javascript Programming Glossary: showimg
Can I get image from canvas element and use it in img src tag? Math.PI 180 Context.drawImage img cx cy cw ch function showImg imgFile if imgFile.type.match image. return var img document.createElement..
Horizontal scrolling and vertical scrolling in JqueryMobile [closed] startY endY thresholdY Math.abs startX endX swipeDistanceX showImg current left else if startX endX Math.abs startY endY thresholdY.. startY endY thresholdY Math.abs startX endX swipeDistanceX showImg current right else if startY endY Math.abs startX endX thresholdX.. startX endX thresholdX Math.abs startY endY swipeDistanceY showImg current up else if startY endY Math.abs startX endX thresholdX..