

javascript Programming Glossary: this.offsettop

Create a realistic pencil tool for a painting app with HTML5 Canvas


#ffffff lastX e.pageX this.offsetLeft lastY e.pageY this.offsetTop canvas.onmouseup function e painting false canvas.onmousemove.. if painting mouseX e.pageX this.offsetLeft mouseY e.pageY this.offsetTop find all points between var x1 mouseX x2 lastX y1 mouseY y2..

Open popup at clicked position


undefined mouseX e.pageX this.offsetLeft if this.offsetTop undefined mouseY e.pageY this.offsetTop if mouseX 0 mouseX.. this.offsetLeft if this.offsetTop undefined mouseY e.pageY this.offsetTop if mouseX 0 mouseX 0 if mouseY 0 mouseY 0 windowWidth window..

Get accurate position for a click on a linked image using jquery


function e var x e.pageX this.offsetLeft var y e.pageY this.offsetTop var url this .attr href courl url ' x ' x ' y ' y .ajax type..

Drawing a circle on the canvas using mouse events


function e var x e.pageX this.offsetLeft var y e.pageY this.offsetTop Next canvas' 2d context doesn't have a method called circle..

Mouse position relative to div


var y ui.position.top ui.offset.top tired event.pageY this.offsetTop ' div style margin top ' y 'px margin left ' x 'px div ' .html..

getting mouse position with javascript within canvas


function var x this.offsetLeft var y this.offsetTop var element this.offsetParent while element null x parseInt..

jQuery - how to add mark to image


var x e.pageX this.offsetLeft var y e.pageY this.offsetTop var img ' img ' img.css 'top' y img.css 'left' x img.attr 'src'..