

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:50

jquery Programming Glossary: decoded

Javascript decoding html entities [duplicate]


span gt lt p gt lt p gt lt em gt da lt em gt lt p gt ' var decoded ' div ' .html text .text alert decoded Live demo . p share..

AJAX add data to table without resetting table.


And from the query.php while row mysql_fetch_array result decoded json_decode row 'B' true r decoded 'r' t decoded 't' l decoded.. result decoded json_decode row 'B' true r decoded 'r' t decoded 't' l decoded 'l' g decoded 'g' tp int t 3 .. result decoded json_decode row 'B' true r decoded 'r' t decoded 't' l decoded 'l' g decoded 'g' tp int t 3 echo tr echo td..

Ajax - JSON doesnt get sent in PATCH only


'application json' I get a No JSON object could be decoded . However when i use PUT the json object gets sent. It only..

How to decode HTML entities using jQuery?


How Can I strip HTML from Text in .NET?


HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc.LoadHtml html strip html decoded text from html string text HttpUtility.HtmlDecode doc.DocumentNode.InnerText..

serialize/unserialize in jQuery


representations of an array or an object which can than be decoded back into array object. http sk2.php.net serialize php javascript..

Get parameter sent via jquery ajax in Java Servlet


buf 0 r String s new String os.toByteArray UTF 8 String decoded URLDecoder.decode s UTF 8 System.err.println DECODED decoded.. URLDecoder.decode s UTF 8 System.err.println DECODED decoded System.err.println Enumeration String e req.getParameterNames..

Ampersand in GET, PHP


has the disadvantage that is not encoded and will be decoded serverside as a space and thus should be avoided source . If..

ColdFusion, HowTo Convert a String to an Array?


encoded arrays in a standard format easily encoded and decoded by native CFML functions Use serializeJSON on your array to..

jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box


be reset to the initial value so that any state id can be decoded to the state name. Here is the code from the example var countries..

nonbreaking space


is a HTML entity. When doing .text all HTML entities are decoded to their character values. Instead of comparing using the entity..

Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content?


it for display inside facebook. In your action controller decoded_request Canvas.parse_signed_request params signed_request And.. signed_request And then its a matter of checking the decoded request and display one page or another .. Not sure about this.. .. Not sure about this one I'm not comfortable with ruby decoded_request 'page' 'liked' And here is the related Canvas Class..

JQuery “contains” returns nothing for html encoding


dirty var div div .expr .containsEnc function a b c d var decoded div.html c 3 .text decode copy to © return ~a.textContent.indexOf.. c 3 .text decode copy to © return ~a.textContent.indexOf decoded does the element contain the character Then you can use containsEnc..

Jquery: ajax post and encoding


the parameters at the servlet or any receiver I get a decoded parameter using this. public String getHttpParameter String..

Javascript decoding html entities [duplicate]


AJAX add data to table without resetting table.


5000 .ajaxSetup cache false script div id query div And from the query.php while row mysql_fetch_array result decoded json_decode row 'B' true r decoded 'r' t decoded 't' l decoded 'l' g decoded 'g' tp int t 3 echo tr echo td . row 'ID'.. script div id query div And from the query.php while row mysql_fetch_array result decoded json_decode row 'B' true r decoded 'r' t decoded 't' l decoded 'l' g decoded 'g' tp int t 3 echo tr echo td . row 'ID' . td echo td align center font color.. query div And from the query.php while row mysql_fetch_array result decoded json_decode row 'B' true r decoded 'r' t decoded 't' l decoded 'l' g decoded 'g' tp int t 3 echo tr echo td . row 'ID' . td echo td align center font color red t font..

Ajax - JSON doesnt get sent in PATCH only

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11461414/ajax-json-doesnt-get-sent-in-patch-only 8001 api v1 pulse 7 ' data data type 'PATCH' contentType 'application json' I get a No JSON object could be decoded . However when i use PUT the json object gets sent. It only doesnt work for PATCH The backend is Django and the app im using..

How to decode HTML entities using jQuery?


How Can I strip HTML from Text in .NET?


not run together html html.Replace parse html var doc new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc.LoadHtml html strip html decoded text from html string text HttpUtility.HtmlDecode doc.DocumentNode.InnerText replace all whitespace with a single space..

serialize/unserialize in jQuery


PHP functions in jQuery These functions return a string representations of an array or an object which can than be decoded back into array object. http sk2.php.net serialize php javascript jquery share improve this question jQuery's serialize..

Get parameter sent via jquery ajax in Java Servlet


new byte 32 int r 0 while r 0 r is.read buf if r 0 os.write buf 0 r String s new String os.toByteArray UTF 8 String decoded URLDecoder.decode s UTF 8 System.err.println DECODED decoded System.err.println Enumeration String e req.getParameterNames.. buf 0 r String s new String os.toByteArray UTF 8 String decoded URLDecoder.decode s UTF 8 System.err.println DECODED decoded System.err.println Enumeration String e req.getParameterNames while e.hasMoreElements String ss String e.nextElement..

Ampersand in GET, PHP


album ' encodeURIComponent title Note that escape has the disadvantage that is not encoded and will be decoded serverside as a space and thus should be avoided source . If you wish to do this serverside at the PHP level you'll need..

ColdFusion, HowTo Convert a String to an Array?


this may beg the question Wouldn't it be better to store your encoded arrays in a standard format easily encoded and decoded by native CFML functions Use serializeJSON on your array to get the string and deserializeJSON to turn the string back into..

jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box


it is important that the the value of the editoptions must be reset to the initial value so that any state id can be decoded to the state name. Here is the code from the example var countries '1' 'US' '2' 'UK' var states '1' 'Alabama' '2' 'California'..

nonbreaking space


like javascript jquery share improve this question nbsp is a HTML entity. When doing .text all HTML entities are decoded to their character values. Instead of comparing using the entity compare using the actual raw character var x td.text if..

Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content?


that facebook POST to your CANVAS URL when it fetches it for display inside facebook. In your action controller decoded_request Canvas.parse_signed_request params signed_request And then its a matter of checking the decoded request and display.. controller decoded_request Canvas.parse_signed_request params signed_request And then its a matter of checking the decoded request and display one page or another .. Not sure about this one I'm not comfortable with ruby decoded_request 'page'.. checking the decoded request and display one page or another .. Not sure about this one I'm not comfortable with ruby decoded_request 'page' 'liked' And here is the related Canvas Class from fbgraph ruby library class Canvas class self def parse_signed_request..

JQuery “contains” returns nothing for html encoding


html encoding share improve this question The quick and dirty var div div .expr .containsEnc function a b c d var decoded div.html c 3 .text decode copy to © return ~a.textContent.indexOf decoded does the element contain the character Then you.. div .expr .containsEnc function a b c d var decoded div.html c 3 .text decode copy to © return ~a.textContent.indexOf decoded does the element contain the character Then you can use containsEnc as a selector 'body containsEnc copy ' .html 'ok' It..

Jquery: ajax post and encoding


form urlencoded charset iso 8859 1 And finally when receiving the parameters at the servlet or any receiver I get a decoded parameter using this. public String getHttpParameter String name throws Exception String value this.getHttpRequest .getParameter..