jquery Programming Glossary: ellipsis
Trees in Twitter Bootstrap [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11167628/trees-in-twitter-bootstrap padding 19px a display block overflow hidden text overflow ellipsis width 90 li list style type none margin 0px 0 padding 4px 0px..
Rendered pIxel width data for each character in a browser's font http://stackoverflow.com/questions/162730/rendered-pixel-width-data-for-each-character-in-a-browsers-font like to calculate the width of text server side and add an ellipsis after the correct number of characters. The problem is that..
How to get first 2 lines or 200 characters from <p> using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1671621/how-to-get-first-2-lines-or-200-characters-from-p-using-jquery length 300 minTrail 20 moreText more lessText less ellipsisText ... var options .extend defaults options return this.each.. body.length 1 obj.html str1 ' span class truncate_ellipsis ' options.ellipsisText ' span ' ' span class truncate_more.. 1 obj.html str1 ' span class truncate_ellipsis ' options.ellipsisText ' span ' ' span class truncate_more ' str2 ' span ' obj.find..
Ellipsis at end in multiline statement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18329754/ellipsis-at-end-in-multiline-statement at end in multiline statement I tried looking here Insert ellipsis ... into HTML tag if content too wide but could not get in chrome.. solution for multiline in all browsers jquery html css ellipsis share improve this question please check this .contain float..
jQuery text truncation (read more style) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2248742/jquery-text-truncation-read-more-style color .hiddenText .readMore cursor pointer color blue .ellipsis color black 'document' .ready function truncate '#content' '.readMore'.. string var transition ' span class readMore span class ellipsis ... span span class readMoreText Read More span span ' closeTag..
Cross browsers mult-lines text overflow with ellipsis appended within a width&height fixed div? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3404508/cross-browsers-mult-lines-text-overflow-with-ellipsis-appended-within-a-widthhe browsers mult lines text overflow with ellipsis appended within a width height fixed div I made an image for..
Making jQuery UI's Autocomplete widget *actually* autocomplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3689405/making-jquery-uis-autocomplete-widget-actually-autocomplete
Tooltip triggered by text selection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4362297/tooltip-triggered-by-text-selection the selection if over the 140 characters it will add an ellipsis with a shortened url back to the page of the selection. Obviously..
Trim headline to nearest word http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4446034/trim-headline-to-nearest-word how can I trim them to the nearest word and append an ellipsis Is it possible to specify a character count h3 My very long.....
How can I measure how many characters will fit the width of the document? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/875183/how-can-i-measure-how-many-characters-will-fit-the-width-of-the-document and overflow hidden and in some browsers text overflow ellipsis to make text cut nicely. Or if you don't want words cut use..
Truncate text with jQuery based on pixel width http://stackoverflow.com/questions/895888/truncate-text-with-jquery-based-on-pixel-width overflow to tell the browser it should truncate with an ellipsis. .truncated display inline block max width 100px overflow hidden.. inline block max width 100px overflow hidden text overflow ellipsis white space nowrap text overflow is a CSS3 declaration but is.. be truncated in older versions there just won't be an ellipsis rendered. To fix that you can use this jQuery plugin which does..
Trees in Twitter Bootstrap [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11167628/trees-in-twitter-bootstrap 10px max height 300px min height 20px overflow y auto padding 19px a display block overflow hidden text overflow ellipsis width 90 li list style type none margin 0px 0 padding 4px 0px 0px 2px position relative before after content '' left 20px..
Rendered pIxel width data for each character in a browser's font http://stackoverflow.com/questions/162730/rendered-pixel-width-data-for-each-character-in-a-browsers-font I would like to calculate the width of text server side and add an ellipsis after the correct number of characters. The problem is that I don't have data about the rendered size of the text. For example..
How to get first 2 lines or 200 characters from <p> using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1671621/how-to-get-first-2-lines-or-200-characters-from-p-using-jquery language javascript .fn.truncate function options var defaults length 300 minTrail 20 moreText more lessText less ellipsisText ... var options .extend defaults options return this.each function obj this alert options.minTrail var body obj.html.. 0 splitLocation var str2 body.substring splitLocation body.length 1 obj.html str1 ' span class truncate_ellipsis ' options.ellipsisText ' span ' ' span class truncate_more ' str2 ' span ' obj.find '.truncate_more' .css display none.. var str2 body.substring splitLocation body.length 1 obj.html str1 ' span class truncate_ellipsis ' options.ellipsisText ' span ' ' span class truncate_more ' str2 ' span ' obj.find '.truncate_more' .css display none insert more link..
Ellipsis at end in multiline statement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18329754/ellipsis-at-end-in-multiline-statement at end in multiline statement I tried looking here Insert ellipsis ... into HTML tag if content too wide but could not get in chrome to work. I there solution for multiline in all browsers.. content too wide but could not get in chrome to work. I there solution for multiline in all browsers jquery html css ellipsis share improve this question please check this .contain float left width 120px max width 120px overflow hidden .contain..
jQuery text truncation (read more style) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2248742/jquery-text-truncation-read-more-style animation goes too far if revealText doesn't have a background color .hiddenText .readMore cursor pointer color blue .ellipsis color black 'document' .ready function truncate '#content' '.readMore' .live 'click' function var hidden '.hiddenText' if.. to hidden with the appropriate tags and add it to our result string var transition ' span class readMore span class ellipsis ... span span class readMoreText Read More span span ' closeTag ' span span class hiddenText ' openTag convertedText position..
Cross browsers mult-lines text overflow with ellipsis appended within a width&height fixed div? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3404508/cross-browsers-mult-lines-text-overflow-with-ellipsis-appended-within-a-widthhe browsers mult lines text overflow with ellipsis appended within a width height fixed div I made an image for this question should be easier to understand. I've tried some..
Making jQuery UI's Autocomplete widget *actually* autocomplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3689405/making-jquery-uis-autocomplete-widget-actually-autocomplete
Tooltip triggered by text selection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4362297/tooltip-triggered-by-text-selection it click share to twitter it will call the twitter api to post the selection if over the 140 characters it will add an ellipsis with a shortened url back to the page of the selection. Obviously this is going to take a bit of development but as a front..
Trim headline to nearest word http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4446034/trim-headline-to-nearest-word title h3 If I wanted to shorten these titles using PHP or jQuery how can I trim them to the nearest word and append an ellipsis Is it possible to specify a character count h3 My very long... h3 h3 Another long... h3 Edit How can I do this for each..
How can I measure how many characters will fit the width of the document? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/875183/how-can-i-measure-how-many-characters-will-fit-the-width-of-the-document that only one line is visible you can use white space nowrap and overflow hidden and in some browsers text overflow ellipsis to make text cut nicely. Or if you don't want words cut use 1 line high container with overflow hidden . share improve..
Truncate text with jQuery based on pixel width http://stackoverflow.com/questions/895888/truncate-text-with-jquery-based-on-pixel-width the element you're putting this string into You can use text overflow to tell the browser it should truncate with an ellipsis. .truncated display inline block max width 100px overflow hidden text overflow ellipsis white space nowrap text overflow.. it should truncate with an ellipsis. .truncated display inline block max width 100px overflow hidden text overflow ellipsis white space nowrap text overflow is a CSS3 declaration but is supported in IE 6 WebKit 312.3 Safari 1.3 Chrome and Opera.. are still using old versions mostly 3.6 . Your text will still be truncated in older versions there just won't be an ellipsis rendered. To fix that you can use this jQuery plugin which does nothing in IE WebKit Opera Firefox &ge 7 but will emulate..