javascript Programming Glossary: sniff
how to intercept Button click inside UIWebview on IOS? click of the button i redirect the page to a dummy URL. I sniff the URL using delegate method shouldStartLoadWithRequest and.. on button click. The only way to do this is to use the URL sniffing method mentioned above. This has been explained in detail..
Attach a body onload event with JS @end @ for Safari if WebKit i.test navigator.userAgent sniff var _timer setInterval function if loaded complete .test document.readyState..
how to get selected text from iframe with javascript? earliest version it will always be there you don't have to sniff for it. The URL encoding of multiple spaces is quite unnecessary...
Requirejs domReady plugin vs Jquery $(document).ready()? not be ready before I happen' Re the differences Both sniff out whether when the DOM is ready in essentially the same way...
Jquery success function not firing using JSONP point gets tripped and the correct response is returned I sniff the traffic . My problem is mainly that the success and failure..
Optimize website for touch devices of giving touch devices better user experience Other than sniffing user agent. Mozilla has a media query for touch devices... or include a custom touch CSS without user agent sniffing The main reason I asked was to make sure it's not possible.. page. For well known touch devices such as iPad you can sniff the user agent and set the touch stylesheet as the default...
How can I use Perl to grab text from a web page that is dynamically generated with JavaScript? to populate the div If so it should be pretty easy to sniff the request using Firebug and then duplicate it with LWP UserAgent..
How to getting browser current locale preference using javascript? way to switch languages. The correct place you should sniff to decide what language to use by default as configured by the..
Fixing javascript Array functions in Internet Explorer (indexOf, forEach, etc) than the MDC versions as it doesn't attempt to type sniff that you haven't done something silly like pass non function..
How do I send a cross-domain POST request via JavaScript? will send a OPTIONS method to the server. This is a sniff by the browser to see if the server is cool with you POSTing..
“javascript:void(0);” vs “return false” vs “preventDefault()” to grab the element ID from the link name. You can also sniff the location.hash on document load to open that element so the..
javascript:how to write $(document).ready like event without jquery loaded if yes fire the callback right away otherwise sniff for features document.addEventListener document.attachEvent.. wrappers like jQuery are good for they wrap the capability sniffing and ugly compatibility issues so that you can focus on something..
Why is browser sniffing not a recommended practice? is browser sniffing not a recommended practice You hear it all over the place.. You hear it all over the place using javascript to sniff the user agent string to detect browser versions is a Very Bad.. I should be testing against so it's much easier to just sniff for IE and use a different method. What could should I do instead..
Best way to determine user's locale within browser unhelpful. If I had to choose between those properties I'd sniff for ˜userLanguage first falling back to ˜language and only after..
CSS3 Transition Polyfill in advance of what browser vendor prefixes you need to sniff for. I've written a gist for the mechanism https
Detecting when Iframe content has loaded (Cross browser) isready true in its own scope and have the parent script sniff for ˜contentWindow.isready and add the onload handler if not..
Getting a reference to the global object in an unknown environment in strict mode of strict mode By the way my current approach is to sniff for global variables referencing the global object like this..