jquery Programming Glossary: declarations
Difference between assigning function to variable or not http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11146814/difference-between-assigning-function-to-variable-or-not deprecated . Also note that the same is true for variable declarations console.log x undefined not TypeError var x 10 You can imagine..
How to get jSON response into variable from a jquery script http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1261747/how-to-get-json-response-into-variable-from-a-jquery-script alert 'sorry there was an error' Semi colons after all declarations IE is picky on these things. script The main issue here was..
method overloading in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12694588/method-overloading-in-javascript or similiar your third function overwrites the previous declarations. Instead it supports variable arguments via the arguments object..
jQuery ajax success callback function definition http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14754619/jquery-ajax-success-callback-function-definition is declared. JavaScript will parse your code for function declarations before running it so you'll be able to use the function in code..
How to get the css with in inline styles using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1733992/how-to-get-the-css-with-in-inline-styles-using-jquery using jquery. Are you trying to read the inline style declarations of an element in the page If so this is tricky. In theory you.. as used in the document at all only the parsed style declarations that result from it. There's not a jQuery specific means of..
a simple question on jquery closure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2024888/a-simple-question-on-jquery-closure error since the function name is not optional for function declarations. function arg alert arg alerts test test In the above example.. the differences between function expressions and function declarations give a look to the following resources Explain JavaScript ™s..
How to be a jQuery no.conflict expert? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2721815/how-to-be-a-jquery-no-conflict-expert fail with some scripts. If they expect that their function declarations will happen at global scope e.g. become properties of the window..
Under what circumstances is jQuery's document.ready() not required? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2809530/under-what-circumstances-is-jquerys-document-ready-not-required within the ready event so what would best practice be for declarations outside that event Edit Remember I'm not just after the less..
Parsing CSS in JavaScript / jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3326494/parsing-css-in-javascript-jquery 1 return rules parseCSSBlock function css var rule var declarations css.split ' ' declarations.pop var len declarations.length for.. function css var rule var declarations css.split ' ' declarations.pop var len declarations.length for var i 0 i len i var loc.. var declarations css.split ' ' declarations.pop var len declarations.length for var i 0 i len i var loc declarations i .indexOf..
Detecting width: auto in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3557718/detecting-width-auto-in-jquery of auto. The only way around it would be to parse CSS declarations from document.styleSheets . References http msdn.microsoft.com..
How come JQuery doesn't pass JSLint? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4846846/how-come-jquery-doesnt-pass-jslint the last one. Problem at line 554 character 15 Move 'var' declarations to the top of the function. for var name in obj JSLint insists..
jQuery question: what does it really mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5305634/jquery-question-what-does-it-really-mean thanks to this pattern you don't actually need variable declarations in the language but only function arguments. Instead of var..
get CSS rule's percentage value in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/744319/get-css-rules-percentage-value-in-jquery cases one stylesheet multiple separate stylesheet declarations inside the head tag of the document . jquery css share improve..
Fancybox 2 visible navigation arrows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8670956/fancybox-2-visible-navigation-arrows question For fancybox v2.x you may use these CSS inline declarations after you have linked to the jquery.fancybox.css file style..
How to include JavaScript files by h:outputScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9093032/how-to-include-javascript-files-by-houtputscript ` jquery.maskedinput.js WEB INF Then the following script declarations should work h outputScript name js jquery 1.6.2.js h outputScript..
Difference between assigning function to variable or not http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11146814/difference-between-assigning-function-to-variable-or-not to refer to the calling function since arguments.callee is deprecated . Also note that the same is true for variable declarations console.log x undefined not TypeError var x 10 You can imagine that the JavaScript engine interprets the code like this..
How to get jSON response into variable from a jquery script http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1261747/how-to-get-json-response-into-variable-from-a-jquery-script else if data.response 'success' alert 'success' else alert 'sorry there was an error' Semi colons after all declarations IE is picky on these things. script The main issue here was that you had a typo in the JSON you were returning resonse instead..
method overloading in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12694588/method-overloading-in-javascript JavaScript does not support method overloading as in Java or similiar your third function overwrites the previous declarations. Instead it supports variable arguments via the arguments object . You could do function somefunction a b if arguments.length..
jQuery ajax success callback function definition http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14754619/jquery-ajax-success-callback-function-definition handleData function like this because of the way handleData is declared. JavaScript will parse your code for function declarations before running it so you'll be able to use the function in code that's before the actual declaration. This is known as hoisting..
How to get the css with in inline styles using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1733992/how-to-get-the-css-with-in-inline-styles-using-jquery complete inline style including the changes back to the database using jquery. Are you trying to read the inline style declarations of an element in the page If so this is tricky. In theory you should be able to call element.getAttribute 'style' or the.. access doesn't work in IE in fact IE doesn't store the attribute as used in the document at all only the parsed style declarations that result from it. There's not a jQuery specific means of reading all styles but you can get the effective inline style..
a simple question on jquery closure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2024888/a-simple-question-on-jquery-closure as a function declaration and it will cause a syntax error since the function name is not optional for function declarations. function arg alert arg alerts test test In the above example the function expression is automatically executed passing.. always to the Global object. For a more in depth info about the differences between function expressions and function declarations give a look to the following resources Explain JavaScript ™s encapsulated anonymous function syntax Named function expressions..
How to be a jQuery no.conflict expert? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2721815/how-to-be-a-jquery-no-conflict-expert and so it takes precedence. However that technique will fail with some scripts. If they expect that their function declarations will happen at global scope e.g. become properties of the window object then putting the entire script in a function will..
Under what circumstances is jQuery's document.ready() not required? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2809530/under-what-circumstances-is-jquerys-document-ready-not-required best practice dictates that all events are declared within the ready event so what would best practice be for declarations outside that event Edit Remember I'm not just after the less obvious stuff but I'd like to get a good account of the obvious..
Parsing CSS in JavaScript / jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3326494/parsing-css-in-javascript-jquery blocks i .split ' ' rules .trim pair 0 this.parseCSSBlock pair 1 return rules parseCSSBlock function css var rule var declarations css.split ' ' declarations.pop var len declarations.length for var i 0 i len i var loc declarations i .indexOf ' ' var.. .trim pair 0 this.parseCSSBlock pair 1 return rules parseCSSBlock function css var rule var declarations css.split ' ' declarations.pop var len declarations.length for var i 0 i len i var loc declarations i .indexOf ' ' var property .trim declarations.. pair 1 return rules parseCSSBlock function css var rule var declarations css.split ' ' declarations.pop var len declarations.length for var i 0 i len i var loc declarations i .indexOf ' ' var property .trim declarations i .substring 0 loc var value..
Detecting width: auto in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3557718/detecting-width-auto-in-jquery styles. That's what you receive there a numeric value instead of auto. The only way around it would be to parse CSS declarations from document.styleSheets . References http msdn.microsoft.com en us library ms535231 VS.85 .aspx https developer.mozilla.org..
How come JQuery doesn't pass JSLint? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4846846/how-come-jquery-doesnt-pass-jslint we want to enumerate over all the keys and only care about the last one. Problem at line 554 character 15 Move 'var' declarations to the top of the function. for var name in obj JSLint insists on having variables declaration at the top of functions...
jQuery question: what does it really mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5305634/jquery-question-what-does-it-really-mean you have a code like that. As a side note I might add that thanks to this pattern you don't actually need variable declarations in the language but only function arguments. Instead of var x 10 alert x x x you could use function x alert x x x 10 and..
get CSS rule's percentage value in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/744319/get-css-rules-percentage-value-in-jquery value. This approach however would work in most straightforward cases one stylesheet multiple separate stylesheet declarations inside the head tag of the document . jquery css share improve this question There's no built in way I'm afraid. You..
Fancybox 2 visible navigation arrows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8670956/fancybox-2-visible-navigation-arrows navigation fancybox image gallery share improve this question For fancybox v2.x you may use these CSS inline declarations after you have linked to the jquery.fancybox.css file style type text css .fancybox next span left auto right 20px .fancybox..
How to include JavaScript files by h:outputScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9093032/how-to-include-javascript-files-by-houtputscript ` js jquery 1.6.2.js myapp.validate.js jquery.validate.js ` jquery.maskedinput.js WEB INF Then the following script declarations should work h outputScript name js jquery 1.6.2.js h outputScript name js jquery.validate.js h outputScript name js jquery.maskedinput.js..