jquery Programming Glossary: envelope
$(xml).find('someElement') : pulling values with jquery from xml with Namespaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10181087/xml-findsomeelement-pulling-values-with-jquery-from-xml-with-namespace Does someone know the appropriate cross browser code s Envelope xmlns s http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap envelope xmlns a http www.w3.org..
is it possible to get cross domain SOAP request using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12090036/is-it-possible-to-get-cross-domain-soap-request-using-jquery www.betfair.com publicapi ' true var m_request ' soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' 'xmlns.. ' ' bfex getAllMarkets ' ' soapenv Body ' ' soapenv Envelope ' getmarket.onreadystatechange function if getmarket.readyState..
Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2042178/chrome-and-safari-xslt-using-javascript I got the xml using ie8 xml version 1.0 soap Envelope xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope xmlns xsi.. SearchListItemsResponse soap Body soap Envelope The code is being called as follows xsl Test.Xml.loadXMLDoc..
Whose fault is it? CSS or JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6179174/whose-fault-is-it-css-or-javascript .css display block var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv.. rowLimit soapEnv GetListItems soapenv Body soapenv Envelope var port window.location.port if port.length 0 port else port..
JQuery AJAX Consume SOAP Web Service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7013111/jquery-ajax-consume-soap-web-service op GetAllCategoryFamilies' var soapMessage ' soap12 Envelope xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns xsd.. xmlns http tempuri.org soap12 Body soap12 Envelope' function CallService .ajax url webServiceURL type POST dataType..
Is it possible to parse a SOAP response with a jQuery xml handler? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8329322/is-it-possible-to-parse-a-soap-response-with-a-jquery-xml-handler SOAP response xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 soap Envelope xmlns xsd http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema xmlns xsi http www.w3.org.. getPurseBalanceResponse soap Body soap Envelope My question is can I parse this with jQuery such as below..... with jQuery such as below... var xmlText xml .find soap Envelope . find soap Body . find getPurseBalanceResponse . find getPurseBalanceResult..
GetListItems Webservice ignores my query filter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/835358/getlistitems-webservice-ignores-my-query-filter javascript document .ready function var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv.. 1 RowLimit soapEnv GetListItems soapenv Body soapenv Envelope .ajax url _vti_bin lists.asmx type POST dataType xml data soapEnv..
cross domain issue with Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8847893/cross-domain-issue-with-jquery update the webservice soapmesg var soapMessage ' soap Envelope xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns xsd.. ' LicenceOrganazationID WriteOrg soap Body soap Envelope ' .ajax url addAccountServiceUrl type POST dataType xml data..
Cross Domain Access with PHP Proxy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8894822/cross-domain-access-with-php-proxy http_code 500 contents xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 soap Envelope xmlns soap http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap envelope xmlns xsi http.. Text soap Reason soap Detail soap Fault soap Body soap Envelope This is my JavaScript var proxy 'proxy.php' http crm.eyepax.net.. update the webservice soapmesg var soapMessage ' soap Envelope xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns xsd..
$(xml).find('someElement') : pulling values with jquery from xml with Namespaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10181087/xml-findsomeelement-pulling-values-with-jquery-from-xml-with-namespace code s Envelope xmlns s http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap envelope xmlns a http www.w3.org 2005 08 addressing s Header a Action.. Body element.namespaceURI http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap envelope body element break body .find 'DataA' .each function ... Do..
is it possible to get cross domain SOAP request using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12090036/is-it-possible-to-get-cross-domain-soap-request-using-jquery Envelope xmlns soapenv http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' 'xmlns bfex http www.betfair.com publicapi v5 BFExchangeService..
Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2042178/chrome-and-safari-xslt-using-javascript z #RowsetSchema xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope xmlns msxsl urn schemas microsoft com xslt exclude result prefixes.. 1.0 soap Envelope xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns xsd..
Can jQuery.getJSON put a domain's cookies in the header of the request it makes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4262636/can-jquery-getjson-put-a-domains-cookies-in-the-header-of-the-request-it-makes api service mqlread callback query JSON.stringify envelope URL parameters displayResults Callback function I'd hoped that..
Whose fault is it? CSS or JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6179174/whose-fault-is-it-css-or-javascript Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com..
JQuery AJAX Consume SOAP Web Service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7013111/jquery-ajax-consume-soap-web-service 2001 XMLSchema xmlns soap12 http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap envelope soap12 Body GetAllCategoryFamilies xmlns http tempuri.org soap12..
Is it possible to parse a SOAP response with a jQuery xml handler? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8329322/is-it-possible-to-parse-a-soap-response-with-a-jquery-xml-handler instance xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope soap Body getPurseBalanceResponse xmlns https secure.card.com..
GetListItems Webservice ignores my query filter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/835358/getlistitems-webservice-ignores-my-query-filter Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com..
cross domain issue with Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8847893/cross-domain-issue-with-jquery 2001 XMLSchema xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope soap Body WriteOrg xmlns http eyepax.crm.com Organization OrganizationID..
Cross Domain Access with PHP Proxy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8894822/cross-domain-access-with-php-proxy 8 soap Envelope xmlns soap http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap envelope xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns xsd.. 2001 XMLSchema xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope soap Body LogIn xmlns http eyepax.crm.com contact UserName '..
$(xml).find('someElement') : pulling values with jquery from xml with Namespaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10181087/xml-findsomeelement-pulling-values-with-jquery-from-xml-with-namespace The following code works in Chrome but not IE or FireFox. Does someone know the appropriate cross browser code s Envelope xmlns s http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap envelope xmlns a http www.w3.org 2005 08 addressing s Header a Action s mustUnderstand..
is it possible to get cross domain SOAP request using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12090036/is-it-possible-to-get-cross-domain-soap-request-using-jquery var getmarket new XMLHttpRequest getmarket.open 'POST' 'http www.betfair.com publicapi ' true var m_request ' soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' 'xmlns bfex http www.betfair.com publicapi v5 BFExchangeService.. ' ' toDate 2012 08 24TO00 00 00.000Z toDate ' ' bfex request ' ' bfex getAllMarkets ' ' soapenv Body ' ' soapenv Envelope ' getmarket.onreadystatechange function if getmarket.readyState 4 getmarket.status 200 document.write getmarket.responseText..
Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2042178/chrome-and-safari-xslt-using-javascript the question with the xml and how you're calling Test.Xml.xslTransform I got the xml using ie8 xml version 1.0 soap Envelope xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns xsd http www.w3.org.. ReadOnly False VerificationRequired 0 rs data listitems SearchListItemsResult SearchListItemsResponse soap Body soap Envelope The code is being called as follows xsl Test.Xml.loadXMLDoc _layouts xsl xsl.xslt var doc Test.Xml.xslTransform xData.responseXML..
Whose fault is it? CSS or JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6179174/whose-fault-is-it-css-or-javascript document .ready function function GetAllImages #slideshowPicturePlaceholder .css display block var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com sharepoint.. FieldRef Name 'Description' ViewFields viewFields rowLimit rowLimit soapEnv GetListItems soapenv Body soapenv Envelope var port window.location.port if port.length 0 port else port port var webservice window.location.protocol window.location.hostname..
JQuery AJAX Consume SOAP Web Service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7013111/jquery-ajax-consume-soap-web-service var webServiceURL 'http local_server_name baanws dataservice.asmx op GetAllCategoryFamilies' var soapMessage ' soap12 Envelope xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns xsd http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema xmlns soap12 http www.w3.org.. http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap envelope soap12 Body GetAllCategoryFamilies xmlns http tempuri.org soap12 Body soap12 Envelope' function CallService .ajax url webServiceURL type POST dataType xml data soapMessage contentType text xml charset utf..
Is it possible to parse a SOAP response with a jQuery xml handler? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8329322/is-it-possible-to-parse-a-soap-response-with-a-jquery-xml-handler a SOAP response with a jQuery xml handler I have the following SOAP response xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 soap Envelope xmlns xsd http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org.. purseId 23456 purseId CurrencyCode GBP CurrencyCode getPurseBalanceResult getPurseBalanceResponse soap Body soap Envelope My question is can I parse this with jQuery such as below... var xmlText xml .find soap Envelope . find soap Body . find.. soap Body soap Envelope My question is can I parse this with jQuery such as below... var xmlText xml .find soap Envelope . find soap Body . find getPurseBalanceResponse . find getPurseBalanceResult . find balance .text console.log xmlText..
GetListItems Webservice ignores my query filter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/835358/getlistitems-webservice-ignores-my-query-filter files jquery 1.3.2.min.js script script type text javascript document .ready function var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com sharepoint.. ViewFields FieldRef Name 'Title' ViewFields ViewFields RowLimit 1 RowLimit soapEnv GetListItems soapenv Body soapenv Envelope .ajax url _vti_bin lists.asmx type POST dataType xml data soapEnv complete processResult contentType text xml charset utf..
cross domain issue with Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8847893/cross-domain-issue-with-jquery addContact this is to be commented soon alert function called update the webservice soapmesg var soapMessage ' soap Envelope xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns xsd http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org.. Flag ' Flag ' Flag LicenceOrganazationID ' LicenceOrganazationID ' LicenceOrganazationID WriteOrg soap Body soap Envelope ' .ajax url addAccountServiceUrl type POST dataType xml data soapMessage success endAddContact error function jqXHR textStatus..
Cross Domain Access with PHP Proxy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8894822/cross-domain-access-with-php-proxy a headache. I'm geting a funny response as below. status http_code 500 contents xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 soap Envelope xmlns soap http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap envelope xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns xsd http www.w3.org.. was unable to process request. gt Root element is missing. soap Text soap Reason soap Detail soap Fault soap Body soap Envelope This is my JavaScript var proxy 'proxy.php' http crm.eyepax.net contact.asmx op LogIn variables for Add Contacts var addAccountServiceUrl.. addContact this is to be commented soon alert function called update the webservice soapmesg var soapMessage ' soap Envelope xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns xsd http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org..
$(xml).find('someElement') : pulling values with jquery from xml with Namespaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10181087/xml-findsomeelement-pulling-values-with-jquery-from-xml-with-namespace IE or FireFox. Does someone know the appropriate cross browser code s Envelope xmlns s http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap envelope xmlns a http www.w3.org 2005 08 addressing s Header a Action s mustUnderstand 1 http tempuri.org SubscriptionService Update.. element nodes i ... if element.localName Body element.baseName Body element.namespaceURI http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap envelope body element break body .find 'DataA' .each function ... Do something for some reason in each browser body definitely contains..
is it possible to get cross domain SOAP request using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12090036/is-it-possible-to-get-cross-domain-soap-request-using-jquery 'http www.betfair.com publicapi ' true var m_request ' soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' 'xmlns bfex http www.betfair.com publicapi v5 BFExchangeService ' 'xmlns v5 http www.betfair.com publicapi types exchange..
Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2042178/chrome-and-safari-xslt-using-javascript XSL Transform xmlns rs urn schemas microsoft com rowset xmlns z #RowsetSchema xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope xmlns msxsl urn schemas microsoft com xslt exclude result prefixes msxsl xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance.. Test.Xml.xslTransform I got the xml using ie8 xml version 1.0 soap Envelope xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns xsd http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema soap Body SearchListItemsResponse..
Can jQuery.getJSON put a domain's cookies in the header of the request it makes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4262636/can-jquery-getjson-put-a-domains-cookies-in-the-header-of-the-request-it-makes JSONP instead of XHR. jQuery.getJSON http api.sandbox freebase.com api service mqlread callback query JSON.stringify envelope URL parameters displayResults Callback function I'd hoped that I could set this cookie with something along the lines of..
Whose fault is it? CSS or JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6179174/whose-fault-is-it-css-or-javascript .css display block var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com sharepoint soap ' soapEnv listName NewsRotator listName soapEnv..
JQuery AJAX Consume SOAP Web Service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7013111/jquery-ajax-consume-soap-web-service www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns xsd http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema xmlns soap12 http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap envelope soap12 Body GetAllCategoryFamilies xmlns http tempuri.org soap12 Body soap12 Envelope' function CallService .ajax url webServiceURL..
Is it possible to parse a SOAP response with a jQuery xml handler? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8329322/is-it-possible-to-parse-a-soap-response-with-a-jquery-xml-handler www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope soap Body getPurseBalanceResponse xmlns https secure.card.com getPurseBalanceResult callStatus Success true Success ..
GetListItems Webservice ignores my query filter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/835358/getlistitems-webservice-ignores-my-query-filter text javascript document .ready function var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com sharepoint soap ' soapEnv listName TestQuery listName soapEnv..
cross domain issue with Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8847893/cross-domain-issue-with-jquery www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns xsd http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope soap Body WriteOrg xmlns http eyepax.crm.com Organization OrganizationID ' OrganizationID ' OrganizationID ParentID ' ParentID..
Cross Domain Access with PHP Proxy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8894822/cross-domain-access-with-php-proxy status http_code 500 contents xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 soap Envelope xmlns soap http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap envelope xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns xsd http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema soap Body soap Fault soap Code.. www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns xsd http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope soap Body LogIn xmlns http eyepax.crm.com contact UserName ' userName ' UserName Password ' password ' Password ConfigurationCode..