javascript Programming Glossary: stoppropagation
JavaScript Event prototype in IE8 or in IE speak returnValue false and if desired stopPropagation cancelBubble true . I thought the code below would have sufficed... this.preventDefault if propagate false this.stopPropagation else this.returnValue false this.cancelBubble propagate .. . On this page this code caught my eye Event.prototype.stopPropagation function this.cancelBubble true Event.prototype.preventDefault..
Performance difference between jQuery's .live('click', fn) and .click(fn) in the traditional manner and cannot be stopped using stopPropagation This changed in jquery 1.4.4 or stopImmediatePropagation. For..
Event propagation in Javascript that are the same and if so is it worth putting a event.stopPropagation at the end of every handler to stop this and speed things up.. bubble up unless event.cancelBubble true is set or event.stopPropagation is used. You are only aware of it though when one of your event.. event handling performance but doesn't directly talk about stopPropagation performance. Ultimately you'd have to profile the difference..
How to stop event bubbling with jquery live? with jquery live I am trying to stop some events but stopPropagation does not work with live so I am not sure what to do. I found.. in the traditional manner and cannot be stopped using stopPropagation or stopImmediatePropagation. For example take the case of two..
Prevent parent container click event from firing when hyperlink clicked to add a click function to the hyperlink to0 and set event.stopPropagation Presumably this would then stop the event from bubbling up to.. javascript events share improve this question Yes use stopPropagation. See http questions 1398582 how to disable..
“javascript:void(0);” vs “return false” vs “preventDefault()” In jQuery return false means both preventDefault and stopPropagation so the meaning is different if you care about parent elements.. notification jQuery is hiding it here but preventDefault stopPropagation have to be spelled differently in IE usually returnValue cancelBubble..
How to terminate the script in Javascript 'error' function e e.preventDefault e.stopPropagation false var handlers 'copy' 'cut' 'paste' 'beforeunload' 'blur'.. 'load' 'paint' 'reset' 'select' 'submit' 'unload' function stopPropagation e e.stopPropagation e.preventDefault Stop for the form controls.. 'select' 'submit' 'unload' function stopPropagation e e.stopPropagation e.preventDefault Stop for the form controls etc. too for i 0..
What's the difference between event.stopPropagation and event.preventDefault? the difference between event.stopPropagation and event.preventDefault They seem to be doing the same thing..... stoppropagation share improve this question stopPropagation stops the event from bubbling up the event chain. preventDefault.. on div #but .click function ev mouse click on button ev.stopPropagation With stopPropagation only the buttons click handler is called..
Javascript Event Bubbling fired. In the some event I do have the line event.stopPropagation but that seems to do nothing at all. javascript event bubbling.. elements to the outer elements. This means that the event.stopPropagation should be in the inputs' events instead of the div. div onclick.. div onclick SomeEvent input type checkbox value 1 onclick stopPropagation 1 input type checkbox value 2 onclick stopPropagation 2 input..
How can I close a Twitter Bootstrap popover with a click from anywhere (else) on the page? element marked with 'popup marker'. So you'll have to call stopPropagation on the event object. And apply the same trick when clicking.. itself '.popover' .off 'click' .on 'click' function e e.stopPropagation prevent event for bubbling up will not get caught with document.onclick.. not get caught with document.onclick isVisible true e.stopPropagation document .on 'click' function e hideAllPopovers isVisible false..
How can I detect keyboard events in Gmail tested. I think the problem is because Gmail is calling stopPropagation on all keyboard events but it is difficult to debug their minimized..