javascript Programming Glossary: sms
Is it possible to send SMS from phonegap HTML/Javascript application using Phone SMS API? to send an SMS. I tried this code window.location.href 'sms XXXXXXXX06 body Testing' which opens up a screen to manually.. body Testing' which opens up a screen to manually send the sms which I want to automate. Please note that I create an android..
jQuery Mobile : What is the order of page events triggering? app Ex when you click a link in the app which takes you to sms call or you just press device's home button . D When you restore..
Get Locale Short Date Format using javascript MM yyyy km KH yyyy MM dd cy GB dd MM yyyy bo CN yyyy M d sms FI d.M.yyyy as IN dd MM yyyy ml IN dd MM yy en IN dd MM yyyy..
Count characters/sms using jQuery characters sms using jQuery I count characters using NobleCount and the following.. the limit is reached the next 160 chars are for the second sms and so on. I can use parameters like on_update on_positive on_negative..
Calling phone sms api by use of phonegap using javascript phone sms api by use of phonegap using javascript I am new in phonegap.. some message as per user input.And one button for sending sms . I am using below code. script type text javascript var ComposeSMS.. document.test.message.value window.location.href sms contactno body messagetext form name test input type text name..
Is it possible to send SMS from phonegap HTML/Javascript application using Phone SMS API? it possible to send SMS from phonegap HTML Javascript application using Phone SMS API.. SMS from phonegap HTML Javascript application using Phone SMS API I've been trying to play with Phonegap and created a small.. created a small application in HTML Javascript to send an SMS. I tried this code window.location.href 'sms XXXXXXXX06 body..
How to write FireFox extension with Visual Studio using C# programming language? what I need. Extension to enter phone number and to send SMS Message. I draw it in Paint so I'm sorry for having no artistic..
Count characters/sms using jQuery c_settings char_rem I want a feature like counting SMS if the limit is reached the next 160 chars are for the second.. the length property on a string. To count the number of SMS messages needed you'll need to divide by 160 and round up because..
Calling phone sms api by use of phonegap using javascript using below code. script type text javascript var ComposeSMS function var contactno document.test.phonenumber.value var messagetext.. br input type text name message br input onclick ComposeSMS type button value Compose SMS text with number and body form.. br input onclick ComposeSMS type button value Compose SMS text with number and body form My problem is i am not getting..