javascript Programming Glossary: so..
Twitter Bootstrap with Primefaces (JSF) included one... PrimeFaces 3.2 comes with jQuery 1.7.1 So... Remove the script src resources js jquery 1.7.2.js script from..
Calculate the bounding box's X, Y, Height and Width of a rotated element via JavaScript rectangle All are properly reporting the X Y except FF. So... the X Y issue seems to exist for FF only How very odd Also.. so I have a tiny bit of tinkering before the jFiddle... So... what's up FireFox That ain't cool man The Plot Thickens..... moves to 10 10 then re rotates resulting in an X Y of 5 25 So... I want the element to end up at 10 10 post rotation but thanks..
Why does “,,,” == Array(4) in Javascript? slice that might be why but ... Array 4 Returns False . So... why I know it's some idiosyncratic bit of duck typing in Javascript..
jQuery ajax load() java script not executing? it with 1 http call if you did it by normal non ajax way. So... the best solution is to get 2 things with 1 call the HTML and..
page loaded differently with jQuery-mobile transition I am new to jQuery mobile and jQuery and HTML5 and JS. So... can someone explain to me what is the difference between a..
jQuery global variable best practice & options? page from scratch as the business cannot justify it. So... it is what it is. Anyway I need to pollute I really tried not..
Comet VS Ajax polling is a latency problem if I send request every 3 4 seconds. So... If the latency 3 4 seconds doesn't matter Is Ajax Polling better..
How can I defer loading UpdatePanel content until after the page renders? reporting process and render the report when it's done. So... my theory is to use RegisterStartupScript to kick this off..
How do I remove :hover? same action but I want to add a small transition effect . So... How can I do this I am using jQuery. javascript jquery share..
Help understanding jQuery's jQuery.fn.init Why is init in fn that this local jQuery becomes the global jQuery . So So... this local jQuery was actually jQuery.fn.init right So what..
How to sort a Javascript object, or convert it to an array? force Javacript to treat it as one or anything like that. So... how do I get Javascript to let me treat this data as an array..
Accessing the SVG data through JavaScript to call toDataURL on the canvas and get your PNG back. So... I suppose for your specific needs of Client modified SVG Canvas..
How do you get content from another domain with .load()? restriction does not exist in most server side scripts. So... Javascript #google html .load google html.php PHP in google..
JavaScript Object Method Chaining: useful? [closed] Object Method Chaining useful closed So... messing around in JavaScript with an idea that's new to me..
Android webview SKIPS javascript even with setJavascriptEnabled(true) and WebChromeClient The page is loaded I can see the content with picture. So... the code is working as expected. I noticed that sometimes the..
Ruby On Rails 3.1 - assets pipeline - assets rendered twice as we would have to precompile assets each time. So... Assets are rendered twice when precompiled locally in development..
Dealing with Scope in Object methods containing 'this' keyword called by Event Listeners var myDog new Dog tye dog1 So... my questions are 1 What are some strategies for attaching objects..
Logical operator || in javascript, 0 stands for Boolean false? 0 The number NaN All other values are equivalent to true. So... var test 0 1 returns 1 . If it was var test 0 false undefined..
Is it right to think of a Javascript Function Expression that uses the 'new' keyword as 'static' need a constructor or instantiated. So I created it like so... var gameData new function May need this later this.init function..
How can I overlay SVG diagrams on Google Maps? result. But I have around 3000 arcs and circles to draw so... javascript google maps svg share improve this question ..
How to create a jQuery plugin with methods? is an object or null . Then you can call the methods like so... 'div' .tooltip calls the init method 'div' .tooltip calls the..
rails and backbone working together a real application do you use both backbone and rails If so... When do you use a backbone.js model vs. a rails model Maybe..
How can I pass variables between controllers in AngularJS? it is undefined. However if I try to pass it in like so... function Ctrl2 scope Ctrl1 scope.prop2 Second scope.both Ctrl1.prop1..
Which takes less memory: a Javascript array or Javascript object? I don't know a ton about Javascript engine internals so... The reason I ask is because that array when converted to a..
THREE.js Ray Intersect fails by adding div to experiment. Also different browsers may act differently so... beware . Assume your HTML is something like this #canvas width..
Iterating through/Parsing JSON Object via JavaScript with jQuery Ajax JSON. I'm using a jQuery ajax post like so... .ajax type POST dataType json url data cmd escape.. through and make a div out of each student returned like so... div id student.full_name student.user_id student.stin..
endsWith in javascript but I need this too and I need it to work cross browser so... combining everyone's answer and comments and simplify it a..
How to escape HTML but you said you wanted to make entities out of things so... return str.replace uD800 uDBFF uDC00 uDFFF u0000 u001f u0080.. but you said you wanted to make entities out of things so... return str.replace uD800 uDBFF uDC00 uDFFF u0000 u001f u0080..
How can I hide select options with JavaScript? (Cross browser) needed to do this I have set their disabled attribute like so... 'option' .prop 'disabled' true I've then used the hiding where..
How to display image with javascript? create a re usable function that will create an image like so... function show_image src width height alt var img document.createElement..
How to check if element exists in the visible DOM? the contains method on DOM elements. You could use it like so... document.contains someReferenceToADomElement This part of the..
javascript large integer round because precision? (why?) values from 78764357878563790 to 78764357878563790 29 so... like you see if you run it you get true from i 8 to 24. So..
How does Facebook keep the header and footer fixed while loading a different page? to do is assign a click event handler to those links like so... var header document.getElementById 'header' var headerLinks..
Mysterious 'object doesnt support this method'error in IE8 on google.load jsFiddle to No wrap body and modify your function like so... function alert 1 google.load 'search' 1 alert google.setOnLoadCallback..