javascript Programming Glossary: sr
Simplest SOAP example using Javascript 'https ' true build SOAP request var sr ' xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 ' ' soapenv Envelope ' 'xmlns.. 'Content Type' 'text xml' xmlhttp.send sr send request ... script head body form name Demo action method..
jQuery framework internals DOM Scripting Design JavaScript Document dp 1590595335 ref sr 5F1 5F19 ie UTF8 s books qid 1252905196 sr 1 19 If you're intermediate.. 1590595335 ref sr 5F1 5F19 ie UTF8 s books qid 1252905196 sr 1 19 If you're intermediate level http gp product.. Pro JavaScript Techniques John Resig dp 1590597273 ref sr 5F1 5F10 ie UTF8 s books qid 1252905139 sr 1 10 http
Get Locale Short Date Format using javascript nl BE d MM yyyy nn NO dd.MM.yyyy pt PT dd MM yyyy sr Latn CS d.M.yyyy sv FI d.M.yyyy az Cyrl AZ dd.MM.yyyy ms BN.. en AU d MM yyyy es ES dd MM yyyy fr CA yyyy MM dd sr Cyrl CS d.M.yyyy ar LY dd MM yyyy zh SG d M yyyy de LU dd.MM.yyyy.. M yyyy ne NP M d yyyy se NO dd.MM.yyyy iu Cans CA d M yyyy sr Latn RS d.M.yyyy si LK yyyy MM dd sr Cyrl RS d.M.yyyy lo LA..
How to post an array of complex objects with JSON, jQuery to ASP.NET MVC Controller? application json string inputContent using var sr new StreamReader filterContext.HttpContext.Request.InputStream.. inputContent sr.ReadToEnd var result JsonConvert.DeserializeObject inputContent..
How to check IF user has ALREADY liked the facebook page? into the class BaseFacebook. public function userIsFan sr this getSignedRequest if sr is_array sr if array_key_exists.. public function userIsFan sr this getSignedRequest if sr is_array sr if array_key_exists 'page' sr return sr 'page'.. function userIsFan sr this getSignedRequest if sr is_array sr if array_key_exists 'page' sr return sr 'page' 'liked' 1 return..
HTML5 Canvas Resize (Downscale) Image High Quality? new Float32Array 3 sw sh target buffer Float32 rgb var sR 0 sG 0 sB 0 source's current point r g b untested var sA 0 source.. pixel nwx tx scale tX 1 ... within x 1 target pixel sR sBuffer sIndex retrieving r g b for curr src px. sG sBuffer.. alpha sA sBuffer sIndex 3 if sA continue if sA 0xFF sR sR sA 8 or use 256 instead sG sG sA 8 sB sB sA 8 if crossX..