jquery Programming Glossary: d.idx
Special color transition effect with pure jQuery animation // no ui or other libary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12349958/special-color-transition-effect-with-pure-jquery-animation-no-ui-or-other-lib e.cache e.to e.to d._rgba j e.props function a d if null h d.idx return c h d.idx i d.idx return c return c _space function var.. d._rgba j e.props function a d if null h d.idx return c h d.idx i d.idx return c return c _space function var a b this j k function.. j e.props function a d if null h d.idx return c h d.idx i d.idx return c return c _space function var a b this j k function..
Special color transition effect with pure jQuery animation // no ui or other libary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12349958/special-color-transition-effect-with-pure-jquery-animation-no-ui-or-other-lib b f a c 0 d this j k function a e var i h b e.cache h i d e.cache e.to e.to d._rgba j e.props function a d if null h d.idx return c h d.idx i d.idx return c return c _space function var a b this j k function c d b d.cache a.push c return a.pop.. j k function a e var i h b e.cache h i d e.cache e.to e.to d._rgba j e.props function a d if null h d.idx return c h d.idx i d.idx return c return c _space function var a b this j k function c d b d.cache a.push c return a.pop transition function.. a e var i h b e.cache h i d e.cache e.to e.to d._rgba j e.props function a d if null h d.idx return c h d.idx i d.idx return c return c _space function var a b this j k function c d b d.cache a.push c return a.pop transition function a b..