jquery Programming Glossary: errorfunc
jqgrid reload grid after successfull inline update / inline creation of record http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2109754/jqgrid-reload-grid-after-successfull-inline-update-inline-creation-of-record keys oneditfunc succesfunc url extraparam aftersavefunc errorfunc afterrestorefunc oneditfunc fires after successfully accessing..
jqGrid inline edit: how to save again if post returns error [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6217630/jqgrid-inline-edit-how-to-save-again-if-post-returns-error edited row are lost they cannot saved. I tried to set in errorfunc restoreAfterError false grid.restoreAfterErorr false but row.. lastSelectedRow rowID invokeEditRow function errorfunc rowID response todo why this does not allow Enter key to continue.. 'editRow' lastSelectedRow true null null null null errorfunc script div id grid1container style width 100 table id grid..
jqgrid reload grid after successfull inline update / inline creation of record http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2109754/jqgrid-reload-grid-after-successfull-inline-update-inline-creation-of-record the editRow function jQuery #grid_id .jqGrid 'editRow' rowid keys oneditfunc succesfunc url extraparam aftersavefunc errorfunc afterrestorefunc oneditfunc fires after successfully accessing the row for editing prior to allowing user access to the..
jqGrid inline edit: how to save again if post returns error [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6217630/jqgrid-inline-edit-how-to-save-again-if-post-returns-error Enter key is unbound if 404 error is returned. Changes in edited row are lost they cannot saved. I tried to set in errorfunc restoreAfterError false grid.restoreAfterErorr false but row still cannot saved again after error. How to allow to save.. rowID rowID lastSelectedRow grid2.jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastSelectedRow lastSelectedRow rowID invokeEditRow function errorfunc rowID response todo why this does not allow Enter key to continue ase after error restoreAfterError false #grid .restoreAfterErorr.. invokeEditRow return true function invokeEditRow #grid .jqGrid 'editRow' lastSelectedRow true null null null null errorfunc script div id grid1container style width 100 table id grid table div id pager div div UPDATE errrofunc calls editrow which..