javascript Programming Glossary: sidenote
How to check in JavaScript if XMLHttpRequest object supports W3C Progress Events? e.g. using some timers to support those events Sidenote I have first found about W3C Progress Events in the context..
jQuery.each implementation differs from native Array.forEach makes sense to put the key before value in the callback... Sidenote I know underscore.js and maybe other libraries does it the other..
What does it mean that Javascript is a prototype based language? languages are certainly able to accomplish this as well. Sidenote @Andrew Hedges makes a good point that there are actually many..
JavaScript: How to detect that the Internet connection is offline? the user to check the connection and fail gracefully . Sidenote To put the entire application in an offline state may lead to.. continue using your app with a fair amount of forgiveness. Sidenote You could check a reliable site like google for connectivity.. is useful to you then it might be worth the trouble. Sidenote Sending a Ping could be achieved in the same way that you would..
How can I obfuscate JavaScript? most people find that to be more security than they need. Sidenote Obfuscation in Javascript has been known to cause some bugs....
Is there any good JavaScript hash(code/table) implementation out there? at our disposal.. which I'm almost certain that we do. Sidenote Is efficiency related to style Notice the performance hit ....
What is the scope of a function in Javascript/ECMAScript? in whatever scope it is declared just like a variable. Sidenote You probably don't want global variables especially not implied.. keyword to prevent confusion and to keep everything clean. Sidenote The ECMA Standard isn't probably the most helpful place to find..
In javascript, can I override the brackets to access characters in a string? aside the operators still haven't been overridden. Sidenote Developers who are accustomed to the conventions of strong type..
Javascript: open new page in same window location menubar toolbar scrollbars status' click here a Sidenote The following question gives an overview of an arguably better..
Use of 'prototype' vs. 'this' in Javascript? language What is the scope of a function in Javascript Sidenote There is not a real memory savings between the snippets in question...
Google Maps API, all markers opening the same infowindow with this code marker.bindInfoWindowHtml mess UPDATE As a sidenote because of closure any variable created in a for loop will be..
Mobile Safari back button event if event.persisted window.location.reload As a sidenote you can see lot of pages offering using empty onunload handler..
Setting name of DOM-created element fails in IE — workaround? ' input type hidden name ' name ' ' .val val .get 0 as a sidenote under the hood jQuery is doing what you describe in your question..
Get full height of a clipped DIV br content br content br content br content br p div sidenote wrapping content inside paragraphs is a good practice too plus..
setTimeout and “this” in JavaScript that case you'll need to read up on closures . Also as a sidenote you're setting yourself up for an infinite loop since method..
Convert Javascript string in dot notation into an object reference new value is sent into the function Swader Jun 28 at 21 42 sidenote sadly can't return an object with a Setter as that would violate..
How to convert dataURL to file object in javascript? object only Blob and FormData objects are needed. As I sidenote why don't you just send the base64 string to the server over..