jquery Programming Glossary: data.results
Trying to use Google Places API with JQuery's getJSON function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11642418/trying-to-use-google-places-api-with-jquerys-getjson-function function .getJSON requestURL function data for i 0 i data.results.length i myAddress i data.results i .formatted_address document.getElementById.. data for i 0 i data.results.length i myAddress i data.results i .formatted_address document.getElementById message .innerHTML..
how to request twitter api without entering a recursion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12446776/how-to-request-twitter-api-without-entering-a-recursion true result_type mixed callback function data .each data.results function i item var user item.from_user var user_id item.from_user_id.. true result_type mixed .done function data .each data.results function i item user_tweets.push user item.from_user user_id..
Modify HTTP Headers for a JSONP request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3350778/modify-http-headers-for-a-jsonp-request type 'get' data q 'twitter' success function data alert data.results I have tried using the beforeSend method but it appears that..
Google maps geocode API V3 not returning result in javascript function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4132685/google-maps-geocode-api-v3-not-returning-result-in-javascript-function false' .getJSON url function data if data.status OK result data.results 0 .geometry.location return result In light of responses.. result though with breakpoints set in Firebug the result data.results 0 .geometry.location never gets hit. function loadFromSearch.. false' .getJSON url function data if data.status OK result data.results 0 .geometry.location callback result function loadWithMidpoint..
Trouble Converting jQuery Script to Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6767704/trouble-converting-jquery-script-to-plugin options.url options.query function data var tweets .each data.results function i tweet tweets.push ' li ' tweet.text.parseURL .parseUsername.. options.query function data var tweets .each data.results function i tweet tweets.push ' li ' tweet.text.parseURL .parseUsername..
Extracting page title using javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9147363/extracting-page-title-using-javascript in xdomain.js if _success var dataString try dataString data.results 0 .replace script ^ script . s script gi '' catch dataString.. .replace script ^ script . s script gi '' catch dataString data.results 0 Fake XHR callback. _success.call this responseText dataString..
Trying to use Google Places API with JQuery's getJSON function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11642418/trying-to-use-google-places-api-with-jquerys-getjson-function harbour sensor false key 'my_google_places_key' document .ready function .getJSON requestURL function data for i 0 i data.results.length i myAddress i data.results i .formatted_address document.getElementById message .innerHTML myAddress i br console.log.. document .ready function .getJSON requestURL function data for i 0 i data.results.length i myAddress i data.results i .formatted_address document.getElementById message .innerHTML myAddress i br console.log myAddress i script body According..
how to request twitter api without entering a recursion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12446776/how-to-request-twitter-api-without-entering-a-recursion search.json q news_text rpp 10 include_entities true result_type mixed callback function data .each data.results function i item var user item.from_user var user_id item.from_user_id var date item.created_at var user_profile_img.. search.json q item.text rpp 10 include_entities true result_type mixed .done function data .each data.results function i item user_tweets.push user item.from_user user_id item.from_user_id date item.created_at user_profile_img..
Modify HTTP Headers for a JSONP request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3350778/modify-http-headers-for-a-jsonp-request url 'http search.twitter.com search.json' dataType 'jsonp' type 'get' data q 'twitter' success function data alert data.results I have tried using the beforeSend method but it appears that this event is not firing. Can anyone come up with any way..
Google maps geocode API V3 not returning result in javascript function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4132685/google-maps-geocode-api-v3-not-returning-result-in-javascript-function geocode json address ' encodeURIComponent address ' sensor false' .getJSON url function data if data.status OK result data.results 0 .geometry.location return result In light of responses I have now updated the code to the following. I'm still not.. updated the code to the following. I'm still not getting any result though with breakpoints set in Firebug the result data.results 0 .geometry.location never gets hit. function loadFromSearch address midpoint getLatLong address loadWithMidpoint function.. geocode json address ' encodeURIComponent address ' sensor false' .getJSON url function data if data.status OK result data.results 0 .geometry.location callback result function loadWithMidpoint centre mapCentre centre map.setMapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP..
Trouble Converting jQuery Script to Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6767704/trouble-converting-jquery-script-to-plugin this.each function Get tweets from user query .getJSON options.url options.query function data var tweets .each data.results function i tweet tweets.push ' li ' tweet.text.parseURL .parseUsername .parseHashtag ' li ' '#target' .append ' ul '.. var target this Get tweets from user query .getJSON options.url options.query function data var tweets .each data.results function i tweet tweets.push ' li ' tweet.text.parseURL .parseUsername .parseHashtag ' li ' target .append ' ul '..
Extracting page title using javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9147363/extracting-page-title-using-javascript zXVcy EDIT Here is how to fix the script tag problem in xdomain.js if _success var dataString try dataString data.results 0 .replace script ^ script . s script gi '' catch dataString data.results 0 Fake XHR callback. _success.call this responseText..