javascript Programming Glossary: signed_request
Passing a JavaScript Value to a PHP Variable (With Limitation) workaround by using the app_data GET parameter in Facebook signed_request object together with JSON encoding. Solving the Limitation Using..
How to check if a user likes my Facebook Page or URL using Facebook's API for Canvas advanced option Facebook will send a _REQUEST 'signed_request' along with every page requested within your tab app. If you.. page requested within your tab app. If you parse that signed_request you can get some info about the user including if they've liked.. or not. function parsePageSignedRequest if isset _REQUEST 'signed_request' encoded_sig null payload null list encoded_sig payload explode..
Retrieve Access Token Using Javascript API API This is a follow up to the topic Passing the signed_request along with the AJAX call to an ActionMethod decorated with CanvasAuthorize.. decorated with CanvasAuthorize Since I couldn't get the signed_request to be anything other than null I thought I'd authenticate the..
Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content? I posted here below here is some ruby code to decode the signed_request that facebook POST to your CANVAS URL when it fetches it for.. In your action controller decoded_request Canvas.parse_signed_request params signed_request And then its a matter of checking the.. decoded_request Canvas.parse_signed_request params signed_request And then its a matter of checking the decoded request and display..
New JS SDK with OAuth 2.0 saving subdomain in fbsr_ cookie? here http docs authentication signed_request Then you need to turn the code parameter in the cookie into.. args function get_new_facebook_cookie app_id app_secret signed_request parse_signed_request _COOKIE 'fbsr_' . app_id app_secret signed_request.. app_id app_secret signed_request parse_signed_request _COOKIE 'fbsr_' . app_id app_secret signed_request should now..
XD_Proxy popup won't close [closed] frame f7e77d918 access_token ... expires_in 6642 signed_request ... base_domain localhost My script is stripped down for clarity..
Safari 3rd party cookie iframe trick no longer working? maintain the requests post data and you would loose the signed_request if your application relies on signed request feel free to try.. . page_url sid session_id if isset _GET sid if isset _POST signed_request _SESSION signed_request _POST signed_request die header Location.. if isset _GET sid if isset _POST signed_request _SESSION signed_request _POST signed_request die header Location sid . sid if empty..