jquery Programming Glossary: appear
jQuery $.ajax(), $.post sending “OPTIONS” as REQUEST_METHOD in Firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1099787/jquery-ajax-post-sending-options-as-request-method-in-firefox the server is always 'OPTIONS' and the _POST data does not appear. Apache logs the request as type 'OPTIONS' 1 08 Jul 2009 11..
Code for a simple JavaScript countdown timer? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1191865/code-for-a-simple-javascript-countdown-timer the number of seconds here To make the code for the timer appear in a paragraph or anywhere else on the page just put the line.. the line span id timer span where you want the seconds to appear. Then insert the following line in your timer function so it..
How to know if a font (@font-face) has already been loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12312323/how-to-know-if-a-font-font-face-has-already-been-loaded Awesome but while the font files are not loaded the icons appear with So I want these icons to have display none while files..
Problems with Google Maps API v3 + jQuery UI Tabs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1428178/problems-with-google-maps-api-v3-jquery-ui-tabs that it's done over at maps.google.com. But as I said I appear to be stuck with applying only absolute width and height CSS..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events This can be a very subtle bug. On some systems it may appear that it works fine but on others it may cause erratic difficult..
How to display messages from jQuery Validate plugin inside of Tooltipster tooltips? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14741688/how-to-display-messages-from-jquery-validate-plugin-inside-of-tooltipster-toolti of these two jQuery plugins so that validation errors appear inside the tooltips jquery jquery validate tooltipster share..
Stop jQuery .load response from being cached http://stackoverflow.com/questions/168963/stop-jquery-load-response-from-being-cached that spit out a stack trace but the stack trace did not appear when I clicked on the search button. I looked at the underlying..
jQuery event handlers always execute in order they were bound - any way around this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2360655/jquery-event-handlers-always-execute-in-order-they-were-bound-any-way-around-t the option to bind it before doStuff1 but there doesn't appear to be any easy way to do this. I suppose most people would say..
jQuery UI Autocomplete widget search configuration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2382497/jquery-ui-autocomplete-widget-search-configuration be an array of terms. In this case if the typed characters appear in any position in a term then the term is included in the autocomplete.. which implies it will match only when the typed characters appear at the beginning of the term in the array which is what you..
How does this JavaScript/JQuery Syntax work: (function( window, undefined ) { })(window)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2716069/how-does-this-javascript-jquery-syntax-work-function-window-undefined doing there And why does window need to be passed and then appear at the end again javascript jquery syntax share improve this..
how to check javascript array equals? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3115982/how-to-check-javascript-array-equals array2 doesn't seem to work object identity equality and appear to at least in node uses V8 node v v0.4.0 node 1 2 3 1 2 3 false..
resize font to fit in a div (on one line) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3401136/resize-font-to-fit-in-a-div-on-one-line the length of the title but I also don't want the title to appear on multiple lines. Is there a way with css or jQuery to resize..
How do you remove all the options of a select box and then add one option and select it with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/47824/how-do-you-remove-all-the-options-of-a-select-box-and-then-add-one-option-and-se of radio buttons. .focus was closer but the option did not appear selected like it does with .selected true . Nothing is wrong..
Official way to ask jQuery wait for all images to load before executing something http://stackoverflow.com/questions/544993/official-way-to-ask-jquery-wait-for-all-images-to-load-before-executing-somethin img src jollyroger99.jpg body html With that the alert box appears before the images are loaded because the DOM is ready at that.. into window .load function then the alert box doesn't appear until after the images are loaded. Hence to wait until the entire..
Insert html at caret in a contenteditable div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6690752/insert-html-at-caret-in-a-contenteditable-div method but in other browsers the br tag would appear as plain text and not html. How could I modify the answer to..
How can I simulate an anchor click via jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/773639/how-can-i-simulate-an-anchor-click-via-jquery faking an anchor click via jQuery Why does my thickbox appear the first time I click on the input button but not the second..
Difference between .on('click') vs .click() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9122078/difference-between-onclick-vs-click jquery click share improve this question They appear to be the same... Documentation from the click function This..
jQuery $.ajax(), $.post sending “OPTIONS” as REQUEST_METHOD in Firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1099787/jquery-ajax-post-sending-options-as-request-method-in-firefox to work fine in Safari. In Firefox 3.5 the REQUEST_TYPE on the server is always 'OPTIONS' and the _POST data does not appear. Apache logs the request as type 'OPTIONS' 1 08 Jul 2009 11 43 27 0500 OPTIONS sitecodes.php HTTP 1.1 200 46 Why would this..
Code for a simple JavaScript countdown timer? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1191865/code-for-a-simple-javascript-countdown-timer counter ended do something here return Do code for showing the number of seconds here To make the code for the timer appear in a paragraph or anywhere else on the page just put the line span id timer span where you want the seconds to appear. Then.. appear in a paragraph or anywhere else on the page just put the line span id timer span where you want the seconds to appear. Then insert the following line in your timer function so it looks like this function timer count count 1 if count 0 clearInterval..
How to know if a font (@font-face) has already been loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12312323/how-to-know-if-a-font-font-face-has-already-been-loaded if a font @font face has already been loaded I'm using Font Awesome but while the font files are not loaded the icons appear with So I want these icons to have display none while files are not loaded. @font face font family FontAwesome src url '....
Problems with Google Maps API v3 + jQuery UI Tabs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1428178/problems-with-google-maps-api-v3-jquery-ui-tabs it to fill the tab and adapt to page resizes much in the way that it's done over at maps.google.com. But as I said I appear to be stuck with applying only absolute width and height CSS to the map div. Sorry if this was long winded but this might..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events for page manipulation will be executed after a page refresh. This can be a very subtle bug. On some systems it may appear that it works fine but on others it may cause erratic difficult to repeat weirdness to occur. Classic jQuery syntax document..
How to display messages from jQuery Validate plugin inside of Tooltipster tooltips? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14741688/how-to-display-messages-from-jquery-validate-plugin-inside-of-tooltipster-toolti field2 br input type submit form How would I integrate the usage of these two jQuery plugins so that validation errors appear inside the tooltips jquery jquery validate tooltipster share improve this question First initialize the Tooltipster..
Stop jQuery .load response from being cached http://stackoverflow.com/questions/168963/stop-jquery-load-response-from-being-cached always reflected. For example I made a change in the response that spit out a stack trace but the stack trace did not appear when I clicked on the search button. I looked at the underlying PHP code that controls the ajax response and it had the..
jQuery event handlers always execute in order they were bound - any way around this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2360655/jquery-event-handlers-always-execute-in-order-they-were-bound-any-way-around-t by doStuff2 . At the time I bind doStuff2 I would like the option to bind it before doStuff1 but there doesn't appear to be any easy way to do this. I suppose most people would say just write the code like this 'span' .click function doStuff2..
jQuery UI Autocomplete widget search configuration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2382497/jquery-ui-autocomplete-widget-search-configuration within without #input1 .autocomplete The source option can be an array of terms. In this case if the typed characters appear in any position in a term then the term is included in the autocomplete list. The source option can also be a function that.. Regexp . It specifies a regexp beginning with ^ Circumflex which implies it will match only when the typed characters appear at the beginning of the term in the array which is what you wanted. It also uses the i option which implies a case insensitive..
How does this JavaScript/JQuery Syntax work: (function( window, undefined ) { })(window)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2716069/how-does-this-javascript-jquery-syntax-work-function-window-undefined seen this particular syntax before. What is that undefined doing there And why does window need to be passed and then appear at the end again javascript jquery syntax share improve this question The undefined is a normal variable and can be..
how to check javascript array equals? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3115982/how-to-check-javascript-array-equals jquery share improve this question While array1 array2 doesn't seem to work object identity equality and appear to at least in node uses V8 node v v0.4.0 node 1 2 3 1 2 3 false 1 2 3 1 2 4 true 1 2 5 1 2 4 true 1 2 3 1 3 4 true 1 2..
resize font to fit in a div (on one line) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3401136/resize-font-to-fit-in-a-div-on-one-line I have an article with a title h1 . I don't want to control the length of the title but I also don't want the title to appear on multiple lines. Is there a way with css or jQuery to resize text based on the width of a div tag I know what I would..
How do you remove all the options of a select box and then add one option and select it with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/47824/how-do-you-remove-all-the-options-of-a-select-box-and-then-add-one-option-and-se page form is reset. This select box is populated by a set of radio buttons. .focus was closer but the option did not appear selected like it does with .selected true . Nothing is wrong with my existing code I am just trying to learn jQuery. var..
Official way to ask jQuery wait for all images to load before executing something http://stackoverflow.com/questions/544993/official-way-to-ask-jquery-wait-for-all-images-to-load-before-executing-somethin img src jollyroger01.jpg 100 copies of this img src jollyroger99.jpg body html With that the alert box appears before the images are loaded because the DOM is ready at that point. If you then change document .ready function into window.. ready at that point. If you then change document .ready function into window .load function then the alert box doesn't appear until after the images are loaded. Hence to wait until the entire page is ready you can use something like window .load..
Insert html at caret in a contenteditable div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6690752/insert-html-at-caret-in-a-contenteditable-div the question above actually works in IE as it uses the range.pasteHTML method but in other browsers the br tag would appear as plain text and not html. How could I modify the answer to insert html and not text javascript jquery contenteditable..
How can I simulate an anchor click via jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/773639/how-can-i-simulate-an-anchor-click-via-jquery I simulate an anchor click via jquery I have a problem with faking an anchor click via jQuery Why does my thickbox appear the first time I click on the input button but not the second or third time Here is my code input onclick '#thickboxId'..
Difference between .on('click') vs .click() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9122078/difference-between-onclick-vs-click '#whatever' .on 'click' function and '#whatever' .click function jquery click share improve this question They appear to be the same... Documentation from the click function This method is a shortcut for .bind 'click' handler Documentation..