jquery Programming Glossary: decodeuricomponent
jQuery: setting up CSRF token for Django not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11812694/jquery-setting-up-csrf-token-for-django-not-working if cookie.substring 0 name.length 1 name ' ' cookieValue decodeURIComponent cookie.substring name.length 1 break return cookieValue..
How replace query string values using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17338956/how-replace-query-string-values-using-jquery # results regex.exec location.search return results null decodeURIComponent results 1 .replace g Function to remove commas and convert.. # results regex.exec location.search return results null decodeURIComponent results 1 .replace g var min_price_original getParameterByName..
jQuery Toggle with Cookie http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2523189/jquery-toggle-with-cookie i if cookie.substring 0 name.length 1 name ' ' cookieValue decodeURIComponent cookie.substring name.length 1 break return cookieValue var..
Serialize JSON to query string in JavaScript/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3308846/serialize-json-to-query-string-in-javascript-jquery you want this var data one 'first' two 'second' var result decodeURIComponent .param data The decodeURIComponent function searches the given.. two 'second' var result decodeURIComponent .param data The decodeURIComponent function searches the given string for escape sequences and.. 1 b 23 c te 40 23st If you don't want the escape sequences decodeURIComponent is used. The result using my original suggestion is this a 1..
saving checkbox state on reload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3313595/saving-checkbox-state-on-reload ^ ^ s g function whole key value parsed key decodeURIComponent value return parsed key_prefix id jQuery function a key prefix..
How can I decode a URL with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3803716/how-can-i-decode-a-url-with-jquery jquery share improve this question Try the decodeURIComponent function var decodedUri decodeURIComponent 'http 3A 2F 2Fdtzhqpwfdzscm.cloudfront.net.. Try the decodeURIComponent function var decodedUri decodeURIComponent 'http 3A 2F 2Fdtzhqpwfdzscm.cloudfront.net 2F4ca06373624db.jpg'..
JavaScript URL Decode function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4292914/javascript-url-decode-function
how to get GET and POST variables with JQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/439463/how-to-get-get-and-post-variables-with-jquery ^ ^ g function function decode s return decodeURIComponent s.split .join _GET decode arguments 1 decode arguments 2 document.write.. var params tokens re ^ ^ g while tokens re.exec qs params decodeURIComponent tokens 1 decodeURIComponent tokens 2 return params var _GET.. tokens re.exec qs params decodeURIComponent tokens 1 decodeURIComponent tokens 2 return params var _GET getQueryParams document.location.search..
jQuery: How to get parameters of a url? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5073859/jquery-how-to-get-parameters-of-a-url results regex.exec href if results null return else return decodeURIComponent results 1 .replace g and you can call the function in this..
window.location.search query as JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6539761/window-location-search-query-as-json for i in pairs if pairs i continue pair pairs i .split obj decodeURIComponent pair 0 decodeURIComponent pair 1 return obj On a related note.. continue pair pairs i .split obj decodeURIComponent pair 0 decodeURIComponent pair 1 return obj On a related note you're not trying to store..
How to pass and get Parameters between two Pages in Jquery Mobile? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7582781/how-to-pass-and-get-parameters-between-two-pages-in-jquery-mobile ' ' name ' ^ ' .exec window.location.search return match decodeURIComponent match 1 .replace g ' ' HTML div data role page id home div data..
Convert URL parameters to a javascript object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8648892/convert-url-parameters-to-a-javascript-object ' .replace g ' ' ' ' function key value return key value decodeURIComponent value Example search abc foo def 5Basf 5D xyz 5 foo b 3Dar gives..
How can I get query string values in JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/901115/how-can-i-get-query-string-values-in-javascript
jQuery: setting up CSRF token for Django not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11812694/jquery-setting-up-csrf-token-for-django-not-working i Does this cookie string begin with the name we want if cookie.substring 0 name.length 1 name ' ' cookieValue decodeURIComponent cookie.substring name.length 1 break return cookieValue if ^http . .test settings.url ^https . .test settings.url..
How replace query string values using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17338956/how-replace-query-string-values-using-jquery name name name.replace .replace var regex new RegExp name ^ # results regex.exec location.search return results null decodeURIComponent results 1 .replace g Function to remove commas and convert to number function convert_to_pure_number x Remove commas var.. name name.replace .replace var regex new RegExp name ^ # results regex.exec location.search return results null decodeURIComponent results 1 .replace g var min_price_original getParameterByName 'min price' .replace ' 2C' '' var max_price_original getParameterByName..
jQuery Toggle with Cookie http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2523189/jquery-toggle-with-cookie var i 0 i cookies.length i var cookie jQuery.trim cookies i if cookie.substring 0 name.length 1 name ' ' cookieValue decodeURIComponent cookie.substring name.length 1 break return cookieValue var showTop .cookie 'showTop' if .cookie 'showTop' 'collapsed'..
Serialize JSON to query string in JavaScript/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3308846/serialize-json-to-query-string-in-javascript-jquery want .param http api.jquery.com jQuery.param Specifically you want this var data one 'first' two 'second' var result decodeURIComponent .param data The decodeURIComponent function searches the given string for escape sequences and replaces them with the actual.. Specifically you want this var data one 'first' two 'second' var result decodeURIComponent .param data The decodeURIComponent function searches the given string for escape sequences and replaces them with the actual character. When given something.. like this a 1 b 23 c te @#st .param will return this a 1 b 23 c te 40 23st If you don't want the escape sequences decodeURIComponent is used. The result using my original suggestion is this a 1 b 23 c te @#st Pure .param is safe for when you don't have..
saving checkbox state on reload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3313595/saving-checkbox-state-on-reload get function id data var cookies document.cookie parsed cookies.replace ^ ^ s g function whole key value parsed key decodeURIComponent value return parsed key_prefix id jQuery function a key prefix is used for the cookie storage var storedData getStorage..
How can I decode a URL with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3803716/how-can-i-decode-a-url-with-jquery url is http 3A 2F 2Fdtzhqpwfdzscm.cloudfront.net 2F4ca06373624db.jpg jquery share improve this question Try the decodeURIComponent function var decodedUri decodeURIComponent 'http 3A 2F 2Fdtzhqpwfdzscm.cloudfront.net 2F4ca06373624db.jpg' alert decodedUri..
JavaScript URL Decode function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4292914/javascript-url-decode-function
how to get GET and POST variables with JQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/439463/how-to-get-get-and-post-variables-with-jquery them from document.location.search var _GET document.location.search.replace ^ ^ g function function decode s return decodeURIComponent s.split .join _GET decode arguments 1 decode arguments 2 document.write _GET test For POST parameters you can serialize.. implementation function getQueryParams qs qs qs.split .join var params tokens re ^ ^ g while tokens re.exec qs params decodeURIComponent tokens 1 decodeURIComponent tokens 2 return params var _GET getQueryParams document.location.search share improve this..
jQuery: How to get parameters of a url? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5073859/jquery-how-to-get-parameters-of-a-url var regexS name ^ # var regex new RegExp regexS var results regex.exec href if results null return else return decodeURIComponent results 1 .replace g and you can call the function in this way.. getParameterByName param1 href of your link DEMO share..
window.location.search query as JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6539761/window-location-search-query-as-json pairs window.location.search.substring 1 .split obj pair i for i in pairs if pairs i continue pair pairs i .split obj decodeURIComponent pair 0 decodeURIComponent pair 1 return obj On a related note you're not trying to store the single parameters in a JSON.. 1 .split obj pair i for i in pairs if pairs i continue pair pairs i .split obj decodeURIComponent pair 0 decodeURIComponent pair 1 return obj On a related note you're not trying to store the single parameters in a JSON but in an object . share..
How to pass and get Parameters between two Pages in Jquery Mobile? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7582781/how-to-pass-and-get-parameters-between-two-pages-in-jquery-mobile 'cid' function getParameterByName name var match RegExp ' ' name ' ^ ' .exec window.location.search return match decodeURIComponent match 1 .replace g ' ' HTML div data role page id home div data role content ul data role listview data inset true data..
Convert URL parameters to a javascript object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8648892/convert-url-parameters-to-a-javascript-object 1 search JSON.parse ' ' search.replace g ' ' .replace g ' ' ' ' function key value return key value decodeURIComponent value Example search abc foo def 5Basf 5D xyz 5 foo b 3Dar gives Object abc foo def asf xyz 5 foo b ar Original answer A..
How can I get query string values in JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/901115/how-can-i-get-query-string-values-in-javascript