javascript Programming Glossary: treats
Why does parseInt(1/0, 19) return 18? this question The result of 1 0 is Infinity . parseInt treats its first argument as a string which means first of all Infinity.toString..
What does a tilde do when it precedes an expression? binary representation of the IEEE 754 float how JavaScript treats numbers would be... 0011 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000..
Javascript Function and Form Name conflict code inside the text of an attribute such as onclick it treats this code as if it were a function. However browsers will do..
Static variables in JavaScript has nothing to do with its created instances JavaScript treats functions as first class objects so being an object you can..
Effect of declared and undeclared variables for storing and accessing them is the same but JavaScript treats them differently in some cases based on the value of the configurable..
Creating range in JavaScript - strange syntax as it doesn't so much rely on obscure hacks. 4. How Number treats input Doing Number something section 15.7.1 converts something..
jQuery single quote in JSON response method accepts escaped single quote characters and treats them just like double quote characters public String nextString..
Chrome's loading indicator keeps spinning during XMLHttpRequest to keep the web page up to date and I noticed in Chrome it treats the page as if it's always loading icon for the tab keeps spinning..
How to use Ajax.BeginForm MVC helper with JSON result? be returned as JSON. Unfortunately the framework just treats the data as a string. Below is the client code. The server code..
Converting a decimal value to a 32bit floating-point hexadecimal 0 0x... expressions are necessary because JavaScript treats these literal numbers as being large positive integers but applying..
What is the behavior of typing {a:1} giving 1, and {a:1, b:2} giving an error in a Javascript console? at the beginning of it causes an ambiguity the parser treats it as if it were a Block statement not the start of an object..
Closing popup window created by Google Chrome extension save chrome.tabs.remove tabId I am not sure how Chrome treats created windows though as tabs or windows. If as windows then..
Passing in dynamic key:value pairs to an object literal? EDIT Use var obj obj key chunks i Because ECMAScript treats the key in this key 1 as literal. share improve this answer..
How does variable assignment work in JavaScript? a 'foo' b a a 'bar' alert b I suspect that JavaScript treats primitives such as strings and integers differently to hashes...
Why are there two kinds of JavaScript strings? String a String 0 a As you can visually observe Firefox treats new String a and a differently. Otherwise however both kinds..
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame in Google Chrome this question As an additional security measure Chrome treats every file path as its own origin rather than treating the entire..
Cryptic “Script Error.” reported in Javascript in Chrome and Firefox Chrome and Firefox they all do this. IE9 does not it treats x origin exceptions the same as same origin ones. And Opera..
What is meant by 'first class object'? to support first class functions or function literal if it treats functions as first class objects. Specifically this means that..
Is JavaScript an untyped language? the above answers the runtime doesn't tag values and just treats each value as bits. JavaScript does tag values and has different..
UTC Timestamp in Javascript Edit to clarify some more confusion new Date Y M D h m s treats its input as local time . If you pass in UTC time of course..