jquery Programming Glossary: apart
How to consume OData service with Html/Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10112376/how-to-consume-odata-service-with-html-javascript serialized back into a Javascript object for you to pick apart and act upon or display. Here are some additional links to get..
$(this).keyup() not responding when focused on tinyMCE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1024712/this-keyup-not-responding-when-focused-on-tinymce This is my code that works an all inputs on the page apart from the tinyMCE editor script type text javascript document..
Simplest way to detect a pinch http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11183174/simplest-way-to-detect-a-pinch together else if e.scale 1.0 User moved fingers further apart false You could also intercept the gesturechange event to detect..
load() method deprecated? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12643160/load-method-deprecated load or attach fire a load event. CCAO cannot tell them apart since it's a dynamic decision based on arguments. To avoid ambiguities..
jQuery - on() function when a div is clicked, but not when a child of that div is clicked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14176099/jquery-on-function-when-a-div-is-clicked-but-not-when-a-child-of-that-div-i selector that selects the parent div and everything in it apart from this one child Thanks div class box div class overlay div..
Installing jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1458349/installing-jquery
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14994391/how-do-i-think-in-angularjs-if-i-have-a-jquery-background against the DOM for that too. How do we test the logic apart from the DOM And what if we want to change the presentation..
jQuery and “Organized Code” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/251814/jquery-and-organized-code container input added to the page... logic WAY split apart the first loop whew almost out The start of the code Now this..
Jquery UI Datepicker not displaying http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2682259/jquery-ui-datepicker-not-displaying the problem is was as I have not changed anything else apart of the jquery and ui library versions. UPDATE END I having an..
How to access frame (not iframe) contents from jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2921957/how-to-access-frame-not-iframe-contents-from-jquery For this to work the frame must have the name attribute apart from the id like this frameset rows 50 50 frame id treeContent..
Any alternative to jQuery change() to detect when user selects new file via dialog box in IE8? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2993946/any-alternative-to-jquery-change-to-detect-when-user-selects-new-file-via-dial .val Above jQuery code works perfectly in all browsers apart from IE. For some reason IE detects the change only after input..
Cannot submit form with .submit() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3553584/cannot-submit-form-with-submit fields in the form are filled. Everything in this works apart from the '#date_filter_form' .submit line. I can .hide the form..
jquery datepicker - beforeShowDay problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3812203/jquery-datepicker-beforeshowday-problem may not be the most elegant so feel free to take my code apart and change it if necessary. jquery jquery datepicker share..
Hide all elements except one div and its child element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4277792/hide-all-elements-except-one-div-and-its-child-element you want remaining visible. You need to hide everything apart from that tree the trick is identifying all children of the..
jQuery <select> option disabled if selected in other <select> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4610652/jquery-select-option-disabled-if-selected-in-other-select In the worst case scenario when the SELECT boxes are far apart in the DOM tree and traversing would not be efficient you can..
To hashbang or not to hashbang? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6756695/to-hashbang-or-not-to-hashbang event. see step 3 Add a javascript redirect on all pages apart from the homepage to redirect pages back to the homepage but..
jQuery Selectors, efficiency http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7262116/jquery-selectors-efficiency jQuery stuff mentioned that the Sizzle engine will break apart your selector into an array then parse left to right. It then..
Weird Chrome prototype/jQuery conflict http://stackoverflow.com/questions/833883/weird-chrome-prototype-jquery-conflict console open make it work Anyone know a good workaround apart from upgrading to prototype which fixes this issue..
JQuery-Mobile collapsible expand/collapse event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8399882/jquery-mobile-collapsible-expand-collapse-event collapsing a component marked with data role collapsible apart from the onclick event of its header EDIT I would like some..
What does !function ($) { $(function(){ }) }(window.jQuery) do? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10896749/what-does-function-function-window-jquery-do to create a site and was trying to initialize tooltips. Apart from adding something like rel tooltip .tooltip in application.js..
How do you fix the flickering that occurs when you use slideToggle in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/111407/how-do-you-fix-the-flickering-that-occurs-when-you-use-slidetoggle-in-jquery Down Toggle effects now work correctly in IE7. See A List Apart for more information on DOCTYPES or you can try specifying the..
Updating dropdownlist based on previous dropdownlists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12631350/updating-dropdownlist-based-on-previous-dropdownlists dropdownlist based on previous dropdownlists Apart of my MVC3 project we designed a page with 3 security questions..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14994391/how-do-i-think-in-angularjs-if-i-have-a-jquery-background a view that looks like this ul class messages id log ul Apart from mixing concerns we also have the same problems of signifying..
jQuery How to Hide DIVs, they are Showing for a Split Second on page Load http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1855998/jquery-how-to-hide-divs-they-are-showing-for-a-split-second-on-page-load turn obviously document .ready function Hide All Div's Apart From First 'div#gall2' .hide 'div#gall3' .hide 'div#gall4' .hide..
Easiest way to convert json data into objects with methods attached? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2838219/easiest-way-to-convert-json-data-into-objects-with-methods-attached this question Yes it would work but it's not desirable. Apart from appearing slightly hacky IMO you're attaching methods to..
Is plain vanilla JavaScript better than using frameworks like jQuery or MooTools? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3393900/is-plain-vanilla-javascript-better-than-using-frameworks-like-jquery-or-mootools jQuery or MooTools or should we just use plain JavaScript Apart from avoiding the re invention of wheel do they add any specific..
.hide() or display: none? jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4396983/hide-or-display-none-jquery hide because that way the previous state is remembered. Apart from that there's no difference. share improve this answer..
Wrapping lists into columns http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4923/wrapping-lists-into-columns this question So I dug up this article from A List Apart CSS Swag Multi Column Lists . I ended up using the first solution..
Changing order of records from the front end http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6320946/changing-order-of-records-from-the-front-end around so there are no repeated display_order values. Apart from not getting my head around how I would do that it seems..
Flot memory leak while associating two graphs using panning http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7892610/flot-memory-leak-while-associating-two-graphs-using-panning memory and it piles up towards hundreds of megabytes. Apart from this we also update individual legends with mouse movements...
Problems using jQuery quicksand with fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8048063/problems-using-jquery-quicksand-with-fancybox fancybox to all elements that match a.fsand selector. Apart from that there were two other issues Using same id for two..
What is the reason for this JavaScript immediate invocation pattern? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8475578/what-is-the-reason-for-this-javascript-immediate-invocation-pattern I can use the shorthand to refer to the jQuery object. Apart from that the result would be identical in both cases. I would..
How to consume OData service with Html/Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10112376/how-to-consume-odata-service-with-html-javascript pages can XHR your data and receive it as JSON which gets de serialized back into a Javascript object for you to pick apart and act upon or display. Here are some additional links to get you started New Javascript OData Library MSDN OData protocol..
$(this).keyup() not responding when focused on tinyMCE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1024712/this-keyup-not-responding-when-focused-on-tinymce away from being anywhere near adiquate to deal with this problem This is my code that works an all inputs on the page apart from the tinyMCE editor script type text javascript document .ready function this .keyup function get the contents of the..
Simplest way to detect a pinch http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11183174/simplest-way-to-detect-a-pinch function e if e.scale 1.0 User moved fingers closer together else if e.scale 1.0 User moved fingers further apart false You could also intercept the gesturechange event to detect a pinch as it happens if you need it to make your app feel..
load() method deprecated? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12643160/load-method-deprecated method is an ambiguous signature it can either be an ajax load or attach fire a load event. CCAO cannot tell them apart since it's a dynamic decision based on arguments. To avoid ambiguities related to the method's signature it is now recommended..
jQuery - on() function when a div is clicked, but not when a child of that div is clicked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14176099/jquery-on-function-when-a-div-is-clicked-but-not-when-a-child-of-that-div-i one specific child of the parent is clicked. How do I make a selector that selects the parent div and everything in it apart from this one child Thanks div class box div class overlay div id text div div div class slide div class slideleft div div..
Installing jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1458349/installing-jquery
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14994391/how-do-i-think-in-angularjs-if-i-have-a-jquery-background DOM node. And if we want to delete a log entry we have to code against the DOM for that too. How do we test the logic apart from the DOM And what if we want to change the presentation This a little messy and a trifle frail. But in AngularJS we..
jQuery and “Organized Code” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/251814/jquery-and-organized-code was this again ending something... not sure anymore .appendTo container input added to the page... logic WAY split apart the first loop whew almost out The start of the code Now this situation isn't too far from impossible. I'm not saying this..
Jquery UI Datepicker not displaying http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2682259/jquery-ui-datepicker-not-displaying back to Jquery 1.3.2 and everything is working not sure what the problem is was as I have not changed anything else apart of the jquery and ui library versions. UPDATE END I having an issue with the JQuery UI datepicker . The datepicker is being..
How to access frame (not iframe) contents from jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2921957/how-to-access-frame-not-iframe-contents-from-jquery way is '#statusText' top.frames treeStatus .document .hide For this to work the frame must have the name attribute apart from the id like this frameset rows 50 50 frame id treeContent src treeContent.html frame name treeStatus id treeStatus..
Any alternative to jQuery change() to detect when user selects new file via dialog box in IE8? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2993946/any-alternative-to-jquery-change-to-detect-when-user-selects-new-file-via-dial the dialog box closes. '.myInput' .change function alert this .val Above jQuery code works perfectly in all browsers apart from IE. For some reason IE detects the change only after input field loses focus. Is there a way to detect the change immediately..
Cannot submit form with .submit() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3553584/cannot-submit-form-with-submit a form submit event when any form value changes and all the fields in the form are filled. Everything in this works apart from the '#date_filter_form' .submit line. I can .hide the form but can't submit it for some reason. Documentation says..
jquery datepicker - beforeShowDay problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3812203/jquery-datepicker-beforeshowday-problem putting the varying part of the beforeShowDay code in a span may not be the most elegant so feel free to take my code apart and change it if necessary. jquery jquery datepicker share improve this question You could create an object keeping..
Hide all elements except one div and its child element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4277792/hide-all-elements-except-one-div-and-its-child-element visible. So you need to have an entire tree down to the DIV you want remaining visible. You need to hide everything apart from that tree the trick is identifying all children of the DOM structure that are not in the DIV ancestry and all siblings..
jQuery <select> option disabled if selected in other <select> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4610652/jquery-select-option-disabled-if-selected-in-other-select jQuery's traversal methods to jump to the other SELECT box. In the worst case scenario when the SELECT boxes are far apart in the DOM tree and traversing would not be efficient you can just assign ID attributes to them and use this code to select..
To hashbang or not to hashbang? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6756695/to-hashbang-or-not-to-hashbang the window.location.pathname thus triggering the hashchange event. see step 3 Add a javascript redirect on all pages apart from the homepage to redirect pages back to the homepage but append the window.location.pathname after a hash # . For example..
jQuery Selectors, efficiency http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7262116/jquery-selectors-efficiency jQuery uses the Sizzle engine and this blog post about some jQuery stuff mentioned that the Sizzle engine will break apart your selector into an array then parse left to right. It then from right to left begins deciphering each item with regular..
Weird Chrome prototype/jQuery conflict http://stackoverflow.com/questions/833883/weird-chrome-prototype-jquery-conflict the jQuery init to fail Why does loading the page with the console open make it work Anyone know a good workaround apart from upgrading to prototype which fixes this issue but breaks a load of legacy code elsewhere jquery google..
JQuery-Mobile collapsible expand/collapse event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8399882/jquery-mobile-collapsible-expand-collapse-event know any other way to capture the event of expanding or collapsing a component marked with data role collapsible apart from the onclick event of its header EDIT I would like some kind of event that will also provide information about the expanded..
What does !function ($) { $(function(){ }) }(window.jQuery) do? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10896749/what-does-function-function-window-jquery-do function window.jQuery do I'm using twitter bootstrap to create a site and was trying to initialize tooltips. Apart from adding something like rel tooltip .tooltip in application.js unless I retain the following piece of code used in bootstrap..
How do you fix the flickering that occurs when you use slideToggle in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/111407/how-do-you-fix-the-flickering-that-occurs-when-you-use-slidetoggle-in-jquery but adding a DOCTYPE fixed this issue for me and the slideUp Down Toggle effects now work correctly in IE7. See A List Apart for more information on DOCTYPES or you can try specifying the fairly lenient 4 Transitional DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC W3C DTD..
Updating dropdownlist based on previous dropdownlists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12631350/updating-dropdownlist-based-on-previous-dropdownlists dropdownlist based on previous dropdownlists Apart of my MVC3 project we designed a page with 3 security questions and answers respectively around 10 in the dropdownlist ...
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14994391/how-do-i-think-in-angularjs-if-i-have-a-jquery-background data status 'ul#log' .append ' li Data Received li ' For a view that looks like this ul class messages id log ul Apart from mixing concerns we also have the same problems of signifying intent that I mentioned before. But more importantly we..
jQuery How to Hide DIVs, they are Showing for a Split Second on page Load http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1855998/jquery-how-to-hide-divs-they-are-showing-for-a-split-second-on-page-load to hide the DIV's which shouldn't be shown until it's their turn obviously document .ready function Hide All Div's Apart From First 'div#gall2' .hide 'div#gall3' .hide 'div#gall4' .hide But on loading the page you can see DIV's gall2 gall3 and..
Easiest way to convert json data into objects with methods attached? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2838219/easiest-way-to-convert-json-data-into-objects-with-methods-attached methods. Would that work javascript jquery share improve this question Yes it would work but it's not desirable. Apart from appearing slightly hacky IMO you're attaching methods to each instance of your fruit and seeds where you should instead..
Is plain vanilla JavaScript better than using frameworks like jQuery or MooTools? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3393900/is-plain-vanilla-javascript-better-than-using-frameworks-like-jquery-or-mootools am wondering if it is a good idea to rely on frameworks like jQuery or MooTools or should we just use plain JavaScript Apart from avoiding the re invention of wheel do they add any specific value Since the frameworks are open to the public can there..
.hide() or display: none? jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4396983/hide-or-display-none-jquery
Wrapping lists into columns http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4923/wrapping-lists-into-columns some scrolling. javascript jquery html css cfml share improve this question So I dug up this article from A List Apart CSS Swag Multi Column Lists . I ended up using the first solution it's not the best but the others require either using..
Changing order of records from the front end http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6320946/changing-order-of-records-from-the-front-end a display order for a record and ideally have the others shuffle around so there are no repeated display_order values. Apart from not getting my head around how I would do that it seems like it would be hard to code and inefficient shuffling every..
Flot memory leak while associating two graphs using panning http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7892610/flot-memory-leak-while-associating-two-graphs-using-panning it redraws. But with the above binding browser never drops memory and it piles up towards hundreds of megabytes. Apart from this we also update individual legends with mouse movements. we tried following approaches for the memory leak but..
Problems using jQuery quicksand with fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8048063/problems-using-jquery-quicksand-with-fancybox again . Passing the callback to quicksand that is re applying fancybox to all elements that match a.fsand selector. Apart from that there were two other issues Using same id for two elements on the same site it is forbidden in general and according..
What is the reason for this JavaScript immediate invocation pattern? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8475578/what-is-the-reason-for-this-javascript-immediate-invocation-pattern ... The only difference I can see is that in the first version I can use the shorthand to refer to the jQuery object. Apart from that the result would be identical in both cases. I would like to know if I am missing something. Maybe there is another..