javascript Programming Glossary: viewmodel
How can I get Knockout JS to data-bind on keypress instead of lost-focus? script type text javascript window.onload function var viewModel firstName ko.observable Jim lastName ko.observable Smith .. firstName ko.observable Jim lastName ko.observable Smith viewModel.fullName ko.dependentObservable function return viewModel.firstName.. viewModel.fullName ko.dependentObservable function return viewModel.firstName viewModel.lastName ko.applyBindings viewModel script..
Knockout JS binding initial/default value of dropdown (select) list with values from the ASP.Net MVC Model and ViewBag. var viewModel sourceMaterialTypes ko.observableArray @Html.Raw Json.Encode.. ko.observable document .ready function ko.applyBindings viewModel viewModel.selectedSourceMaterialType.subscribe function newSourceMaterialType.. document .ready function ko.applyBindings viewModel viewModel.selectedSourceMaterialType.subscribe function newSourceMaterialType..
Trailing commas in JavaScript what I mean after the last element of the books array var viewModel books ko.observableArray title .. display function return .... bookTemplate1 displayTemplate function return viewModel.currentTemplate javascript share improve this question ..
Autocomplete combobox with Knockout JS template / JQuery init function element valueAccessor allBindingsAccessor viewModel var options valueAccessor allBindings allBindingsAccessor .. update function element valueAccessor allBindingsAccessor viewModel update value based on a model change var allBindings allBindingsAccessor..
Handling dates with Asp.Net MVC and KnockoutJS init function element valueAccessor allBindingsAccessor viewModel var jsonDate valueAccessor var value new Date parseInt jsonDate.substr.. update function element valueAccessor allBindingsAccessor viewModel Usage td data bind date DueDate td 2 Return œstrings from your.. FluentJson.NET which lets you do things in Razor like var viewModel @JsonObject.Create .AddProperty name value .AddObservable knockoutProperty..
Difference between knockout View Models declared as object literals vs functions In knockout js I see View Models declared as either var viewModel firstname ko.observable Bob ko.applyBindings viewModel or var.. var viewModel firstname ko.observable Bob ko.applyBindings viewModel or var viewModel function this.firstname ko.observable Bob ko.applyBindings.. ko.observable Bob ko.applyBindings viewModel or var viewModel function this.firstname ko.observable Bob ko.applyBindings new..
knockout data-bind on dynamically generated elements you add this element on the fly after you have bound your viewmodel it will not be in the viewmodel and won't update. You can do.. after you have bound your viewmodel it will not be in the viewmodel and won't update. You can do one of two things. Add the element.. the beginning and leave the options collection in your viewmodel empty. Knockout won't render it until you add elements to options..
BoilerplateJS: recommended way to handle authorization and authentication of it. Therefore if a particular component's viewmodel receive an unauthorized 401 HTTP response from server either.. From component.js we pass a error callback function to our viewmodel you may have this on context itself too . This callback function.. context itself too . This callback function is used by the viewmodel to notify any error occurred within it. In the case of 401 HTTP..
How to Implement DOM Data Binding in JavaScript its result I have no reference to where the objects in my viewmodel are. The only workaround I could think for this was modifying..
How to use the jQuery Validation plugin with metadata, jQuery Forms and xVal together? from these calls to be something like a standardized viewmodel shell where you have the response specific content wrapped in..
How can I get Knockout JS to data-bind on keypress instead of lost-focus? js works so when you edit a field and press TAB the viewmodel data and hence the text below the fields is updated. How can.. fields is updated. How can I change this code so that the viewmodel data is updated every keypress doctype html html title knockout..
Knockout JS mapping plugin without initial data / empty form be able to use knockout without the need to define change viewmodels manually in javascript. The mapping plugin works great when.. this initial data the mapping plugin can't 'generate' the viewmodel ko.mapping.fromJS . This means that we still need to define.. . This means that we still need to define our viewmodels by hand for large parts of our views. I am wrong in assuming..
Knockout content editable custom binding question The keyup event is firing and writing to your viewmodel which then triggers the update function of the custom binding...
How can I use knockout's $parent/$root pseudovariables from inside a .computed() observable? observable declared in JavaScript I've got a parent viewmodel with a collection of children and the parent viewmodel has a.. viewmodel with a collection of children and the parent viewmodel has a selectedChild observable. Given that I can use databinding.. vm.selectedChild child ko.applyBindings vm script But my viewmodels are going to get more complex and I'd like am I selected to..
Binding true / false to radio buttons in Knockout JS IsMale observable. Your view model would look like var ViewModel function this.IsMale ko.observable true this.IsMale.ForEditing..
How to do two-way filtering in angular.js? the user type 1.24 and parsing that into a float in the ViewModel and have changes in the ViewModel reflected in the input. The.. that into a float in the ViewModel and have changes in the ViewModel reflected in the input. The closest thing I could find similar..
MVC3 Client side validation not working @Html.ValidationMessageFor o o.Email p ... fieldset My ViewModel has DataAnnotations and implements IValidatableObject and it..
Working with checkboxes in knockoutjs this with knockoutjs I have the following code so far ViewModel .ready function function classPreValue preValue return preValue.. return preValue ko.observable preValue var editOfferViewModel maxNumOfVisitors ko.observable goals ko.observable description.. new classPreValue element.val ko.applyBindings editOfferViewModel And my checkboxes are populated with a foreach loop input data..
How can I use knockout's $parent/$root pseudovariables from inside a .computed() observable? function return this parent.selectedItem this var ViewModel function this.selectedItem ko.observable this.items ko.observableArray..
Knockout JS - How to correctly bind an observableArray actual observable. You would have to do something like var ViewModel function myFruit var observableFruit ko.utils.arrayMap myFruit.. ko.observableArray observableFruit ko.applyBindings new ViewModel Apple banana orange Here is a sample http rniemeyer..
Difference between knockout View Models declared as object literals vs functions the instance being created. This means that you can do var ViewModel function first last this.first ko.observable first this.last.. value of this and use it instead. This would be like var ViewModel function var self this this.items ko.observableArray this.removeItem.. it is not supported. In that case it would look like var ViewModel function this.items ko.observableArray this.removeItem function..