jquery Programming Glossary: data.push
flot graph, use legend to turn on/off series http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4230945/flot-graph-use-legend-to-turn-on-off-series function var key this .attr name if key results key data.push results key .plot #placeholder results options choiceContainer.find.. this. The lines in question are if key results key data.push results key inside the plotAccordingToChoices function. results.. for var i 0 i results.length i if results i .label key data.push results i return true Next the problem is that you are replotting..
how to get the data from a row jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5866862/how-to-get-the-data-from-a-row-jquery
HTML Table to JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6271856/html-table-to-json
jQuery post() with serialize and extra data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6627936/jquery-post-with-serialize-and-extra-data add the additional data var data '#myForm' .serializeArray data.push name 'wordlist' value wordlist .post page.php data share improve..
Best method for passing Data from Java/JSF2 bean to Javascript/jQuery Components http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7930047/best-method-for-passing-data-from-java-jsf2-bean-to-javascript-jquery-components data var data time new Date .getTime i for i 19 i 0 i data.push x time i 10000 y 50 Math.random return data And the..
flot graph, use legend to turn on/off series http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4230945/flot-graph-use-legend-to-turn-on-off-series var data alert 'hi' choiceContainer.find input checked .each function var key this .attr name if key results key data.push results key .plot #placeholder results options choiceContainer.find input .click plotAccordingToChoices var previousPoint.. you've copied their code but did not change the code to accommodate this. The lines in question are if key results key data.push results key inside the plotAccordingToChoices function. results key in your case would not work because key would need to.. for loop which searches through the array for the correct label for var i 0 i results.length i if results i .label key data.push results i return true Next the problem is that you are replotting the same data over and over again with this line .plot..
how to get the data from a row jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5866862/how-to-get-the-data-from-a-row-jquery
HTML Table to JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6271856/html-table-to-json
jQuery post() with serialize and extra data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6627936/jquery-post-with-serialize-and-extra-data
Best method for passing Data from Java/JSF2 bean to Javascript/jQuery Components http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7930047/best-method-for-passing-data-from-java-jsf2-bean-to-javascript-jquery-components 'Random data' data function generate an array of random data var data time new Date .getTime i for i 19 i 0 i data.push x time i 10000 y 50 Math.random return data And the inline JS Function held on my XHTML page This works function..