

javascript Programming Glossary: trident

Differentiate IE7 browser and browser in IE7 compatibility mode


can check whether navigator.userAgent has the substring Trident in it. An IE8 always has a Trident in its user agent where an.. has the substring Trident in it. An IE8 always has a Trident in its user agent where an IE7 doesn't. See this answer and.. seems trickier it is reported in the comments below that Trident is not always present with IE7 emulation mode. Probably the..

How can I target only Internet Explorer 11 with JavaScript [closed]


for IE 11 is currently this one Mozilla 5.0 Windows NT 6.3 Trident 7.0 rv 11.0 like Gecko Which means your can simply test for.. for versions 11.xx var isIE11 navigator.userAgent.match Trident. rv 11 . or var isIE11 navigator.userAgent.match Trident. rv.. Trident. rv 11 . or var isIE11 navigator.userAgent.match Trident. rv 11 . As IE10 user agent was Mozilla 5.0 compatible MSIE..

doPostback failing in IE 11+ Windows 8.1


string Mozilla 5.0 compatible MSIE 10.0 Windows NT 6.1 Trident 6.0 However this hotfix appears not to apply to IE11 due to.. agent for IE11 in Preview is Mozilla 5.0 Windows NT 6.3 Trident 7.0 rv 11.0 like Gecko which is not recognised by the standard.. you're seeing however the following should work instead Trident 7.0 rv 'version' 'major' d . 'minor' d 'letters' w 'extra' ^..

JavaScript: Can I detect IE9 if it's in IE7 or IE8 compatibility mode?


mode dropdown variants instead then I do in fact get Trident 5.0 present in all 8 combinations two browser modes and 4 document.. state. Just using if navigator.userAgent.indexOf Trident 5 1 will be sufficient. Don't worry this isn't for styles formatting.. will be Mozilla 4.0 compatible MSIE 7.0 Windows NT 6.0 Trident 5.0 In Compatibility View IE9 reports itself as IE7 through..

How can I wrap text around a moveable image?


vendors have expressed mixed feelings about the proposal. Trident IE implemented in IE10 platform preview and available in the..

Datatables: Change height of table not working


th th CSS grade th tr thead tbody tr class odd gradeX td Trident td td Internet Explorer 4.0 td td Win 95 td td class center.. 4 td td class center X td tr tr class even gradeC td Trident td td Internet Explorer 5.0 td td Win 95 td td class center.. 5 td td class center C td tr tr class odd gradeA td Trident td td Internet Explorer 5.5 td td Win 95 td td class center..