jquery Programming Glossary: acting
jQuery - How to remove cross domain limitation [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11299438/jquery-how-to-remove-cross-domain-limitation can forward your request. Your main site's server will be acting as a proxy. You will need to make an AJAX request to your own..
Google Maps API 3 is acting buggy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13781832/google-maps-api-3-is-acting-buggy Maps API 3 is acting buggy I'm trying to put a google map within a jqueryui tab...
jQuery.getJSON( url, [data], [callback] ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1586003/jquery-getjson-url-data-callback
Test if a file exists with javascript [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16553174/test-if-a-file-exists-with-javascript no good luck. I am using a system called Niagara which is acting as a web server which may be the reason these techniques did..
Security error using CORS in IE10 with Node and Express http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18422980/security-error-using-cors-in-ie10-with-node-and-express to work as it should when I run Fiddler since Fiddler is acting as a proxy. For reference here's the CORS related code on the..
Space bar not working in form fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1987439/space-bar-not-working-in-form-fields to build a one page portfolio site. The contact form is acting very strange. I cannot enter space in any of the contact fields...
When do browsers start to render partially transmitted HTML? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2203751/when-do-browsers-start-to-render-partially-transmitted-html answer your question I believe Firefox waits 250ms before acting on the first data received but that can be changed. For other..
preventDefault() on an <a> tag http://stackoverflow.com/questions/265478/preventdefault-on-an-a-tag question is How do I use preventDefault to stop the link acting as a link and adding # to the end of my URL jumping to the top..
What is the difference between these two javascript functions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2856374/what-is-the-difference-between-these-two-javascript-functions how some jQuery plugins work and I've seen the following acting as a closure around the whole plugin function plugin code here..
Why is IE7 and IE8 Giving me “Access Denied” when calling jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3470859/why-is-ie7-and-ie8-giving-me-access-denied-when-calling-jquery line 127... I don't get it. Anyone have a clue why this is acting up in this way I am totally clueless. Screenshot alt text Code..
Passing data to a jQuery UI Dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/394491/passing-data-to-a-jquery-ui-dialog mark the a with a class say cancel set up the dialog by acting on all elements with class cancel 'a.cancel' .click function..
Why am I getting this JS error? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5590776/why-am-i-getting-this-js-error does NOT have the text field that the autocomplete code is acting on. Why and how can I get rid of this error I'd like to note..
Can you store JavaScript and CSS files in localStorage to improve the performance of an online web app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6062429/can-you-store-javascript-and-css-files-in-localstorage-to-improve-the-performanc closing and opening the web app from the home screen is acting as a refresh therefore loading the files each time even though..
jquery validate form.submit() acting oddly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6075001/jquery-validate-form-submit-acting-oddly validate form.submit acting oddly I am using JQuery's validate plugin to validate a form...
.NET Simple Form Submit via AJAX and JQUERY http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6330384/net-simple-form-submit-via-ajax-and-jquery IsReusable get return false The form and elements are acting properly. We are just getting this NULL values and not being..
jquery cloning a block of element. select element acting weired http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7929184/jquery-cloning-a-block-of-element-select-element-acting-weired cloning a block of element. select element acting weired Here is the recreation of my problem http jsfiddle.net..
Create nested UL lists from data object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6034960/create-nested-ul-lists-from-data-object Best Known For Caption url best known for menu title Acting menuCaption Acting url menu title Stage url title.. url best known for menu title Acting menuCaption Acting url menu title Stage url title Screen url .. title Stage url title Screen url title Acting Three url title Acting Four url title Acting..
jQuery - How to remove cross domain limitation [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11299438/jquery-how-to-remove-cross-domain-limitation If you do want to request data from another server you can forward your request. Your main site's server will be acting as a proxy. You will need to make an AJAX request to your own server that server side code will then make a request to the..
Google Maps API 3 is acting buggy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13781832/google-maps-api-3-is-acting-buggy Maps API 3 is acting buggy I'm trying to put a google map within a jqueryui tab. The map shows up however the full map itself does not fill..
jQuery.getJSON( url, [data], [callback] ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1586003/jquery-getjson-url-data-callback
Test if a file exists with javascript [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16553174/test-if-a-file-exists-with-javascript here and here . But I have tried three of the answers with no good luck. I am using a system called Niagara which is acting as a web server which may be the reason these techniques did not work. Nonetheless I feel there must be a way to check for..
Security error using CORS in IE10 with Node and Express http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18422980/security-error-using-cors-in-ie10-with-node-and-express and I'm just doing something wrong. Also everything seems to work as it should when I run Fiddler since Fiddler is acting as a proxy. For reference here's the CORS related code on the server side res.header Access Control Allow Origin example.com..
Space bar not working in form fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1987439/space-bar-not-working-in-form-fields bar not working in form fields I am using a template to build a one page portfolio site. The contact form is acting very strange. I cannot enter space in any of the contact fields. I'm using the following jQuery plugins Gallerific PikaChoose..
When do browsers start to render partially transmitted HTML? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2203751/when-do-browsers-start-to-render-partially-transmitted-html to render the HTML document. Original Answer To directly answer your question I believe Firefox waits 250ms before acting on the first data received but that can be changed. For other browsers I don't know. However you don't want to go that route...
preventDefault() on an <a> tag http://stackoverflow.com/questions/265478/preventdefault-on-an-a-tag .click function event this .next 'div' .slideToggle 200 My question is How do I use preventDefault to stop the link acting as a link and adding # to the end of my URL jumping to the top of the page I can't figure out the right syntax I just keep..
What is the difference between these two javascript functions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2856374/what-is-the-difference-between-these-two-javascript-functions between these two javascript functions I've been looking at how some jQuery plugins work and I've seen the following acting as a closure around the whole plugin function plugin code here function plugin code here jQuery What is the difference between..
Why is IE7 and IE8 Giving me “Access Denied” when calling jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3470859/why-is-ie7-and-ie8-giving-me-access-denied-when-calling-jquery i get a Access Denied error for the jquery.min.js file on line 127... I don't get it. Anyone have a clue why this is acting up in this way I am totally clueless. Screenshot alt text Code script src http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.4.2..
Passing data to a jQuery UI Dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/394491/passing-data-to-a-jquery-ui-dialog ui share improve this question You could do it like this mark the a with a class say cancel set up the dialog by acting on all elements with class cancel 'a.cancel' .click function var a this '#myDialog' .dialog buttons Yes function window.location..
Why am I getting this JS error? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5590776/why-am-i-getting-this-js-error .appendTo ul I get this code whenever I load a page that does NOT have the text field that the autocomplete code is acting on. Why and how can I get rid of this error I'd like to note that although I am getting this error my application is working..
Can you store JavaScript and CSS files in localStorage to improve the performance of an online web app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6062429/can-you-store-javascript-and-css-files-in-localstorage-to-improve-the-performanc after manually refreshing the page. It seems like opening and closing and opening the web app from the home screen is acting as a refresh therefore loading the files each time even though they are stored through a cache.manifest for offline use..
jquery validate form.submit() acting oddly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6075001/jquery-validate-form-submit-acting-oddly validate form.submit acting oddly I am using JQuery's validate plugin to validate a form. Validation occurs and the submitHandler is triggered. But..
.NET Simple Form Submit via AJAX and JQUERY http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6330384/net-simple-form-submit-via-ajax-and-jquery text plain context.Response.Write email inserted public bool IsReusable get return false The form and elements are acting properly. We are just getting this NULL values and not being able to insert. The ajax is calling the .ashx file properly..
jquery cloning a block of element. select element acting weired http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7929184/jquery-cloning-a-block-of-element-select-element-acting-weired cloning a block of element. select element acting weired Here is the recreation of my problem http jsfiddle.net WsFyV 7 Select any option from the first one. and then click..
Create nested UL lists from data object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6034960/create-nested-ul-lists-from-data-object from it.... The data var menu title Best Known For menuCaption Best Known For Caption url best known for menu title Acting menuCaption Acting url menu title Stage url title Screen url title Acting Three url title.. var menu title Best Known For menuCaption Best Known For Caption url best known for menu title Acting menuCaption Acting url menu title Stage url title Screen url title Acting Three url title Acting Four url .. for menu title Acting menuCaption Acting url menu title Stage url title Screen url title Acting Three url title Acting Four url title Acting Five url title Acting Six url title Singing..