jquery Programming Glossary: decimals
jQuery counter to count up to a target number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2540277/jquery-counter-to-count-up-to-a-target-number increment loopCount _this .html value.toFixed options.decimals if typeof options.onUpdate 'function' options.onUpdate.call.. 100 how often the element should be updated decimals 0 the number of decimal places to show onUpdate null callback..
jQuery tablesorter plugin - comma decimals http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3403726/jquery-tablesorter-plugin-comma-decimals tablesorter plugin comma decimals I've been searching the web for an answer but there simply.. I have a table with prices in this format 1.234 56 so the decimals are after the comma and the dot is for separating thousands... a different character inside only numbers and . for decimals are allowed . I've tried a few parsers that were supposed to..
Auto-updating width/length/area using jQuery and Drupal6 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4786716/auto-updating-width-length-area-using-jquery-and-drupal6 form text formatted number formatted number processed decimals 2 type text div div class form item id edit field room 0 value.. form text formatted number formatted number processed decimals 2 type text div div class form item id edit field room 0 value.. form text formatted number formatted number processed decimals 2 type text div div class form item id edit field room 0 value..
offsetTop vs. jQuery.offset().top http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6777506/offsettop-vs-jquery-offset-top across browsers. However people obviously cannot click decimals of pixels. Is the proper way to determine the true offset to..
Rendering SVG polygons in Raphael Javascript library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9690241/rendering-svg-polygons-in-raphael-javascript-library L 258.625 628.563 Raphael seems to want integers not decimals. So it would have to be M 260 627 L 259 628 L 258 628 To make..
jQuery counter to count up to a target number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2540277/jquery-counter-to-count-up-to-a-target-number options.refreshInterval function updateTimer value increment loopCount _this .html value.toFixed options.decimals if typeof options.onUpdate 'function' options.onUpdate.call _this value if loopCount loops clearInterval interval .. long it should take to count between the target numbers refreshInterval 100 how often the element should be updated decimals 0 the number of decimal places to show onUpdate null callback method for every time the element is updated onComplete null..
jQuery tablesorter plugin - comma decimals http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3403726/jquery-tablesorter-plugin-comma-decimals tablesorter plugin comma decimals I've been searching the web for an answer but there simply isn't a solution that works. I have a table with prices in this.. for an answer but there simply isn't a solution that works. I have a table with prices in this format 1.234 56 so the decimals are after the comma and the dot is for separating thousands. This format doesn't work tablesorter plugin sees it as strings.. plugin sees it as strings rather than a number whenever there's a different character inside only numbers and . for decimals are allowed . I've tried a few parsers that were supposed to fix this tried writing my own but no luck. Has anyone encountered..
Auto-updating width/length/area using jQuery and Drupal6 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4786716/auto-updating-width-length-area-using-jquery-and-drupal6 edit field room 0 value field length 0 value size 24 value class form text formatted number formatted number processed decimals 2 type text div div class form item id edit field room 0 value field length 0 unit wrapper select name field_room 0 value.. edit field room 0 value field width 0 value size 24 value class form text formatted number formatted number processed decimals 2 type text div div class form item id edit field room 0 value field width 0 unit wrapper select name field_room 0 value.. edit field room 0 value field area 0 value size 24 value class form text formatted number formatted number processed decimals 2 type text div div class form item id edit field room 0 value field area 0 unit wrapper select name field_room 0 value..
offsetTop vs. jQuery.offset().top http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6777506/offsettop-vs-jquery-offset-top the correct value and I should use it because it will work across browsers. However people obviously cannot click decimals of pixels. Is the proper way to determine the true offset to Math.Round the offset that jQuery is returning Should I use..
Rendering SVG polygons in Raphael Javascript library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9690241/rendering-svg-polygons-in-raphael-javascript-library 258.625 628.563 Would become M 260.5 627.75 L 259.563 628.313 L 258.625 628.563 Raphael seems to want integers not decimals. So it would have to be M 260 627 L 259 628 L 258 628 To make this happen var polygonPoints '260.5 627.75 259.563 628.313..