jquery Programming Glossary: element_id
Replacing radio buttons with different images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3114166/replacing-radio-buttons-with-different-images opt.tick_image_path var no_tick_image_path function element_id var element document.getElementById element_id value default.. function element_id var element document.getElementById element_id value default return typeof opt.no_tick_image_path object ..
How to go to a specific element on page? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4801655/how-to-go-to-a-specific-element-on-page outline of what I'm trying to do function focusOnElement element_id '#div_' element_id .goTo need to 'go to' this element div id.. trying to do function focusOnElement element_id '#div_' element_id .goTo need to 'go to' this element div id div_element1 yadda..
How to know which element in body triggered AJAX request in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5051276/how-to-know-which-element-in-body-triggered-ajax-request-in-jquery this id as an additional key value pair in the request element_id THEID and grab it with various substring methods in the ajax.. with date and time this .attr id newid .post handler.php element_id this .attr id .ajaxSend function e xhr settings var start_position.. e xhr settings var start_position settings.data.indexOf element_id var equalsign_position settings.data.indexOf start_position..
Replacing radio buttons with different images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3114166/replacing-radio-buttons-with-different-images opt.tick_image_path this.value opt.tick_image_path default opt.tick_image_path var no_tick_image_path function element_id var element document.getElementById element_id value default return typeof opt.no_tick_image_path object opt.no_tick_image_path.. default opt.tick_image_path var no_tick_image_path function element_id var element document.getElementById element_id value default return typeof opt.no_tick_image_path object opt.no_tick_image_path element.value opt.no_tick_image_path..
How to go to a specific element on page? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4801655/how-to-go-to-a-specific-element-on-page the page go to a given element on the page Here's the basic outline of what I'm trying to do function focusOnElement element_id '#div_' element_id .goTo need to 'go to' this element div id div_element1 yadda yadda div div id div_element2 blah blah.. given element on the page Here's the basic outline of what I'm trying to do function focusOnElement element_id '#div_' element_id .goTo need to 'go to' this element div id div_element1 yadda yadda div div id div_element2 blah blah div span onclick focusOnElement..
How to know which element in body triggered AJAX request in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5051276/how-to-know-which-element-in-body-triggered-ajax-request-in-jquery to the element that triggered the event. You could then send this id as an additional key value pair in the request element_id THEID and grab it with various substring methods in the ajax request handlers. Example script type text javascript document.. input .click function var newid create a custom id with date and time this .attr id newid .post handler.php element_id this .attr id .ajaxSend function e xhr settings var start_position settings.data.indexOf element_id var equalsign_position.. .post handler.php element_id this .attr id .ajaxSend function e xhr settings var start_position settings.data.indexOf element_id var equalsign_position settings.data.indexOf start_position var ampersand_position settings.data.indexOf start_position..