jquery Programming Glossary: apple
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name apple mobile web.. name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name apple mobile web app status bar style content black title title link.. scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name apple mobile web..
jQuery Mobile: Get data passed to page via changePage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15840611/jquery-mobile-get-data-passed-to-page-via-changepage scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name apple mobile web.. name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name apple mobile web app status bar style content black title title link.. scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name apple mobile web..
Easiest way to convert json data into objects with methods attached? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2838219/easiest-way-to-convert-json-data-into-objects-with-methods-attached in turn contain an array of seeds thus fruitbowl name apple color red seeds name orange color orange seeds size small density..
Ajax File Download using Jquery, PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3599670/ajax-file-download-using-jquery-php #secretIFrame .attr src myphpscript.php option1 apple option2 orange and then using PHP headers to force the download..
how to get the metadata of jsTree. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3604790/how-to-get-the-metadata-of-jstree icons action function obj window.a obj submenu apple label apple action function obj this.set_theme 'apple'.. function obj window.a obj submenu apple label apple action function obj this.set_theme 'apple' classic.. label apple action function obj this.set_theme 'apple' classic label classic action function obj this.set_theme..
$(document).click() not working correctly on iPhone. jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3705937/document-click-not-working-correctly-on-iphone-jquery click events. They raise touch events. Thanks very much apple. Why couldn't they just keep it standard like everyone else..
jquery remove duplicate li http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3838845/jquery-remove-duplicate-li li ul id myid li microsoft li li microsoft li li apple li li apple li ul I want to remove duplicates from li by using.. ul id myid li microsoft li li microsoft li li apple li li apple li ul I want to remove duplicates from li by using jquery. How..
Inserting string at position x of another string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4364881/inserting-string-at-position-x-of-another-string at this position. The result I'm looking for is I want an apple . How can I do this with jquery or javascript var a I want apple.. . How can I do this with jquery or javascript var a I want apple var b an var position 6 javascript jquery share improve this..
Graph visualization code in JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7034/graph-visualization-code-in-javascript g new Graph g.addEdge strawberry cherry g.addEdge cherry apple g.addEdge id34 cherry I used the previously mentioned Raphael..
How to perform a real time search and filter on a HTML table http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9127498/how-to-perform-a-real-time-search-and-filter-on-a-html-table in any order in the row. It will work the same if you type apple green or green apple var rows '#table tr' '#search' .keyup function.. It will work the same if you type apple green or green apple var rows '#table tr' '#search' .keyup function var val '^ ...
Use jQuery to change a second select list based on the first select list option http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10570904/use-jquery-to-change-a-second-select-list-based-on-the-first-select-list-option id select2 option value 1 Banana option option value 1 Apple option option value 1 Orange option option value 2 Wolf option.. select The second select would show me only Fruits Banana Apple Orange. If I choose Bird in the first select the second select..
checkbox check all option http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11380555/checkbox-check-all-option set with Category Subcategorywise... Company Microsoft Apple Country USA UK and checkbox attached to each item. So if I click.. should automatically mark checkboxes next to Microsoft and Apple checked like wise if I select Country it should check the options.. id modalEntity class entity2 type checkbox name CompanySub Apple input type checkbox class entityCheckboxHeader2 id entityCheckboxHeader..
Can you autoplay HTML5 videos on the iPad? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12496144/can-you-autoplay-html5-videos-on-the-ipad click via onClick works too. Is there any restrictions by Apple in regard to autoplay I'm running iOS 5 by the way . jquery.. have data usage bandwidth limits on their devices I think Apple felt that the user themselves should decide when they initiate.. a bit of research I found the following extract in the Apple documentation in regard to auto play on iOS devices to confirm..
Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14065610/struggling-between-native-and-phonegap-simple-app-requirements there's a good chance your app will not get permission for Apple app store. Even Google Play Store will ban your app if they..
How can I make a jQuery UI 'draggable()' div draggable for touchscreen? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3026915/how-can-i-make-a-jquery-ui-draggable-div-draggable-for-touchscreen JavaScript events ontouchstart ontouchmove and ontouchend. Apple actually has written an article about their use which you can..
jQuery - draggable images on iPad / iPhone - how to integrate event.preventDefault();? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4488601/jquery-draggable-images-on-ipad-iphone-how-to-integrate-event-preventdefau logo img src http upload.wikimedia.org wikipedia en a ab Apple logo.png class draggable alt Apple Inc. logo div div body script.. wikipedia en a ab Apple logo.png class draggable alt Apple Inc. logo div div body script type text javascript document.. is that the whole page want to scroll. I searched in Apple's HTML5 examples and found this to prevent the scrolling of..
Apple Cover-flow effect using jQuery or other library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/67207/apple-cover-flow-effect-using-jquery-or-other-library Cover flow effect using jQuery or other library Does anyone..
Trying to get tag-it to work with an AJAX call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6938802/trying-to-get-tag-it-to-work-with-an-ajax-call my code input type hidden name tags id mySingleField value Apple Orange disabled true Tags br ul id mytags ul script type text..
Mobile Safari bug on fixed positioned button after scrollTop programmatically changed…? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8752220/mobile-safari-bug-on-fixed-positioned-button-after-scrolltop-programmatically-ch also if you can point me to where I can submit a bug to Apple that'd be good too unless one already has been EDIT just click.. MobileSafariFixedPosBug.html EDIT 3 Bug reported to Apple jquery ios5 mobile safari css position share improve this..
Maintain PHP Session in web app on iPhone http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9998900/maintain-php-session-in-web-app-on-iphone this question I'm guessing you're referring to the Apple fullscreen capable meta tag web apps . They exist in a sandbox..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events utf 8 meta name viewport content widdiv device widdiv initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name apple mobile web app status bar style content black title title link rel stylesheet.. initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name apple mobile web app status bar style content black title title link rel stylesheet href http code.jquery.com mobile 1.2.0 jquery.mobile.. utf 8 meta name viewport content widdiv device widdiv initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name apple mobile web app status bar style content black title title link rel stylesheet..
jQuery Mobile: Get data passed to page via changePage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15840611/jquery-mobile-get-data-passed-to-page-via-changepage utf 8 meta name viewport content widdiv device widdiv initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name apple mobile web app status bar style content black title title link rel stylesheet.. initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name apple mobile web app status bar style content black title title link rel stylesheet href http code.jquery.com mobile 1.2.0 jquery.mobile.. utf 8 meta name viewport content widdiv device widdiv initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name apple mobile web app status bar style content black title title link rel stylesheet..
Easiest way to convert json data into objects with methods attached? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2838219/easiest-way-to-convert-json-data-into-objects-with-methods-attached I get data for a fruitbowl with an array of fruit objects which in turn contain an array of seeds thus fruitbowl name apple color red seeds name orange color orange seeds size small density hard size small density soft That's all nice and good..
Ajax File Download using Jquery, PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3599670/ajax-file-download-using-jquery-php hidden iframe Then set the attr of the iframe to your querystring #secretIFrame .attr src myphpscript.php option1 apple option2 orange and then using PHP headers to force the download when the source is set here's an example of an exporter..
how to get the metadata of jsTree. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3604790/how-to-get-the-metadata-of-jstree b 1 1 this.changeSort obj fn icons label icons action function obj window.a obj submenu apple label apple action function obj this.set_theme 'apple' classic label classic action function obj this.set_theme.. this.changeSort obj fn icons label icons action function obj window.a obj submenu apple label apple action function obj this.set_theme 'apple' classic label classic action function obj this.set_theme.. icons action function obj window.a obj submenu apple label apple action function obj this.set_theme 'apple' classic label classic action function obj this.set_theme 'classic' default label default action..
$(document).click() not working correctly on iPhone. jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3705937/document-click-not-working-correctly-on-iphone-jquery in the following code works. The problem is iPhones dont raise click events. They raise touch events. Thanks very much apple. Why couldn't they just keep it standard like everyone else Anyway thanks Nico for the tip. Credit to http ross.posterous.com..
jquery remove duplicate li http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3838845/jquery-remove-duplicate-li remove duplicate li ul id myid li microsoft li li microsoft li li apple li li apple li ul I want to remove duplicates from li by using jquery. How can I do that javascript jquery html share.. remove duplicate li ul id myid li microsoft li li microsoft li li apple li li apple li ul I want to remove duplicates from li by using jquery. How can I do that javascript jquery html share improve this..
Inserting string at position x of another string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4364881/inserting-string-at-position-x-of-another-string of another string I have 2 vars and need to insert b into a at this position. The result I'm looking for is I want an apple . How can I do this with jquery or javascript var a I want apple var b an var position 6 javascript jquery share improve.. position. The result I'm looking for is I want an apple . How can I do this with jquery or javascript var a I want apple var b an var position 6 javascript jquery share improve this question var output a.slice 0 position b a.slice position..
Graph visualization code in JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7034/graph-visualization-code-in-javascript nodes and edges easily with JavaScript code like this var g new Graph g.addEdge strawberry cherry g.addEdge cherry apple g.addEdge id34 cherry I used the previously mentioned Raphael JS library the graffle example plus some code for a force..
How to perform a real time search and filter on a HTML table http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9127498/how-to-perform-a-real-time-search-and-filter-on-a-html-table using regular expressions will allow you to search words in any order in the row. It will work the same if you type apple green or green apple var rows '#table tr' '#search' .keyup function var val '^ . b' .trim this .val .split s .join ' b ... will allow you to search words in any order in the row. It will work the same if you type apple green or green apple var rows '#table tr' '#search' .keyup function var val '^ . b' .trim this .val .split s .join ' b . b' ' . ' reg RegExp..
Use jQuery to change a second select list based on the first select list option http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10570904/use-jquery-to-change-a-second-select-list-based-on-the-first-select-list-option option option value 4 Car option select select name select2 id select2 option value 1 Banana option option value 1 Apple option option value 1 Orange option option value 2 Wolf option option value 2 Fox option option value 2 Bear option option.. How do I do that with jQuery if I choose Fruit in the first select The second select would show me only Fruits Banana Apple Orange. If I choose Bird in the first select the second select would show me only Birds Eagle Hawk. And so on... I tried..
checkbox check all option http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11380555/checkbox-check-all-option check all option I have checkbox set with Category Subcategorywise... Company Microsoft Apple Country USA UK and checkbox attached to each item. So if I click on checkbox next to Company then it should automatically.. item. So if I click on checkbox next to Company then it should automatically mark checkboxes next to Microsoft and Apple checked like wise if I select Country it should check the options USA and UK. and there should also be a select all option.. class entity1 type checkbox name CompanySub Microsoft input id modalEntity class entity2 type checkbox name CompanySub Apple input type checkbox class entityCheckboxHeader2 id entityCheckboxHeader name Country Country input id modalEntity class..
Can you autoplay HTML5 videos on the iPad? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12496144/can-you-autoplay-html5-videos-on-the-ipad arrow. Moreover calling #periscopevideo .get 0 .play from an click via onClick works too. Is there any restrictions by Apple in regard to autoplay I'm running iOS 5 by the way . jquery ios objective c html5 cocoa touch share improve this question.. disabled the auto play feature Well as many device owners have data usage bandwidth limits on their devices I think Apple felt that the user themselves should decide when they initiate bandwidth usage. After a bit of research I found the following.. should decide when they initiate bandwidth usage. After a bit of research I found the following extract in the Apple documentation in regard to auto play on iOS devices to confirm my assumption Apple has made the decision to disable the..
Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14065610/struggling-between-native-and-phonegap-simple-app-requirements looks are everything. If you don't know what are you doing there's a good chance your app will not get permission for Apple app store. Even Google Play Store will ban your app if they discover a 3rd party Phonegap PayPal plugin. Native apps Pro..
How can I make a jQuery UI 'draggable()' div draggable for touchscreen? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3026915/how-can-i-make-a-jquery-ui-draggable-div-draggable-for-touchscreen in the underlying solution for this it's to use three new JavaScript events ontouchstart ontouchmove and ontouchend. Apple actually has written an article about their use which you can find here . A simplified example can be found here . These..
jQuery - draggable images on iPad / iPhone - how to integrate event.preventDefault();? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4488601/jquery-draggable-images-on-ipad-iphone-how-to-integrate-event-preventdefau 200px JQuery_logo.svg.png class draggable alt jQuery logo img src http upload.wikimedia.org wikipedia en a ab Apple logo.png class draggable alt Apple Inc. logo div div body script type text javascript document .ready function .draggable.. draggable alt jQuery logo img src http upload.wikimedia.org wikipedia en a ab Apple logo.png class draggable alt Apple Inc. logo div div body script type text javascript document .ready function .draggable .draggable script html Here you.. you can see the live example http jsbin.com igena4 The problem is that the whole page want to scroll. I searched in Apple's HTML5 examples and found this to prevent the scrolling of the page so that the image is draggable ... onDragStart function..
Apple Cover-flow effect using jQuery or other library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/67207/apple-cover-flow-effect-using-jquery-or-other-library Cover flow effect using jQuery or other library Does anyone know how to achieve the cover flow effect using JS to scroll..
Trying to get tag-it to work with an AJAX call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6938802/trying-to-get-tag-it-to-work-with-an-ajax-call answer The indention got all messed up when i copied from my code input type hidden name tags id mySingleField value Apple Orange disabled true Tags br ul id mytags ul script type text javascript jQuery document .ready function jQuery #mytags..
Mobile Safari bug on fixed positioned button after scrollTop programmatically changed…? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8752220/mobile-safari-bug-on-fixed-positioned-button-after-scrolltop-programmatically-ch http www.tsdexter.com ceos thanks for the help. Thomas also if you can point me to where I can submit a bug to Apple that'd be good too unless one already has been EDIT just click either of the submit arrows you don't need to enter a wage.. a simpler example to show the same issue.. http www.tsdexter.com MobileSafariFixedPosBug.html EDIT 3 Bug reported to Apple jquery ios5 mobile safari css position share improve this question I got around it by adding a 101 high div then almost..
Maintain PHP Session in web app on iPhone http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9998900/maintain-php-session-in-web-app-on-iphone iphone web applications jquery mobile safari share improve this question I'm guessing you're referring to the Apple fullscreen capable meta tag web apps . They exist in a sandbox so no session data won't be maintained. share improve this..