EOT div class queWrap id question question 'id' h2 class question.. this question is worth question 'marks' points span h3 EOT options 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' lastOption substr question 'type'.. substr question 'type' 1 1 foreach options as opt echo EOT div class ck button label class fixedLabelCheckbox input type..
write jquery function inside a php variable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20716069/write-jquery-function-inside-a-php-variable large html or js I like to use Heredoc syntax variable EOT script document .ready function your stuff script EOT Read the.. EOT script document .ready function your stuff script EOT Read the reference http www.php.net manual en language.types.string.php#language.types.string.syntax.heredoc.. UPDATE Based on the OP comment php data 'test' variable EOT script document .ready function alert ' data' script EOT html..
How to associate each option button with their own individual marks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11199379/how-to-associate-each-option-button-with-their-own-individual-marks name options_72 id option D value D Here's how you would loop it using a heredoc foreach _Questions AS question echo EOT div class queWrap id question question 'id' h2 class question text question 'content' h2 h3 Answers span class questionMarks.. text question 'content' h2 h3 Answers span class questionMarks this question is worth question 'marks' points span h3 EOT options 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' lastOption substr question 'type' 1 1 foreach options as opt echo EOT div class ck button.. points span h3 EOT options 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' lastOption substr question 'type' 1 1 foreach options as opt echo EOT div class ck button label class fixedLabelCheckbox input type checkbox name options_ questions 'id' value opt span opt..
write jquery function inside a php variable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20716069/write-jquery-function-inside-a-php-variable html json share improve this question When I have to write large html or js I like to use Heredoc syntax variable EOT script document .ready function your stuff script EOT Read the reference http www.php.net manual en language.types.string.php#language.types.string.syntax.heredoc.. to write large html or js I like to use Heredoc syntax variable EOT script document .ready function your stuff script EOT Read the reference http www.php.net manual en language.types.string.php#language.types.string.syntax.heredoc Note in the.. limitation is valid only for heredocs containing variables. UPDATE Based on the OP comment php data 'test' variable EOT script document .ready function alert ' data' script EOT html head title php echo data title php echo variable head body..