jquery Programming Glossary: aspx.cs
Problem sending JSON object succesfully to asp.net WebMethod, using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1146110/problem-sending-json-object-succesfully-to-asp-net-webmethod-using-jquery a bunch of key value pairs. so i've tried to create an array and adding the pairs to that array. My WebMethod aspx.cs looks like this this may be wrong for what i'm building in javascript i just dont know WebMethod public static string SaveRecord.. need to convert your object to a string when using jQuery @ Page Language C# AutoEventWireup true CodeBehind WebForm1.aspx.cs Inherits CustomEquip.WebForm1 DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml1 DTD xhtml1..
Jquery .ajax async postback on C# UserControl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2539620/jquery-ajax-async-postback-on-c-sharp-usercontrol it to a decorated method in your ASPX.cs file you cannot send directly to the .ascx method. The good news is that the aspx.cs method can call the ascx one so it is really pretty easy and you can just use it as a pass through to that. WebMethod public.. myTodo todo2add call your ascx method here mymethod todo2add.td1Id todo2add.description return yea at the end of the aspx.cs or in another class library put in your class so it knows how to decode the stuff public class myTodo summary web service..
How to call javascript/JQuery function from .cs file (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6775606/how-to-call-javascript-jquery-function-from-cs-file-c call javascript JQuery function from .cs file C# I'm working on asp.net C# project which include some page files aspx aspx.cs and some only .cs file. I'm able to access javascript jquery function from page files aspx aspx.cs using scriptregister... page files aspx aspx.cs and some only .cs file. I'm able to access javascript jquery function from page files aspx aspx.cs using scriptregister. but my question is how to access the javascript jquery function from alone .cs file. I'm generating.. in need of to call javascript jquery function from only .cs class. The file i have are forexample Default.aspx Default.aspx.cs And Web.cs My concern is to call javascript jquery function from web.cs Actually What I'm trying to do is to generate some..
Problem with 'data:image/jpg;base64' and jQuery image preview in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6820449/problem-with-dataimage-jpgbase64-and-jquery-image-preview-in-ie true script div id gallery a id aPhoto runat server img alt photo id imgPhoto runat server a div in my aspx.cs imgPhoto.Attributes.Add src data image jpg base64 base64Image so I insert into aspx sth like this imgPhoto.Attributes.Add..