

javascript Programming Glossary: this.response

decodeAudioData returning a null error


request.onload function context.decodeAudioData this.response function buf sounds soundName buf function err console.log..

AJAX File Upload with XMLHttpRequest


4 if xhr.status 200 xhr.status 300 xhr.status 304 this.response this.response this.responseText onload.call xhr else onerror.call.. 200 xhr.status 300 xhr.status 304 this.response this.response this.responseText onload.call xhr else onerror.call xhr xhr.open.. xhr.status 300 xhr.status 304 this.response this.response this.responseText onload.call xhr else onerror.call xhr xhr.open 'POST'..

Good pattern to use for multiple xmlhttprequests used by different processes


connects and triggers next var connector function this.response this.commObject null this.connect function data .get data.url..

Getting BLOB data from XHR request


e if this.status 200 var uInt8Array new Uint8Array this.response var byte3 uInt8Array 4 var bb new WebKitBlobBuilder bb.append.. e if this.status 200 var uInt8Array new Uint8Array this.response var i uInt8Array.length var binaryString new Array i while i..

Download Binary Data as a File Via Javascript


200 var bb new window.WebKitBlobBuilder bb.append this.response Note not xhr.responseText var blob bb.getBlob 'application pdf'..