javascript Programming Glossary: turns
jQuery $(this) vs this Basically every time you get a set of elements back jQuery turns it into an array. If you know you only have one result it's..
How do you performance test JavaScript code?
Memory leak risk in JavaScript closures to programmers on how to cope with Microsoft's bugs. It turns out that it is easy to break the cycles on the DOM side. It.. but the callback argument anon. func argument t target returns anon. F has access to t which in turn refs back to target passed..
What is an elegant way to force browsers to reload cached CSS/JS files? John Millikin and da5id 's suggestion to be useful. It turns out there is a term for this auto versioning. I have posted..
Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results? input parameters over and over again but the data it returns should be different every time. Must be in Apple's haste to.. share improve this question After a bit of investigation turns out that Safari on iOS6 will cache POSTs that have either no..
How to save a HTML5 Canvas as Image on a server But this doesn't seem to do anything at all More googling turns up this blog post http 2011 07 27 saving.. allowed the image data to be sent. The console returns the rather large string of base64 code and the datafile is ~140..
JavaScript get clipboard data on paste event (Cross browser) the textarea value removes the textarea from the document turns designMode back on restores the user selection and pastes the..
How to escape regular expression in javascript? function in JavaScript which I was not aware of. It turns out that the function exists in only one place namely in an..
How do I build a JSON object to send to an AJAX WebService? formatted JSON object to send to the web service UPDATE It turns out that the problem with my request wasn't the formatting of..
Change CSS of selected text using Javascript ones spanning multiple elements. In non IE browsers it turns on designMode applies a background colour and then switches..
How do I get the name of an object's type in JavaScript? 1 set function value Using Object.prototype.toString It turns out as this post details you can use Object.prototype.toString..
How to store arbitrary data for some HTML tags my recent question I asked if this method was valid and it turns out that short of defining my own DTD I don't then no it's not..
Change the selected value of a drop-down list with jQuery 2 Also failed. How can I do it with jQuery Update So as it turns out I had it right the first time with ._statusDDL .val 2 When..
How to decide when to use NodeJS? Edit Here's an article on Pyramid and long polling which turns out to be very easy to set up with a little help from gevent..
jQuery .find() doesn't return data in IE but does in Firefox and Chrome Studio 2008 and run it then it will work in IE. So it turns out it always works when run through the development web server...
Why should y.innerHTML = x.innerHTML; be avoided? browser first loads a page it parses the HTML document and turns it into a DOM structure. This is a relationship of objects following..
Frame Buster Buster … buster code needed iframe automatically. Except for one small problem. As it turns out your frame busting code can be busted as shown here script..
Databinding in angularjs simple and even inefficient I will address that later it turns out that it is semantically correct all the time while change.. which creates the thread problem all over again. It turns out that what you want to do is to delay the listener execution..
Jquery .validate require_from_group here http posts 13127475 Turns out this also fixes a logged github bug that was released with..
chrome extension insert content script on browser action google chrome extension share improve this question Turns out I could not read the error properly until I saw it in here..
RequireJS: Is there a way to achieve multiple base URLs? page Issue #447 Multiple Base URLs · jrburke requirejs . Turns out to be quite simple I solved my particular problem with the..
Display DIV at Cursor Position in Textarea position so that I know where the DIV should appear. Turns out that's nearly I hope impossible to achieve. Does anyone..
Thread Safety in Javascript? endSave isSaving false hides popup if it's visible Turns auto saving back on so we save x milliseconds after the last..
Access all local variables for an ECMAScript program to access the activation object. Turns out ECMAScript states I am not allowed to access it. What about..
How do I make Firefox reload page when back button is pressed? TIME the back button is used HOW ARE THEY DOING IT SOLVED Turns out I had multiple issues working against me but through due..
IE Bug (window === top) === false doesn't cause issues in both IE Chrome. o o.o o o o.o true Turns out window.window true window.window window.self..
How to sort a Javascript object, or convert it to an array? iterable _.values function obj return obj _.identity Turns out you're going to need to loop over your object and map it..
Several disqus-threads on one page the events. So we wanted to use disqus and checked it out. Turns out they use global variables to configure the instance. like..
What does this javascript syntax mean? coming immediately after another function's ending . Edit Turns out ajax guys forgot to place a semicolon after the event handler..
JavaScript split function not working in IE IE8 mode IE9 IE7 mode and IE9 quirks mode. All work. Edit Turns out your actual problem is using .textContent . This does not..
How to give a Blob uploaded as FormData a file name? images pasted from the clipboard with the following code Turns out getAsFile will return a blob not a file var blob event.clipboardData.items.. blob blob POST upload true request.send form Turns out the uploaded form field with receive a name similar to this..
Minor drawback with Crockford Prototypical Inheritance function expressions and statements and the name property. Turns out is is completely impossible to create a new named function..
jQuery XML parsing with namespaces xml schema share improve this question I got it. Turns out that it requires to escape the colon. .get xmlPath function..
Why does an onclick property set with setAttribute fail to work in IE? value Execute execBtn.setAttribute onclick runCommand Turns out to get IE to run an onclick on a dynamically generated element..
Databinding in angularjs which would show you which are the slow comparisons. Turns out that video games and GPUs use the dirty checking approach..