jquery Programming Glossary: arg
Paginate records on Client side issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10928368/paginate-records-on-client-side-issue this current_page 1 next_page this current_page 1 if _GET args explode _SERVER 'QUERY_STRING' foreach args as arg keyval.. 1 if _GET args explode _SERVER 'QUERY_STRING' foreach args as arg keyval explode arg if keyval 0 page And keyval 0 ipp.. _GET args explode _SERVER 'QUERY_STRING' foreach args as arg keyval explode arg if keyval 0 page And keyval 0 ipp this querystring..
Difference of the value, prototype and property http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12143590/difference-of-the-value-prototype-and-property is wellcomed function window undefined jQuery function arg The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced'.. the init constructor 'enhanced' return new jQuery.fn.init arg jQuery.fn jQuery.prototype constructor jQuery init function..
Is there a case insensitive jQuery :contains selector? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/187537/is-there-a-case-insensitive-jquery-contains-selector be jQuery.expr .Contains jQuery.expr.createPseudo function arg return function elem return jQuery elem .text .toUpperCase .indexOf..
a simple question on jquery closure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2024888/a-simple-question-on-jquery-closure name is not optional for function declarations. function arg alert arg alerts test test In the above example the function.. not optional for function declarations. function arg alert arg alerts test test In the above example the function expression.. function expression is automatically executed passing an argument. That pattern is heavily used by jQuery plugins since jQuery..
How do I make jQuery Contains case insensitive, including jQuery 1.8+? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2196641/how-do-i-make-jquery-contains-case-insensitive-including-jquery-1-8 be jQuery.expr .Contains jQuery.expr.createPseudo function arg return function elem return jQuery elem .text .toUpperCase .indexOf.. elem return jQuery elem .text .toUpperCase .indexOf arg.toUpperCase 0 You can test it out here . For more detail on..
jQuery Validate Required Select http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2901125/jquery-validate-required-select .validator.addMethod valueNotEquals function value element arg return arg value Value must not equal arg. configure your validation.. valueNotEquals function value element arg return arg value Value must not equal arg. configure your validation form.. value element arg return arg value Value must not equal arg. configure your validation form .validate rules SelectName valueNotEquals..
jQuery Validate (Date Range) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3761185/jquery-validate-date-range might extend Emily and lonesomeday's answers to allow an argument to be provided .validator.addMethod 'daterange' function.. .validator.addMethod 'daterange' function value element arg Same as above var startDate Date.parse arg 0 endDate Date.parse.. value element arg Same as above var startDate Date.parse arg 0 endDate Date.parse arg 1 enteredDate Date.parse value Same..
What does jQuery.fn mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4083351/what-does-jquery-fn-mean the architecture of jQuery function var foo function arg core constructor ensure to use the `new` operator if this instanceof.. the `new` operator if this instanceof foo return new foo arg store an argument for this example this.myArg arg .. create.. if this instanceof foo return new foo arg store an argument for this example this.myArg arg .. create `fn` alias to..
CSS selector case insensitive for attributes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5671238/css-selector-case-insensitive-for-attributes function node stackIndex properties var args properties 3 .split ' ' .map function arg return arg.replace.. properties var args properties 3 .split ' ' .map function arg return arg.replace ^ s ' ' s g '' return node .attr args 0.. var args properties 3 .split ' ' .map function arg return arg.replace ^ s ' ' s g '' return node .attr args 0 .toLowerCase..
Javascript. get number of files and their filenames from “input multiple” element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6171013/javascript-get-number-of-files-and-their-filenames-from-input-multiple-elemen .item on the FileList instance and it takes an integer arg to access individual File elements. Those have a .name property...
Paginate records on Client side issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10928368/paginate-records-on-client-side-issue _GET 'page' int _GET 'page' 1 must be numeric 0 prev_page this current_page 1 next_page this current_page 1 if _GET args explode _SERVER 'QUERY_STRING' foreach args as arg keyval explode arg if keyval 0 page And keyval 0 ipp this querystring.. 0 prev_page this current_page 1 next_page this current_page 1 if _GET args explode _SERVER 'QUERY_STRING' foreach args as arg keyval explode arg if keyval 0 page And keyval 0 ipp this querystring . . arg if _POST foreach _POST as key val.. this current_page 1 next_page this current_page 1 if _GET args explode _SERVER 'QUERY_STRING' foreach args as arg keyval explode arg if keyval 0 page And keyval 0 ipp this querystring . . arg if _POST foreach _POST as key val if key..
Difference of the value, prototype and property http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12143590/difference-of-the-value-prototype-and-property main pattern is something like this If needed correction is wellcomed function window undefined jQuery function arg The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced' return new jQuery.fn.init arg jQuery.fn jQuery.prototype.. jQuery function arg The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced' return new jQuery.fn.init arg jQuery.fn jQuery.prototype constructor jQuery init function selector context rootjQuery get the selected DOM el. and returns..
Is there a case insensitive jQuery :contains selector? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/187537/is-there-a-case-insensitive-jquery-contains-selector
a simple question on jquery closure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2024888/a-simple-question-on-jquery-closure and it will cause a syntax error since the function name is not optional for function declarations. function arg alert arg alerts test test In the above example the function expression is automatically executed passing an argument. That.. and it will cause a syntax error since the function name is not optional for function declarations. function arg alert arg alerts test test In the above example the function expression is automatically executed passing an argument. That pattern.. arg alert arg alerts test test In the above example the function expression is automatically executed passing an argument. That pattern is heavily used by jQuery plugins since jQuery can run in noConflict mode the global variable will not..
How do I make jQuery Contains case insensitive, including jQuery 1.8+? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2196641/how-do-i-make-jquery-contains-case-insensitive-including-jquery-1-8 API for this changed the jQuery 1.8 version of this would be jQuery.expr .Contains jQuery.expr.createPseudo function arg return function elem return jQuery elem .text .toUpperCase .indexOf arg.toUpperCase 0 You can test it out here . For more.. .Contains jQuery.expr.createPseudo function arg return function elem return jQuery elem .text .toUpperCase .indexOf arg.toUpperCase 0 You can test it out here . For more detail on 1.8 custom selectors check out the Sizzle wiki here . share..
jQuery Validate Required Select http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2901125/jquery-validate-required-select question You can write your own rule add the rule here .validator.addMethod valueNotEquals function value element arg return arg value Value must not equal arg. configure your validation form .validate rules SelectName valueNotEquals default.. You can write your own rule add the rule here .validator.addMethod valueNotEquals function value element arg return arg value Value must not equal arg. configure your validation form .validate rules SelectName valueNotEquals default messages.. add the rule here .validator.addMethod valueNotEquals function value element arg return arg value Value must not equal arg. configure your validation form .validate rules SelectName valueNotEquals default messages SelectName valueNotEquals Please..
jQuery Validate (Date Range) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3761185/jquery-validate-date-range improve this question If you want a reusable function you might extend Emily and lonesomeday's answers to allow an argument to be provided .validator.addMethod 'daterange' function value element arg Same as above var startDate Date.parse arg.. and lonesomeday's answers to allow an argument to be provided .validator.addMethod 'daterange' function value element arg Same as above var startDate Date.parse arg 0 endDate Date.parse arg 1 enteredDate Date.parse value Same as below .validator.format.. to be provided .validator.addMethod 'daterange' function value element arg Same as above var startDate Date.parse arg 0 endDate Date.parse arg 1 enteredDate Date.parse value Same as below .validator.format Please specify a date between 0..
What does jQuery.fn mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4083351/what-does-jquery-fn-mean test.b b inherited property A simple structure that resembles the architecture of jQuery function var foo function arg core constructor ensure to use the `new` operator if this instanceof foo return new foo arg store an argument for this example.. function var foo function arg core constructor ensure to use the `new` operator if this instanceof foo return new foo arg store an argument for this example this.myArg arg .. create `fn` alias to `prototype` property foo.fn foo.prototype init.. foo function arg core constructor ensure to use the `new` operator if this instanceof foo return new foo arg store an argument for this example this.myArg arg .. create `fn` alias to `prototype` property foo.fn foo.prototype init function .....
CSS selector case insensitive for attributes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5671238/css-selector-case-insensitive-for-attributes may have been more intuitive but it works .expr ' ' .attrCaseInsensitive function node stackIndex properties var args properties 3 .split ' ' .map function arg return arg.replace ^ s ' ' s g '' return node .attr args 0 .toLowerCase args.. .expr ' ' .attrCaseInsensitive function node stackIndex properties var args properties 3 .split ' ' .map function arg return arg.replace ^ s ' ' s g '' return node .attr args 0 .toLowerCase args 1 var searchInputs 'input attrCaseInsensitive.. ' ' .attrCaseInsensitive function node stackIndex properties var args properties 3 .split ' ' .map function arg return arg.replace ^ s ' ' s g '' return node .attr args 0 .toLowerCase args 1 var searchInputs 'input attrCaseInsensitive value search..
Javascript. get number of files and their filenames from “input multiple” element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6171013/javascript-get-number-of-files-and-their-filenames-from-input-multiple-elemen has a .length property. There's also an access method called .item on the FileList instance and it takes an integer arg to access individual File elements. Those have a .name property. So var inp document.getElementById 'fileElementId' for..