javascript Programming Glossary: song
Getting object value for AJAX call using Dajaxice the Vote as Favourite buttons should be disabled. HTML for song in dj_song_list div p class song h3 strong strong.. Favourite buttons should be disabled. HTML for song in dj_song_list div p class song h3 strong strong h3 p p strong.. be disabled. HTML for song in dj_song_list div p class song h3 strong strong h3 p p strong Artist strong song.artists..
Javascript. Listen for iPhone shake event? You know like shaking the iPhone to shuffle the next song in iTunes I want to call a JS function on my website when the..
Is Subtracting Zero some sort of JavaScript performance trick? for 'minus zero' brings back a reference to a Bob Dylan song. So can anyone tell me. Is this some sort of performance trick..
How to play song in Android - phonegap to play song in Android phonegap A month ago I started working with phonegap.. me what I wanted. I am using this code for executing the song function playStream mp3file new Media DANCE.mp3 function alert..
How can I force an HTML5 audio element to buffer an entire song? can I force an HTML5 audio element to buffer an entire song I'm developing a local server that will stream a user's audio.. when they are loaded but for certain large files the songs get buffered part of the way then stop and resume buffering.. is how can I force the audio object to buffer the entire song at once Can I do this from javascript do I have to set an attribute..
Dynamically control HTML5 audio with JavaScript of sorts with 10 or so thumbnails that each represent one song. To control the playback of each I've set a play button to fades.. script type text javascript function playPause var song document.getElementsByTagName 'audio' 0 if song.paused var song document.getElementsByTagName 'audio' 0 if song.paused else song.pause script javascript jquery..