jquery Programming Glossary: enumerable
Plain Javascript bidirectional Data binding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11904039/plain-javascript-bidirectional-data-binding 384583 Object.defineProperty Object.prototype __watch enumerable false configurable true writable false value function prop handler.. Object.defineProperty this prop get getter set setter enumerable true configurable true var Controller function The property..
How to loop through array in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3943494/how-to-loop-through-array-in-jquery even more useful . Specifically for..in loops through the enumerable property names of an object not the indexes of an array . Since.. of an array . Since arrays are objects and their only enumerable properties by default are the indexes it mostly seems to sort..
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6118693/how-can-i-change-the-page-url-without-refreshing-the-page binding and custom events collections with a rich API of enumerable functions views with declarative event handling and connects..
Javascript - dumping all global variables http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8369338/javascript-dumping-all-global-variables Object.keys window This will give you an Array of all enumerable properties of the window object which are global variables ... that I mentioned that these methods will only give you enumerable properties. Typically those will be ones that are not built.. not built in by the environment. It is possible to add non enumerable properties in ES5 supported browsers. These will not be included..
Plain Javascript bidirectional Data binding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11904039/plain-javascript-bidirectional-data-binding code Got this great piece of code from https gist.github.com 384583 Object.defineProperty Object.prototype __watch enumerable false configurable true writable false value function prop handler var val this prop getter function return val setter.. return newval if delete this prop can't watch constants Object.defineProperty this prop get getter set setter enumerable true configurable true var Controller function The property is changed whenever the dom element changes value TODO add..
How to loop through array in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3943494/how-to-loop-through-array-in-jquery does not do what many people think it does it does something even more useful . Specifically for..in loops through the enumerable property names of an object not the indexes of an array . Since arrays are objects and their only enumerable properties.. the enumerable property names of an object not the indexes of an array . Since arrays are objects and their only enumerable properties by default are the indexes it mostly seems to sort of work in a bland deployment. But it's not a safe assumption..
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6118693/how-can-i-change-the-page-url-without-refreshing-the-page heavy applications by providing models with key value binding and custom events collections with a rich API of enumerable functions views with declarative event handling and connects it all to your existing application over a RESTful JSON interface...
Javascript - dumping all global variables http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8369338/javascript-dumping-all-global-variables is a bonus. javascript jquery share improve this question Object.keys window This will give you an Array of all enumerable properties of the window object which are global variables . For older browsers include the compatibility patch from MDN.. just want a typical enumerator like for in . You should note that I mentioned that these methods will only give you enumerable properties. Typically those will be ones that are not built in by the environment. It is possible to add non enumerable.. properties. Typically those will be ones that are not built in by the environment. It is possible to add non enumerable properties in ES5 supported browsers. These will not be included in Object.keys or when using a for in statement. As noted..