jquery Programming Glossary: addmarker
Attach event handler to element inside google maps info bubble http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10060275/attach-event-handler-to-element-inside-google-maps-info-bubble my code below thanks in advance for any help function addMarker data var myLatlng new google.maps.LatLng data.Latitude data.Longitude..
Google Map loading partially on click on the hidden tab http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17488247/google-map-loading-partially-on-click-on-the-hidden-tab this .find 'div.shop name' .text for index in markers addMarker markers index function addMarker data var marker new google.maps.Marker.. for index in markers addMarker markers index function addMarker data var marker new google.maps.Marker position new google.maps.LatLng..
google maps v3 setMap undefined when trying to clear all markers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4137308/google-maps-v3-setmap-undefined-when-trying-to-clear-all-markers removing the marker. Sample code var markersArray function addMarker var marker new google.maps.Marker position latlng map map markersArray.push..
Plotting LatLng coordinates from Json Array on Google Map — the markers all stack up in the same location http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7366861/plotting-latlng-coordinates-from-json-array-on-google-map-the-markers-all-st function i item location item.Latitude ' ' item.Longitude addMarker location function addMarker location marker new google.maps.Marker.. ' ' item.Longitude addMarker location function addMarker location marker new google.maps.Marker position new google.maps.LatLng.. a string in the format number number . If you change the addMarker function to have two parameters e.g. latitude longitude that..
Google Maps API v3 drop markers from XML with delay? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8576515/google-maps-api-v3-drop-markers-from-xml-with-delay set timeout based on maps example setTimeout function addMarker point address name counter 200 increment counter counter .. counter counter add marker with specific point. function addMarker point address name var marker new google.maps.Marker map jeMap.map..
Attach event handler to element inside google maps info bubble http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10060275/attach-event-handler-to-element-inside-google-maps-info-bubble something inside the infobubble do something else. I have pasted my code below thanks in advance for any help function addMarker data var myLatlng new google.maps.LatLng data.Latitude data.Longitude var title data.title data.title var icon '#siteUrl'..
Google Map loading partially on click on the hidden tab http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17488247/google-map-loading-partially-on-click-on-the-hidden-tab lat this .attr 'data lat' lng this .attr 'data lan' name .trim this .find 'div.shop name' .text for index in markers addMarker markers index function addMarker data var marker new google.maps.Marker position new google.maps.LatLng data.lat data.lng.. .attr 'data lan' name .trim this .find 'div.shop name' .text for index in markers addMarker markers index function addMarker data var marker new google.maps.Marker position new google.maps.LatLng data.lat data.lng map map title data.name var infobox..
google maps v3 setMap undefined when trying to clear all markers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4137308/google-maps-v3-setmap-undefined-when-trying-to-clear-all-markers There was no need to create a new google.maps.marker when removing the marker. Sample code var markersArray function addMarker var marker new google.maps.Marker position latlng map map markersArray.push marker function removeMarker if markersArray..
Plotting LatLng coordinates from Json Array on Google Map — the markers all stack up in the same location http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7366861/plotting-latlng-coordinates-from-json-array-on-google-map-the-markers-all-st zones latlng function json var location .each json.zones function i item location item.Latitude ' ' item.Longitude addMarker location function addMarker location marker new google.maps.Marker position new google.maps.LatLng location map map icon.. var location .each json.zones function i item location item.Latitude ' ' item.Longitude addMarker location function addMarker location marker new google.maps.Marker position new google.maps.LatLng location map map icon redImage markersArray.push.. expects number number as the parameters and you're passing in a string in the format number number . If you change the addMarker function to have two parameters e.g. latitude longitude that should work function getLocations .getJSON http localhost 1117..
Google Maps API v3 drop markers from XML with delay? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8576515/google-maps-api-v3-drop-markers-from-xml-with-delay var point new google.maps.LatLng parseFloat lat parseFloat lng set timeout based on maps example setTimeout function addMarker point address name counter 200 increment counter counter add marker with specific point. function addMarker point address.. addMarker point address name counter 200 increment counter counter add marker with specific point. function addMarker point address name var marker new google.maps.Marker map jeMap.map position point animation google.maps.Animation.DROP icon..