jquery Programming Glossary: assigns
jQuery id selector works only for the first element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11114622/jquery-id-selector-works-only-for-the-first-element the id and class attributes id name CS This attribute assigns a name to an element. This name must be unique in a document...
jQuery and $ questions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1122690/jquery-and-questions it Example 3 var Above line defines an empty object and assigns it to the variable . It is same as doing var new Object This..
Delay Removing a Class in Jquery [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11815738/delay-removing-a-class-in-jquery I am writing a small script that when the page loads assigns a CSS subclass to three elements. 800ms later I want it to remove..
How to get an element the same height as browser resolution? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14486395/how-to-get-an-element-the-same-height-as-browser-resolution you're using window .css height The jQuery css function assigns css values it doesn't return a string. It would be window .height..
Is it poor form to use CLASS attributes with no corresponding CSS rule? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2832117/is-it-poor-form-to-use-class-attributes-with-no-corresponding-css-rule is general purpose The class attribute on the other hand assigns one or more class names to an element the element may be said..
jquery how to find if div with specific id exists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3373763/jquery-how-to-find-if-div-with-specific-id-exists The function gets the text of the clicked element and assigns it to a variable called 'name'. That variable is then used as..
jQuery text() function loses line breaks in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4502673/jquery-text-function-loses-line-breaks-in-ie it takes the contents of the div with the class 'note' and assigns it to a text area. The user can then edit the text and save..
W3Schools jQuery Quiz http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5710350/w3schools-jquery-quiz choices. According to the HTML 4.01 Spec This attribute assigns a name to an element. This name must be unique in a document...
Can you layer pictures on top of each other on a webpage? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6488390/can-you-layer-pictures-on-top-of-each-other-on-a-webpage imgc and imga behind everything else. The z index property assigns which element goes in front of another. The element with the..
Jquery If radio button is checked [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6654601/jquery-if-radio-button-is-checked defines a div element with the text You're appendin' assigns that div to the variable 'appended' var appended ' div ' .text.. 'appended' var appended ' div ' .text You're appendin' assigns the 'id' of appended to the 'appended' element appended.id 'appended'.. radio ' elements with the 'name' attribute of 'postage' 2. assigns the onChange onchange event handler 'input radio name postage..
What is the proper way to uncheck a checkbox in jQuery 1.7? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9950123/what-is-the-proper-way-to-uncheck-a-checkbox-in-jquery-1-7 if an attempt is made to remove the property. jQuery first assigns the value undefined to the property and ignores any error the..
stop settimeout in recursive function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/995426/stop-settimeout-in-recursive-function code. It is pretty much the same as yours except that it assigns the timeout to a variable so that it can be cleared. Also the..
jQuery id selector works only for the first element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11114622/jquery-id-selector-works-only-for-the-first-element with the same id . Quoting the spec 7.5.2 Element identifiers the id and class attributes id name CS This attribute assigns a name to an element. This name must be unique in a document. Solution change from id to class button type button class..
jQuery and $ questions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1122690/jquery-and-questions jQuery object everywhere but that will be very verbose isn't it Example 3 var Above line defines an empty object and assigns it to the variable . It is same as doing var new Object This is similar to how you can define an array using two different..
Delay Removing a Class in Jquery [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11815738/delay-removing-a-class-in-jquery duplicate Possible Duplicate Jquery delay execution of script I am writing a small script that when the page loads assigns a CSS subclass to three elements. 800ms later I want it to remove that subclass. I thought this code might do it script..
How to get an element the same height as browser resolution? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14486395/how-to-get-an-element-the-same-height-as-browser-resolution but these have different purposes. See link . Also you're using window .css height The jQuery css function assigns css values it doesn't return a string. It would be window .height because height does return a string. var height function..
Is it poor form to use CLASS attributes with no corresponding CSS rule? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2832117/is-it-poor-form-to-use-class-attributes-with-no-corresponding-css-rule html401 struct global.html#h 7.5.2 also mentions that class is general purpose The class attribute on the other hand assigns one or more class names to an element the element may be said to belong to these classes. A class name may be shared by..
jquery how to find if div with specific id exists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3373763/jquery-how-to-find-if-div-with-specific-id-exists I've got a function that appends a div to an element on click. The function gets the text of the clicked element and assigns it to a variable called 'name'. That variable is then used as the div id of the appended element. I need to see if a div..
jQuery text() function loses line breaks in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4502673/jquery-text-function-loses-line-breaks-in-ie li The problem I have is that the user clicks on 'edit' and it takes the contents of the div with the class 'note' and assigns it to a text area. The user can then edit the text and save it. I am using the following script to grab the contents of..
W3Schools jQuery Quiz http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5710350/w3schools-jquery-quiz correct the first language could should be removed from all choices. According to the HTML 4.01 Spec This attribute assigns a name to an element. This name must be unique in a document. Additionally according to the jQuery documentation for the..
Can you layer pictures on top of each other on a webpage? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6488390/can-you-layer-pictures-on-top-of-each-other-on-a-webpage 30 This will make imgc appear in front imgb appear behind imgc and imga behind everything else. The z index property assigns which element goes in front of another. The element with the greatest z index goes on top followed by the second greatest..
Jquery If radio button is checked [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6654601/jquery-if-radio-button-is-checked this .val 'Yes' append goes here Revised improved some jQuery defines a div element with the text You're appendin' assigns that div to the variable 'appended' var appended ' div ' .text You're appendin' assigns the 'id' of appended to the 'appended'.. with the text You're appendin' assigns that div to the variable 'appended' var appended ' div ' .text You're appendin' assigns the 'id' of appended to the 'appended' element appended.id 'appended' 1. selects ' input type radio ' elements with the.. element appended.id 'appended' 1. selects ' input type radio ' elements with the 'name' attribute of 'postage' 2. assigns the onChange onchange event handler 'input radio name postage ' .change function checks that the clicked radio button is..
What is the proper way to uncheck a checkbox in jQuery 1.7? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9950123/what-is-the-proper-way-to-uncheck-a-checkbox-in-jquery-1-7 DOM element or window object browsers may generate an error if an attempt is made to remove the property. jQuery first assigns the value undefined to the property and ignores any error the browser generates. In general it is only necessary to remove..
stop settimeout in recursive function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/995426/stop-settimeout-in-recursive-function isn't working but I thought I would provide you with updated code. It is pretty much the same as yours except that it assigns the timeout to a variable so that it can be cleared. Also the anonymous function in a setTimeout is great if you want to..