jquery Programming Glossary: additem
JavaScript ternary operator example with functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10323829/javascript-ternary-operator-example-with-functions IsChecked if IsChecked true removeItem this else addItem this Here's the same function using the ternary operator function.. this.hasClass IsChecked IsChecked true removeItem this addItem this I was surprised because all of the examples I saw being.. this this this.hasClass IsChecked removeItem this addItem this javascript jquery share improve this question Heh..
I want to send data from form in page to option tag in other page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19322072/i-want-to-send-data-from-form-in-page-to-option-tag-in-other-page function var url previliges.php name encodeURIComponent #addItem .val window.location.href url document.location.href url .. form textbox validate required data type input textbox id addItem name username size 20 value div li li class form line id id_3..
Bind template item to the index of the array in KnockoutJS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6047713/bind-template-item-to-the-index-of-the-array-in-knockoutjs name 'itemTmpl' foreach items div button data bind click addItem Add Item button script id itemTmpl type text html div data bind..
JavaScript ternary operator example with functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10323829/javascript-ternary-operator-example-with-functions statement function updateItem this this var IsChecked this.hasClass IsChecked if IsChecked true removeItem this else addItem this Here's the same function using the ternary operator function updateItem this this var IsChecked this.hasClass IsChecked.. ternary operator function updateItem this this var IsChecked this.hasClass IsChecked IsChecked true removeItem this addItem this I was surprised because all of the examples I saw being used were merely setting variables like this x 1 2 true false.. real world advice I am using this as my function function updateItem this this this.hasClass IsChecked removeItem this addItem this javascript jquery share improve this question Heh there are some pretty exciting uses of ternary syntax in your..
I want to send data from form in page to option tag in other page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19322072/i-want-to-send-data-from-form-in-page-to-option-tag-in-other-page language javascript function #btnQueryString .bind click function var url previliges.php name encodeURIComponent #addItem .val window.location.href url document.location.href url link type text css rel stylesheet href http jotform.co css styles.. label div id cid_6 class form input input type text class form textbox validate required data type input textbox id addItem name username size 20 value div li li class form line id id_3 label class form label right id label_3 for input_3 password..
Bind template item to the index of the array in KnockoutJS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6047713/bind-template-item-to-the-index-of-the-array-in-knockoutjs then something like this would work div data bind template name 'itemTmpl' foreach items div button data bind click addItem Add Item button script id itemTmpl type text html div data bind attr id 'item' ko.utils.arrayIndexOf viewModel.items data..