javascript Programming Glossary: somebody
What does “return false;” do? ajax . I am still quite new to ajax and was wondering if somebody could please explain to me what does return false do at the..
Two jQuery versions on the same page the second one can be accessed with ... . Alternatively somebody made a little helper in an attempt to make it easier to switch..
Is there a built-in function or plugin to handle date formatting in JavaScript? but it occurs to me while writing the lengthy code that somebody must've already figured out a better way to do this. I don't..
Angular JS custom delimiter have try any available tips from internet but no luck. Can somebody show me a complete example on Angular consider im a newbie...
What's the best way to loop through a set of elements in JavaScript? in reverse order but then you can use i too . For example somebody wanted to use the new getElementsByClassName function to loop..
Javascript library: to obfuscate or not to obfuscate - that is the question niche business you'll probably notice pretty quickly if somebody stole your script. If that happens it's a legal issue. If your..
Submit form without page reloading right form name 'tip' method 'post' action 'tip.php' Tip somebody input name tip_email type text size 30 onfocus tip_div 1 onblur..
How to calculate the XPath position of an element using Javascript? but you'll get the idea. Edit at August 11 2010 Looks like somebody else asked a similar question http questions..
How to add a custom right-click menu to a webpage? I want to learn how to make my own versus using something somebody made already since most of the time those 3rd party libraries..
How to implement file upload progress bar on web? do I have Edit I am using .Net but I don't mind if somebody shows me platform agnostic version. .net javascript ajax ..
Using &&'s short-circuiting as an if statement? important to minimize Javascript load times. Also see Can somebody explain how John Resig's pretty.js JavaScript works share..
node.js global variables? app.set and have it available elsewhere though. Can somebody confirm that this is supposed to work Thanks. javascript node.js..
Possible to make jqGrid Search Box Stay on Page? I'm not seeing anything in their demos but am hoping somebody has done it or knows how. javascript search jqgrid share..
Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content? if you have any question .. Cheers UPDATE 2 As stated by somebody jQuery is required for the javascript version to work BUT you..
Check if cookies are enabled I came up with my own approach and thought I would share somebody else might be able to use it maybe I will get a few critiques...
On - window.location.hash - change? get to run some setup code for any event the first time somebody attempts to use the event in any way such as binding to the..
onclick=“” vs event handler if I write code using the onclick attribute and ask somebody else like a co worker to fix a bug on somePage when..
How to iterate through all attributes in an HTML element? question This would work in IE Firefox and Chrome can somebody test the others please &mdash Thanks @Bryan for var i 0 i elem.attributes.length..
Is it correct to use JavaScript Array.sort() method for shuffling? JavaScript Array.sort method for shuffling I was helping somebody out with his JavaScript code and my eyes were caught by a section..
How to open mailto links in new tab for users that have gmail as the default mail handler? links like so a href # data mailto Mail Somebody a Then set a click handler for those. 'a data mailto ' .click..
Serving high res images to retina display add load for developer as well as bandwidth for mobile. Somebody don't suggest doing that. Peter Paul Koch see the bottom further..
CasperJs and Jquery with chained Selects sure that the web site use Jquery for to do the ajax call. Somebody has or know a clean way for create this case with casperJs ..
Geolocation provider for Firefox that allows manual input overly complicated. Any ideas Thanks Ideal Scenario Somebody implements an add on where a google map appears and I can pick..
How to draw an oval in html5 canvas? shape. Is it possible to draw an oval with 2 bezier curves Somebody expierenced with that My purpose is to draw some eyes and actually..
Evaluating a string as a mathematical expression in JavaScript string math numbers share improve this question Somebody has to parse that string. If it's not the interpreter via eval..
Shouldn't window.screen.width/height correspond to actual screen width/height? talking about it here . Probably fixed in Honeycomb. Somebody claims it takes some sizes as if the soft keyboard would be..
How can I write an async method in JavaScript when posting or looping? [closed] calling a function not after looping. How can I do this Somebody on a blog wrote that I can use an async method. How can I use..
Fullscreen Web App for Android but all solutions which I tried are inoperative. Somebody know the solution javascript android html5 web applications..