jquery Programming Glossary: assumed
Stringify javascript object with circular reference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10392293/stringify-javascript-object-with-circular-reference JSON.stringify me so far so good him.father me time travel assumed JSON.stringify me TypeError Converting circular structure to..
Handle user hitting 'Enter' key in a ASP.NET MVC web site http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1041247/handle-user-hitting-enter-key-in-a-asp-net-mvc-web-site seems to specify that the first submit button will be assumed if a user press the 'Enter' key. However I need to make the..
Simple jQuery code works fine until site is loaded via https:// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1056497/simple-jquery-code-works-fine-until-site-is-loaded-via-https you can create protocol less URLs the protocol will be assumed to be the same as the current page. Note this is only needed..
open and close modal window on hover and close when out of focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11727223/open-and-close-modal-window-on-hover-and-close-when-out-of-focus closeFancybox Because the options you used in your code I assumed you were using fancybox v1.3.4. share improve this answer..
Are jQuery's :first and :eq(0) selectors functionally equivalent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1234087/are-jquerys-first-and-eq0-selectors-functionally-equivalent Date alert div.RadEditor.Telerik 0 end start end bench I assumed that the 3rd would be the fastest and the 4th would be the slowest..
how to find selected elements with Jquery UI selectable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1303294/how-to-find-selected-elements-with-jquery-ui-selectable to see if their parent elements are the same or not. I assumed this would be in the ui object some where. javascript jquery..
How to send a model in jQuery $.ajax() post request to MVC controller method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1518417/how-to-send-a-model-in-jquery-ajax-post-request-to-mvc-controller-method In doing an auto refresh using the following code I assumed that when I do a post the model will automatically sent to the..
MVC jQuery submit form (without page refresh) from JavaScript function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1720020/mvc-jquery-submit-form-without-page-refresh-from-javascript-function LoadBooks return false if it's a link to prevent post I assumed that btnClicked is inside of the form input type button value..
Getting URL hash location, and using it in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1822598/getting-url-hash-location-and-using-it-in-jquery pseudo selector since you are using the ID selector is assumed that IDs are unique within the DOM. In case you want to get..
Jquery success function not firing using JSONP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2380551/jquery-success-function-not-firing-using-jsonp that the case with the success event perhaps because it is assumed that I am providing my own callback function as well or is there..
loading page framents with Jquery AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2398568/loading-page-framents-with-jquery-ajax the portion of the string following the first space is assumed to be a jQuery selector that determines the content to be loaded...
tail -f in a webbrowser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2836838/tail-f-in-a-webbrowser success function data if data.length 4 Data are assumed to be in HTML format Return something like p in case of no..
Loading inline content using FancyBox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3963338/loading-inline-content-using-fancybox on the vendor website are a little vague and I had assumed the following scenario. You have a link with a href n to some..
jQueryMobile: how to work with slider events? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4583083/jquerymobile-how-to-work-with-slider-events 'here' does absolutely nothing I must say that I wrongly assumed that jQueryMobile used jQueryUI controls as it was my first..
Scroll 2 scrollbars with jquery the same time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5389228/scroll-2-scrollbars-with-jquery-the-same-time scroll whenever you use the scrollbars of one of them. I assumed vertical scrolling if you wanted horizontal do the same but..
jQuery .find() doesn't return data in IE but does in Firefox and Chrome http://stackoverflow.com/questions/562283/jquery-find-doesnt-return-data-in-ie-but-does-in-firefox-and-chrome in IE Based on the message box with object Object I'm assumed that .find was working in IE but since I can't index into the..
jqGrid Reposition Delete Confirmation Box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5719490/jqgrid-reposition-delete-confirmation-box me some weird error and is not showing in my history so assumed it did not post. jquery jqgrid share improve this question..
jQuery Multiple ID selectors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7079011/jquery-multiple-id-selectors the same call with a few different ID's... I would have assumed this would work but it doesn't var myUpload #upload_link #upload_link2..
Cascade Dropdown List using jQuery/PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7137357/cascade-dropdown-list-using-jquery-php function initCs script This is my own script and i've assumed that you have created country and region tables. But you need..
How to use properties of an object literal without being inside a function in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9873839/how-to-use-properties-of-an-object-literal-without-being-inside-a-function-in-ja .find 'li' .outerWidth then it works. Why is that I assumed it's the same as using those properties inside a function by..
Stringify javascript object with circular reference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10392293/stringify-javascript-object-with-circular-reference var him new Person id 2 name 'Darth Vader' me.father him JSON.stringify me so far so good him.father me time travel assumed JSON.stringify me TypeError Converting circular structure to JSON But this should do the job JSON.stringify me function..
Handle user hitting 'Enter' key in a ASP.NET MVC web site http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1041247/handle-user-hitting-enter-key-in-a-asp-net-mvc-web-site submitting the form by pressing the 'Enter' key. HTML standard seems to specify that the first submit button will be assumed if a user press the 'Enter' key. However I need to make the 2nd button i.e. the OK button the default button and for reasons..
Simple jQuery code works fine until site is loaded via https:// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1056497/simple-jquery-code-works-fine-until-site-is-loaded-via-https the same pages could be loaded via either http or https then you can create protocol less URLs the protocol will be assumed to be the same as the current page. Note this is only needed for accessing resources on different domains and will only..
open and close modal window on hover and close when out of focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11727223/open-and-close-modal-window-on-hover-and-close-when-out-of-focus
Are jQuery's :first and :eq(0) selectors functionally equivalent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1234087/are-jquerys-first-and-eq0-selectors-functionally-equivalent radeditor thisFrame.parents div.RadEditor.Telerik 0 end new Date alert div.RadEditor.Telerik 0 end start end bench I assumed that the 3rd would be the fastest and the 4th would be the slowest but here's the results that I came up with FF3 eq 0 first..
how to find selected elements with Jquery UI selectable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1303294/how-to-find-selected-elements-with-jquery-ui-selectable I want to find what elements are being selected and check them to see if their parent elements are the same or not. I assumed this would be in the ui object some where. javascript jquery jquery ui jquery plugins share improve this question When..
How to send a model in jQuery $.ajax() post request to MVC controller method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1518417/how-to-send-a-model-in-jquery-ajax-post-request-to-mvc-controller-method a model in jQuery .ajax post request to MVC controller method In doing an auto refresh using the following code I assumed that when I do a post the model will automatically sent to the controller .ajax url ' Url.Action ModelPage ' type POST data..
MVC jQuery submit form (without page refresh) from JavaScript function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1720020/mvc-jquery-submit-form-without-page-refresh-from-javascript-function success function response do something with response LoadBooks return false if it's a link to prevent post I assumed that btnClicked is inside of the form input type button value Submit onclick DoAjaxPostAndMore this if link a href url something..
Getting URL hash location, and using it in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1822598/getting-url-hash-location-and-using-it-in-jquery # symbol at the beginning. Actually you don't need the first pseudo selector since you are using the ID selector is assumed that IDs are unique within the DOM. In case you want to get the hash from an URL string you can use the String.substring..
Jquery success function not firing using JSONP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2380551/jquery-success-function-not-firing-using-jsonp indicate the error event is not fired when using JSONP. Is that the case with the success event perhaps because it is assumed that I am providing my own callback function as well or is there a way to fire my success callback. Thanks in advance. .ajax..
loading page framents with Jquery AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2398568/loading-page-framents-with-jquery-ajax If one or more space characters are included in the string the portion of the string following the first space is assumed to be a jQuery selector that determines the content to be loaded. Since .get doesn't appear to support it I assume that..
tail -f in a webbrowser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2836838/tail-f-in-a-webbrowser this will do function doUpdate .ajax type GET url tailServiceUrl success function data if data.length 4 Data are assumed to be in HTML format Return something like p in case of no updates #logOutputDiv .append data setTimeout doUpdate 2000..
Loading inline content using FancyBox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3963338/loading-inline-content-using-fancybox help others that might come across the same issue. The examples on the vendor website are a little vague and I had assumed the following scenario. You have a link with a href n to some content's #id . a href #content div class fancybox Open Example..
jQueryMobile: how to work with slider events? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4583083/jquerymobile-how-to-work-with-slider-events hook to the keyup event as #slider .bind keyup function alert 'here' does absolutely nothing I must say that I wrongly assumed that jQueryMobile used jQueryUI controls as it was my first thought but now working deep in the events I can see this is..
Scroll 2 scrollbars with jquery the same time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5389228/scroll-2-scrollbars-with-jquery-the-same-time With that function all elements with a class of linked will scroll whenever you use the scrollbars of one of them. I assumed vertical scrolling if you wanted horizontal do the same but with scrollLeft See http jsfiddle.net g8Krz for a working example..
jQuery .find() doesn't return data in IE but does in Firefox and Chrome http://stackoverflow.com/questions/562283/jquery-find-doesnt-return-data-in-ie-but-does-in-firefox-and-chrome default script Is there something I need to do differently in IE Based on the message box with object Object I'm assumed that .find was working in IE but since I can't index into the array with 0 or check it's Length I'm guessing that means..
jqGrid Reposition Delete Confirmation Box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5719490/jqgrid-reposition-delete-confirmation-box this is a dupe I am sorry. I tried just posting it but it gave me some weird error and is not showing in my history so assumed it did not post. jquery jqgrid share improve this question I find is not a dupe. On the opposite I find it good so..
jQuery Multiple ID selectors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7079011/jquery-multiple-id-selectors .upload bla bla bla Basically what I'm trying to do is make the same call with a few different ID's... I would have assumed this would work but it doesn't var myUpload #upload_link #upload_link2 #upload_link3 .upload Any ideas javascript jquery..
Cascade Dropdown List using jQuery/PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7137357/cascade-dropdown-list-using-jquery-php type text javascript src crlist.js script script document .ready function initCs script This is my own script and i've assumed that you have created country and region tables. But you need to tweak the queries and above code according to your db structure...
How to use properties of an object literal without being inside a function in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9873839/how-to-use-properties-of-an-object-literal-without-being-inside-a-function-in-ja the console says null . But when I do the method inDent '#slides' .find 'li' .outerWidth then it works. Why is that I assumed it's the same as using those properties inside a function by using this keyword apparently it's not the case. I just wanna..