

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:01:50

jquery Programming Glossary: activeclass

fullcalendar multiple cell select on mobile device?


icon element.droppable accept ' ' tolerance 'touch' activeClass 'ui state hover' hoverClass 'ui state active' drop function..

JQuery drag and drop - how to get at element being dragged


from their example .drop .droppable accept .block activeClass 'droppable active' hoverClass 'droppable hover' drop function..

jQuery Sortable and Droppable


ui.item dropped false .droppable .droppable activeClass 'active' hoverClass 'hovered' drop function event ui dropped..

jquery ui draggable elements not 'draggable' outside of scrolling div


accept '.tag_cell' hoverClass 'tf_dropBox_hover' activeClass 'tf_dropBox_active' drop function event ui GLOBAL_ary_tf_tags.push.. accept '.tag_cell' hoverClass 'tf_dropBox_hover' activeClass 'tf_dropBox_active' drop function event ui GLOBAL_ary_tf_tags.push.. accept '.tag_cell' hoverClass 'tf_dropBox_hover' activeClass 'tf_dropBox_active' drop function event ui dropped true .ui.ddmanager.current.cancelHelperRemoval..

Mouse position relative to div


relative to div here is my code #db_tables .droppable activeClass ui state default hoverClass ui state hover drop function event.. the mouse relative to the droppable #db_tables .droppable activeClass ui state default hoverClass ui state hover drop function event..

jQuery droppable and scrollable divs


top is beneath the parent's bottom '.item' .droppable activeClass ui state default hoverClass ui state hover accept #draggable..

Fix for jQuery splitter in IE9


none Safari selects A B text on a move bar.addClass opts.activeClass A._posSplit A 0 opts.pxSplit evt opts.eventPos document .bind.. newPos function endSplitMouse evt bar.removeClass opts.activeClass var newPos A._posSplit evt opts.eventPos if opts.outline zombie.remove.. 'h' args.splitVertical 'v' args.type 'v' var opts .extend activeClass 'active' class name for active splitter pxPerKey 8 splitter..

Revert a jQuery draggable object back to its original container on out event of droppable


top this .data 'orgLeft' left #droppable .droppable activeClass 'ui state hover' hoverClass 'ui state active' drop function..

Div resize in jQuery after dropped


target. Like this jQuery '.ui layout center' .droppable activeClass 'ui state hover' accept '.item art' revert true drop function..

fullcalendar multiple cell select on mobile device?


onclick javascript iconsAlert this.id 'entrystamp' class icon element.droppable accept ' ' tolerance 'touch' activeClass 'ui state hover' hoverClass 'ui state active' drop function ev ui console.log ev.id alert this.id for param in ui..

JQuery drag and drop - how to get at element being dragged


following element is dragged I have the standard dropped function from their example .drop .droppable accept .block activeClass 'droppable active' hoverClass 'droppable hover' drop function ev ui I have tried various ui.id etc which doesnt seem to..

jQuery Sortable and Droppable


0 '#sortable' .prepend ui.item draggable_sibling.after ui.item dropped false .droppable .droppable activeClass 'active' hoverClass 'hovered' drop function event ui dropped true event.target .addClass 'dropped' script style type text..

jquery ui draggable elements not 'draggable' outside of scrolling div


scroll false containment '#tagFun_div_main' #tf_dropBox .droppable accept '.tag_cell' hoverClass 'tf_dropBox_hover' activeClass 'tf_dropBox_active' drop function event ui GLOBAL_ary_tf_tags.push ui.draggable.html tagFun_reload as i stated above.. none stop function this.style.display .tf_dropBox .droppable accept '.tag_cell' hoverClass 'tf_dropBox_hover' activeClass 'tf_dropBox_active' drop function event ui GLOBAL_ary_tf_tags.push ui.draggable.html tagFun_reload Thank you Jabes88.. this .remove else this .removeClass hide #tf_dropBox .droppable accept '.tag_cell' hoverClass 'tf_dropBox_hover' activeClass 'tf_dropBox_active' drop function event ui dropped true .ui.ddmanager.current.cancelHelperRemoval true ui.helper.appendTo..

Mouse position relative to div


jquery ui for drag and drop. I am trying to get mouse position relative to div here is my code #db_tables .droppable activeClass ui state default hoverClass ui state hover drop function event ui var x ui.position.left ui.offset.left tired event.pageX.. 1 ANOTHER EDIT This should work if you want the position of the mouse relative to the droppable #db_tables .droppable activeClass ui state default hoverClass ui state hover drop function event ui var offset this .offset x event.pageX offset.left y..

jQuery droppable and scrollable divs


droppable's bottom is above the parent's top or the droppable's top is beneath the parent's bottom '.item' .droppable activeClass ui state default hoverClass ui state hover accept #draggable drop function event ui var cTop this .closest .box .position..

Fix for jQuery splitter in IE9


bar.clone false .insertAfter A panes.css webkit user select none Safari selects A B text on a move bar.addClass opts.activeClass A._posSplit A 0 opts.pxSplit evt opts.eventPos document .bind mousemove doSplitMouse .bind mouseup endSplitMouse function.. splitter._DA bar._DA bar.css opts.origin newPos else resplit newPos function endSplitMouse evt bar.removeClass opts.activeClass var newPos A._posSplit evt opts.eventPos if opts.outline zombie.remove zombie null resplit newPos panes.css webkit user.. element classes and defaults var vh args.splitHorizontal 'h' args.splitVertical 'v' args.type 'v' var opts .extend activeClass 'active' class name for active splitter pxPerKey 8 splitter px moved per keypress tabIndex 0 tab order indicator accessKey..

Revert a jQuery draggable object back to its original container on out event of droppable


.position .top var left this .position .left this .data 'orgTop' top this .data 'orgLeft' left #droppable .droppable activeClass 'ui state hover' hoverClass 'ui state active' drop function event ui this .addClass 'ui state highlight' .find 'p' .html..

Div resize in jQuery after dropped


I have dropped an element from a widget and drag it in the target. Like this jQuery '.ui layout center' .droppable activeClass 'ui state hover' accept '.item art' revert true drop function event ui var canvas jQuery this if ui.draggable.hasClass 'canvas..