javascript Programming Glossary: sqlite
Optimizing WebSQL Local Database Population what needs to be done . There is MSSQL to access the data SQLite to insert it and Javascript that runs PHP code. php javascript..
How to connect Javascript to Python sharing data with JSON format in both ways? run them on the Python server side to search for data on a SQLite Database. And after getting the results from the database send..
Is it possible to access an SQLite database from javascript? it possible to access an SQLite database from javascript I have a set of html files and an.. from javascript I have a set of html files and an SQLite database which I would like to access from the browser using..
Storing Image Data for offline web application (client-side storage database) and Active Directory for IndexedDB Firefox is using SQLite so are kind of implementing a NoSQL database in to SQL database..
javascript: execute a bunch of asynchronous method with one callback I need to execute a bunch of asynchronous methods client SQLite database and call only one final callback. Of course the ugly..
Are there JavaScript bindings for MySQL? . It is a Firefox Internet Explorer plugin that exposes an SQLite database and a few other goodies. If you give more information..
Sencha sqlite example the Sencha framework with a client side DB accessed with SQLite. I'm currently digesting JqTouch and kinda get the binding method.. of accessing Senchas features ie listed elements with SQLite. The DB will be small 30 records with about 5 fields mostly.. you can forget about accessing or installing your own SQLite database from within the browser sandbox. Having said that you..
Synchronous query to Web SQL Database on a bit of JavaScript that interacts with a client side SQLite database via the newish window.openDatabase ... database.transaction..
How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP? viewed with any browser chat system that supports MySQL SQLite PostgreSQL databases. Gmail Facebook Style jQuery Chat This..
JavaScript sqlite like accessing a database. If you are talking about an SQLite DB on the server end accessed from the client end you could.. you should look into the host language's API access into SQLite such as the JDBC for Rhino . Perhaps clarify your question a..
localStorage and 'file:' protocol not persistent, SQLite gives SECURITY_ERR and 'file ' protocol not persistent SQLite gives SECURITY_ERR Introduction I work with RapidWeaver ” Mac.. some settings for a toolbar either using localStorage or SQLite . I have read some information about indexedDB though I have.. not supported in Safari so I can't try that. Problems with SQLite When I try to open a database var shortName 'mydatabase' var..
Getting synchronous behavior in javascript? about 10 items of data from the database through PhoneGaps SQLite API ... Like many javascript API's this one was asynchronous... to go and greatly simplified... ... When had I been using SQLite in C I could have simply done something like db.query SELECT.....
What are the advantages that prototype based OO has over class based OO? a special DSL that transparently switched between a local SQLite backing when offline and a REST based server store when online..
Access pre-populate SQL Lite DB in Phonegap error code 1 msg no such table streets . I used the SQLite Database Browser to make sure the table exists. BTW I don't..
Optimizing WebSQL Local Database Population it and Javascript that runs PHP code. php javascript sqlite web sql share improve this question I would prepare a query..
How to connect Javascript to Python sharing data with JSON format in both ways? the query on Python and code it on JSON like this import sqlite3 as dbapi import json connection dbapi.connect C folder database.db.. can help me on this javascript python json web services sqlite share improve this question Your question amounts to how..
Is it possible to access an SQLite database from javascript? and tables using javascript javascript html database sqlite share improve this question Actually the answer is yes...
Persisting the changes of range objects after selection in HTML i want is to save somehow these changes like in local DB sqlite so that when page is reloaded refreshed the changes in HTML..
Sencha sqlite example sqlite example I would like to see a decent example of a mobile web.. an old dog trying to learn new tricks. Thanks javascript sqlite html5 sencha touch share improve this question Sencha is..
Synchronous query to Web SQL Database i function tx error ... return output . . . javascript sqlite synchronization web sql share improve this question I used..
JavaScript sqlite sqlite Best recommendations for accessing and manipulation of sqlite.. Best recommendations for accessing and manipulation of sqlite databases from JavaScript. javascript sqlite share improve.. of sqlite databases from JavaScript. javascript sqlite share improve this question Well if you are working on client..
Where does Firefox store javascript/HTML localStorage? does Firefox keep it's localstorage database I think it's sqlite but I just can't find it... javascript html5 firefox web storage.. The DOM storage data is stored in the webappsstore.sqlite file in the profile folder. § localStorage share improve..
localStorage and 'file:' protocol not persistent, SQLite gives SECURITY_ERR appreciate any answers or comments sincerely. javascript sqlite webkit local local storage share improve this question localStorage..
Access pre-populate SQL Lite DB in Phonegap database query finished executing errorHandler But get sqlite returned error code 1 msg no such table streets . I used the.. BTW I don't have a 0000000000000001.db file. javascript sqlite phonegap share improve this question Did you add the Java.. from http 2011 08 prepopulate sqlite in phonegap.html utm_source feedburner utm_medium feed utm_campaign..