jquery Programming Glossary: d2
jqGrid : issue loading nested sub grid with local datatype http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13767408/jqgrid-issue-loading-nested-sub-grid-with-local-datatype s1a data for subgrid for the id m1 id 2s1a d1 2aa d2 2ab d3 2ac id 2s1b d1 2ba d2 2bb d3 2bc id 2s1c d1 2ca d2.. for the id m1 id 2s1a d1 2aa d2 2ab d3 2ac id 2s1b d1 2ba d2 2bb d3 2bc id 2s1c d1 2ca d2 2cb d3 2cc s2a data for subgrid.. 2ab d3 2ac id 2s1b d1 2ba d2 2bb d3 2bc id 2s1c d1 2ca d2 2cb d3 2cc s2a data for subgrid for the id m2 id 2s2a d1 xx..
Difference Between Observers and Watchers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14876112/difference-between-observers-and-watchers directives. One d1 does not create a new scope the other d2 creates an isolate scope. Each directive has the same six attributes...
jQuery.when - Callback for when ALL Deferreds are no long 'unresolved' (either resolved or rejected)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5824615/jquery-when-callback-for-when-all-deferreds-are-no-long-unresolved-either-r that that one is always resolved var d1 .Deferred var d2 .Deferred var j1 .getJSON ... .complete d1.resolve var j2 .getJSON.. ... .complete d1.resolve var j2 .getJSON ... .complete d2.resolve .when j1 j2 .done only fires if j1 AND j2 are resolved.. j1 j2 .done only fires if j1 AND j2 are resolved .when d1 d2 .done function will fire when j1 AND j2 are both resolved OR..
How do I verify age using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8136036/how-do-i-verify-age-using-jquery d1 date1.getDate y2 date2.getFullYear m2 date2.getMonth d2 date2.getDate if d1 d2 m1 d1 DaysInMonth y2 m2 if m1 m2 y1 m1.. date2.getFullYear m2 date2.getMonth d2 date2.getDate if d1 d2 m1 d1 DaysInMonth y2 m2 if m1 m2 y1 m1 12 return y1 y2 m1 m2.. DaysInMonth y2 m2 if m1 m2 y1 m1 12 return y1 y2 m1 m2 d1 d2 function set_cookie name value exp_d path domain secure var..
jqGrid : issue loading nested sub grid with local datatype http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13767408/jqgrid-issue-loading-nested-sub-grid-with-local-datatype subgrid for the id m2 id s2a c1 xx c2 xy c3 xz var secondSubgrid s1a data for subgrid for the id m1 id 2s1a d1 2aa d2 2ab d3 2ac id 2s1b d1 2ba d2 2bb d3 2bc id 2s1c d1 2ca d2 2cb d3 2cc s2a data for subgrid for the id m2 id 2s2a d1 xx.. c1 xx c2 xy c3 xz var secondSubgrid s1a data for subgrid for the id m1 id 2s1a d1 2aa d2 2ab d3 2ac id 2s1b d1 2ba d2 2bb d3 2bc id 2s1c d1 2ca d2 2cb d3 2cc s2a data for subgrid for the id m2 id 2s2a d1 xx d2 xy d3 xz #grid .jqGrid.. s1a data for subgrid for the id m1 id 2s1a d1 2aa d2 2ab d3 2ac id 2s1b d1 2ba d2 2bb d3 2bc id 2s1c d1 2ca d2 2cb d3 2cc s2a data for subgrid for the id m2 id 2s2a d1 xx d2 xy d3 xz #grid .jqGrid datatype 'local' data mainGridData..
Difference Between Observers and Watchers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14876112/difference-between-observers-and-watchers To help test all of this I wrote a Plunker that defines two directives. One d1 does not create a new scope the other d2 creates an isolate scope. Each directive has the same six attributes. Each attribute is both observe'd and watch'ed. div..
jQuery.when - Callback for when ALL Deferreds are no long 'unresolved' (either resolved or rejected)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5824615/jquery-when-callback-for-when-all-deferreds-are-no-long-unresolved-either-r Deferred object around for each AJAX request and ensure that that one is always resolved var d1 .Deferred var d2 .Deferred var j1 .getJSON ... .complete d1.resolve var j2 .getJSON ... .complete d2.resolve .when j1 j2 .done only fires.. resolved var d1 .Deferred var d2 .Deferred var j1 .getJSON ... .complete d1.resolve var j2 .getJSON ... .complete d2.resolve .when j1 j2 .done only fires if j1 AND j2 are resolved .when d1 d2 .done function will fire when j1 AND j2 are both.. d1.resolve var j2 .getJSON ... .complete d2.resolve .when j1 j2 .done only fires if j1 AND j2 are resolved .when d1 d2 .done function will fire when j1 AND j2 are both resolved OR rejected check j1.isResolved and j2.isResolved to find which..
How do I verify age using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8136036/how-do-i-verify-age-using-jquery date1 date2 var y1 date1.getFullYear m1 date1.getMonth d1 date1.getDate y2 date2.getFullYear m2 date2.getMonth d2 date2.getDate if d1 d2 m1 d1 DaysInMonth y2 m2 if m1 m2 y1 m1 12 return y1 y2 m1 m2 d1 d2 function set_cookie name value.. y1 date1.getFullYear m1 date1.getMonth d1 date1.getDate y2 date2.getFullYear m2 date2.getMonth d2 date2.getDate if d1 d2 m1 d1 DaysInMonth y2 m2 if m1 m2 y1 m1 12 return y1 y2 m1 m2 d1 d2 function set_cookie name value exp_d path domain secure.. m2 date2.getMonth d2 date2.getDate if d1 d2 m1 d1 DaysInMonth y2 m2 if m1 m2 y1 m1 12 return y1 y2 m1 m2 d1 d2 function set_cookie name value exp_d path domain secure var cookie_string name escape value if exp_d var exp new Date set..