javascript Programming Glossary: vimeo
Custom styles for multiple instances of Fancybox script type text javascript document .ready function .vimeo .fancybox width 781 height 440 type 'iframe' fitToView false.. a class fancybox rel gallery1 href image2.jpg a class vimeo rel gallery2 href videoplayerlink1 a class vimeo rel gallery2.. a class vimeo rel gallery2 href videoplayerlink1 a class vimeo rel gallery2 href videoplayerlink2 Do I need to add something..
'Enter key' wont submit form in Firefox, but will in Chrome, why?
Improving regex for parsing YouTube / Vimeo URLs id url.match http www. w .com . v w 2 else if provider vimeo id url.match http www. w .com d 2 else throw new Error parseVideoURL.. The input I'm dealing with typically looks like this http id http watch v id blahblahblah..... 1 Right.. advice is greatly appreciated. javascript regex youtube vimeo share improve this question I am not sure about your question..
How to stop a Vimeo video with JQuery there another way to stop a Vimeo video javascript jquery vimeo share improve this question First add an ID to your iFrame...
Improving regex for parsing YouTube / Vimeo URLs regex for parsing YouTube Vimeo URLs I've made a function in JavaScript that takes an URL from.. in JavaScript that takes an URL from either YouTube or Vimeo. It figures out the provider and ID for that particular video.. d 2 else throw new Error parseVideoURL takes a YouTube or Vimeo URL return provider provider id id It works however as a regex..
How to stop a Vimeo video with JQuery to stop a Vimeo video with JQuery When I hide a youtube video it stops playing... video it stops playing. However this is not the case for Vimeo videos. Is there another way to stop a Vimeo video javascript.. the case for Vimeo videos. Is there another way to stop a Vimeo video javascript jquery vimeo share improve this question..