jquery Programming Glossary: applet
jQuery - How to remove cross domain limitation [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11299438/jquery-how-to-remove-cross-domain-limitation accomplish such a feat without a web proxy see below or an applet Flash Java . However it does have its own security risks if..
ajax giving blank response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12245184/ajax-giving-blank-response
Kill Java Applet via Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1267033/kill-java-applet-via-javascript image is painted and uploaded the Web app then unloads the applet and proceeds to show the directory where the file was uploaded.. had a similar Problem in fact any manipulation done on an applet via jQuery is faulty but solved that Problem by wrapping a div.. and controlling hide and show the div instead of the applet. This unfortunately isn't applicable on this Web app because..
How open a local file with the associated program from a web page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2393427/how-open-a-local-file-with-the-associated-program-from-a-web-page at some point you might want to look into embedding a Java applet into the page. Of course this will require permissions from.. course this will require permissions from the user for the applet to access the hard drive but it will work in any browser that..
how to check whether a port is open at client's network/firewall (solved) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8937158/how-to-check-whether-a-port-is-open-at-clients-network-firewall-solved own answer Please see the updated part I have tried with applet too. And will not hesitate to accept your answer if you can.. to accept your answer if you can give a solution with applet implementation. I am working with a Java based web application... thanks to Y Martin's suggestion . This is working fine in appletviewer. But when I add the applet in HTML page it is giving vulnerable..
Android Webkit logging full HTML page on keypress http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9022530/android-webkit-logging-full-html-page-on-keypress 31.510 D webcore 1221 #text 0x1ca6c0 nhtml body div span applet object iframe h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p blockquote pre a abbr acronym..
reset multiple css styles for one single div element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/974980/reset-multiple-css-styles-for-one-single-div-element set styles @CHARSET UTF 8 GENERAL RESET html body div span applet object iframe h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p blockquote pre a abbr acronym..
How do I Read a Local File INTO a webpage via Javascript or Jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9891385/how-do-i-read-a-local-file-into-a-webpage-via-javascript-or-jquery support . You might have to look to using a signed Java applet to get wider support but then you start depending on people..
jQuery - How to remove cross domain limitation [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11299438/jquery-how-to-remove-cross-domain-limitation the requests and return the data to your JavaScript. Java Applet possible non default Java is also subjected to the same origin..
Kill Java Applet via Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1267033/kill-java-applet-via-javascript Java Applet via Javascript I am working for a developing firm and am doing.. unfortunately isn't applicable on this Web app because the Applet has to be destroyed and not just hidden and shown as it takes.. is not needed. To make it short Is it possible to make an Applet destroy itself via Javascript Alternatively Is there a workaround..
select and read an XML file (client-side) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7805814/select-and-read-an-xml-file-client-side
how to check whether a port is open at client's network/firewall (solved) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8937158/how-to-check-whether-a-port-is-open-at-clients-network-firewall-solved execute in any cases UPDATE I have tried with Java Applet thanks to Y Martin's suggestion . This is working fine in appletviewer... of portAvailable is being altered in the printed message. Applet Code import java.applet.Applet import java.awt.Graphics import.. in the printed message. Applet Code import java.applet.Applet import java.awt.Graphics import java.net.InetSocketAddress import..
jQuery - How to remove cross domain limitation [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11299438/jquery-how-to-remove-cross-domain-limitation data to your page. It is the only legitimate way to accomplish such a feat without a web proxy see below or an applet Flash Java . However it does have its own security risks if you are not the provider of both ends of the request. Remember..
ajax giving blank response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12245184/ajax-giving-blank-response
Kill Java Applet via Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1267033/kill-java-applet-via-javascript on the Web which I embed on the Page on Demand. After the image is painted and uploaded the Web app then unloads the applet and proceeds to show the directory where the file was uploaded to. This is where Trouble starts. It all works on IE and.. missing. The Web app Tiparlo which I was working on before had a similar Problem in fact any manipulation done on an applet via jQuery is faulty but solved that Problem by wrapping a div around and controlling hide and show the div instead of the.. jQuery is faulty but solved that Problem by wrapping a div around and controlling hide and show the div instead of the applet. This unfortunately isn't applicable on this Web app because the Applet has to be destroyed and not just hidden and shown..
How open a local file with the associated program from a web page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2393427/how-open-a-local-file-with-the-associated-program-from-a-web-page solution. If you want something that is browser agnostic at some point you might want to look into embedding a Java applet into the page. Of course this will require permissions from the user for the applet to access the hard drive but it will.. want to look into embedding a Java applet into the page. Of course this will require permissions from the user for the applet to access the hard drive but it will work in any browser that has the Java plugin installed. share improve this answer..
how to check whether a port is open at client's network/firewall (solved) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8937158/how-to-check-whether-a-port-is-open-at-clients-network-firewall-solved last with timeout attribute of jQuery AJAX and JSONP . See my own answer Please see the updated part I have tried with applet too. And will not hesitate to accept your answer if you can give a solution with applet implementation. I am working with.. updated part I have tried with applet too. And will not hesitate to accept your answer if you can give a solution with applet implementation. I am working with a Java based web application. My requirement is to check whether a particular port say.. in any cases UPDATE I have tried with Java Applet thanks to Y Martin's suggestion . This is working fine in appletviewer. But when I add the applet in HTML page it is giving vulnerable results. Vulnerable in the sense when I change the..
Android Webkit logging full HTML page on keypress http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9022530/android-webkit-logging-full-html-page-on-keypress 01 26 19 26 31.510 D webcore 1221 STYLE 0x1ca700 01 26 19 26 31.510 D webcore 1221 #text 0x1ca6c0 nhtml body div span applet object iframe h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p blockquote pre a abbr acronym e n border collapse collapse n border spacing 0 n nimg n..
reset multiple css styles for one single div element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/974980/reset-multiple-css-styles-for-one-single-div-element sure if it's possible I only know this way #divwrapper td set styles @CHARSET UTF 8 GENERAL RESET html body div span applet object iframe h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p blockquote pre a abbr acronym address big cite code del dfn em font img ins kbd q s samp..
How do I Read a Local File INTO a webpage via Javascript or Jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9891385/how-do-i-read-a-local-file-into-a-webpage-via-javascript-or-jquery FileReader API which is currently a draft with limited browser support . You might have to look to using a signed Java applet to get wider support but then you start depending on people having the Java plug in installed . share improve this answer..
jQuery - How to remove cross domain limitation [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11299438/jquery-how-to-remove-cross-domain-limitation script would have to interface w a Flash API wich would make the requests and return the data to your JavaScript. Java Applet possible non default Java is also subjected to the same origin policy but has a similar work around to Flash as described..
Kill Java Applet via Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1267033/kill-java-applet-via-javascript Java Applet via Javascript I am working for a developing firm and am doing a major redesign on a Web Application which reloaded everything.. hide and show the div instead of the applet. This unfortunately isn't applicable on this Web app because the Applet has to be destroyed and not just hidden and shown as it takes up too much resources to be run the entire time where it is.. up too much resources to be run the entire time where it is not needed. To make it short Is it possible to make an Applet destroy itself via Javascript Alternatively Is there a workaround on the jQuery expando applet problem I know that applet..
select and read an XML file (client-side) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7805814/select-and-read-an-xml-file-client-side
how to check whether a port is open at client's network/firewall (solved) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8937158/how-to-check-whether-a-port-is-open-at-clients-network-firewall-solved function deadCode alert Inside Deadcode this does not execute in any cases UPDATE I have tried with Java Applet thanks to Y Martin's suggestion . This is working fine in appletviewer. But when I add the applet in HTML page it is giving.. sense when I change the tab or resize the browser the value of portAvailable is being altered in the printed message. Applet Code import java.applet.Applet import java.awt.Graphics import java.net.InetSocketAddress import java.net.Socket public.. resize the browser the value of portAvailable is being altered in the printed message. Applet Code import java.applet.Applet import java.awt.Graphics import java.net.InetSocketAddress import java.net.Socket public class ConnectionTestApplet extends..