javascript Programming Glossary: truth
What are the differences between these three patterns of “class” definitions in JavaScript? secondary object I'd say you're missing something. Because truth be told omitting the last return statement here would probably..
What's the difference between a continuation and a callback? I wanted to know whether what I do know is actually the truth. If what I think is true is not actually true then it's ignorance..
How to inherit from the DOM element class that this objects is allowed to be augmented at all. The truth is that host objects are allowed to implement completely bizarre..
No ways to have class-based objects in javascript? because they go against the spirit of JavaScript. The truth is that I was still an amateur JavaScript programmer when I..
Benefits of prototypal inheritance over classical? Objects in JavaScript only have one prototype. The truth is that prototypal inheritance supports inheriting from multiple..
Why is browser sniffing not a recommended practice? to populate the .browser object doesn't tell you the whole truth. The user agent string can be easily changed in many browsers..
What is “x && foo()”? So only tries the second expression if the first is true truth like more specifically . The fact that the second operation.. unless that first expression evaluates to something truthy. If it is truthy it then will be executed in order to try the.. first expression evaluates to something truthy. If it is truthy it then will be executed in order to try the second test. Conversely..
Double exclamation points? [duplicate] may not be 0 but some other falsy value. See the following truth table Truth Table for javascript '' '0' false 0 '' true 0 '0'..